
Dbz Naruto Self insert

read to find out

ivebeenrobbed · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

Chapter 1

Twelve years later


Goku ducked under the kick Narumi sent at his head and flew higher into the sky doged a ki blast sent by me I Blocked Narumis Punch and kicked her up in the air toward goku who smirked. Narumi then lunged at Goku, the two starting to trade blows with each other, though Narumi had the upper hand due to her speed and strength. Goku couldn't help but grit his teeth from the blows, finding himself quickly blocking more than attacking. goku yelled a burst of wind blew Narumi away.

I appeared in between them blocking Narumi's punch and gokus Kick Spinning them at fast speeds sending them crashing to the ground I appeared 10 ft infront of them got in afamilar stance and cupped my hands.


a Blue energy sphere formed in My hands

Goku and Narumi widen their eyes and got in their own stance

King Kai was below them, watching over the earth with a look of concentration. It didn't matter to him that the three Saiyans were currently having their daily spar, he had more important things to worry about. "haa... me..," Goku readied as he was in position while Narumi had her own red energy ready to be released. "H-"

"OH NO!"

All three Saiyans stumbled a bit, while Bubbles dropped the dirty plates he was about to clean. The two blinked as they looked towards their trainer who was very antsy, "Um, there a problem King Kai?" Narumi asked as the three floated down. Meanwhile My eyes widen and face palmed

Narumi glanced at me suspisiously

"I miss calculated!" King Kai admitted, causing Narumi to glare at me I started sweating at Narumis glare while Goku looked confused. "The two saiyans! Their coming sooner than expected!"


yyyy/nnnn!!! Narumi glared Harder at me

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly "Sorry naru~chan I kinda forgot!!!!"

Narumi took a step toward me was stopped by king kai "

Don't Blame him he told me everything besides it was my fault !Besides I was so busy training you guys I forgot to really check!" King Kai grumbled. "They will becoming in at least one in a half months.

Me Narumi and Gokus eyes widen in shock and horror "b-but It said they would be here in 2 months?"

King kai nodded his head "that maybe true but lets not forget this is an alternate dimention from the one you saw not only that but since both narumi and You are from a different dimension that probably has already effected the timeline."

"That will give me enough time to teach you the Spirit Bomb and Kaioken," he looked to Goku.

Narumi eyes widen as I smiled excitedly key points to dbz spirit bomb kioken kamehameha

"King Kai, is there a way to contact my friends? I need to let them know what's going on. They still think the Saiyans are coming in a year," he reminded with King Kai nodding. He then guided the Saiyan to put his hand on his back and the Kai concentrated as much as he could.

Me and Narumi stood off to the side. Narumi was watching with a thoughtful expression. Apparently she and Y/n wouldn't be going with Goku to Earth, not yet at least. He still had training to finish, which would take several more months. The redhead wasn't really sure how she felt about it, but it really didn't matter.

She then glanced to y/n wondering what he must be feeling. His entire fantasy world was becoming real but at the same time its diffrent mostlikely because we were here. Hopefully he would know that if anything bad happens its not his fault.

She looked him up and down He was a lot buffer then he was when she first saw him More filled in more handsome She wondered what it would be like dating him. she blushed at the thought then glanced at her own reflection Nothing has changed much with my body maybe my breast and my butt why? Maybe it was because she was dead? Her attention then went back to Goku and Y/n. Y/n Smirked as Goku gave her his signature silly grin,

"Okay! Lets finish where we left off!"