
Days in hell

_Fred_William · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

First Class

Don't speak to me so casually ,,,I am not your buddy,,you know ,,,,I am Raiden the demon with Thunder magic ,,you know...said Raiden ...

Sorry about that ,,,it's just that I never thought something like this would happen to me ..said Kudo

What do you mean by something like this,,,said Raiden ..

Just that I never thought that I will be able to talk to a demon,,,you see,,it's like a hilarious dream for me till now ...said Kudo ...

I am really inside of this shitty body ,,you know and also for real,,,and don't you dare try to put salt in the wounds,,or else I will kill you ,,,said Raiden..

Yay,,yay ,,.. meeting you has been nothing but a bother for me to you know,, said Kudo....

On the night after the fight with the ogre ,,when Kudo went to sleep..

Hey ,,you squeak..said Raiden...

Huh ,,,what is this place ,,,where am I ,,is it a place that I should have known ...blabbered Kudo ..

You brat ,,,what was your name again,,it was something like ko...ku...said Raiden

It's Kudo ,,,where am I ,,and who are you ,,where are you from ,,are you the demon present in me ,,and also can you use magic or not ,,..asked Kudo ...

One question at a time damn it ,...For starters ,,I am demon ,,,myself Raiden the thunder demon ...replied Raiden...

Wait a sec ,,demons have names ,,thats not what I imagined.. hilarious right ,,,said Kudo

Who do you think we are ,,we are honourable demons ,,,we have a class of our own according to our strength ,,and also thats not hilarious ...said Raiden ...

So what's your status ,,,asked Kudo ..

What do you mean ..replied Raiden ..

You just said that that you have something like status or class which helps you to identify your rank as a demon and also indentifying your strength ,,right ,,,said Kudo ..

Ahh ,,about that ,,it's personal so I can't tell you ...said Raiden ...

It seems to me like you are a weakling ,,and thus you were thrown out ,,and now living inside of me as a freeloader ,,..said Kudo ..

You really piss me off ,,,and just to your complain I can use magic which are stronger than yours ...said Raiden ..

Can you please somehow help me to wake up now ,,I might get late for the academy ..said Kudo ...

Actually ,,I am the real deal and how can you say that after talking with me that long ,,and also you have not even slept yet ...said Raiden ...

Now I see ,,I am in my house only ,,,then why didn't you help me during my fight with the ogre ,,were you too weak or what ...said Kudo ...

Weak,,huh,,,you are too much to be called as a brat ,,as for the help ,,you were too weak to control my power ,,if I were to lend you power now ,you will go berserk until you die,,...said Raiden ..

Than you should have done it ,,it was your chance to be free,,,no..no..wait just a sec ,,is there something like if I die you too will die ...said Kudo ...

As I thought ,,you are too perceptive to be called a brat ,,..said Raiden ...

So,,hey Raiden do you sleep ,,,asked Kudo ..

Don't call me like we are buddy,,,buddy ,,and yes I do sleep a little though ,,why so ??,asked Raiden ...

So can you just let me go for now ,,I am too tired to talk right now ,,and also I have academy tomorrow ,,,not a loafer like you ,,I have plans for tomorrow ,,said Kudo ...

Damn you little,,I take back if by any chance I praised you ,,now get lost and just so you know you can talk to me anytime now.. ,, ,..said Raiden ..

So you were feeling lonely as well,,okay then if needed...said Kudo ..

Go and rot in heaven ,,said Raiden ...

Heaven,,thanks for that and good bye ...said Kudo ...

Talking to you was a big pain in the ass,,,I am still half asleep now ,,...said Kudo ..

Your fake expressions were quite good ,,as I have already told you that demons have names and all...said Raiden ...

So do you know about their ranks or anything ...asked Kudo ...

If I knew than also I would have never told you ,,thats confidential information ,,said Raiden ...

That means you don't know ,,you are so worthless...said Kudo ...

Scumbag ...said Raiden ..

Talk to you later it's time for class..said Kudo ..

Ya ,,ya go and ignore me all you want ,,you will pay for this someday ...said Raiden ...

Kudo enters the class ...

Hey Kudo come over here ,,called Nemo ..

How did you find a seat in such a crowded class..asked Kudo ..

That's my ability you know ,,just kidding ,,do not bother with that ,,just focus on what our first period is going to be ...said Nemo ...

Hey little Kudo ,,we are in the same class ..shouted Mikato ..

Why is this monkey in our class ..said Kudo

What you are calling me wait a minute I am coming ... Mikato shouted and rushed towards Kudo...

I didn't call you,moron.... said Kudo,,, ...

Don't be so mean,little Kudo I only want to know what short of things you and prsident discussed...said Mikato

ooh that is just between Kudo and prsident...said Nemo(with a sneaky face) "why are you so mean, just tell me already begged Mikato

This is non of your business,you moron said Kudo,,,Mikato went back to his domain (towards the back seat)by saying "ok ok I am letting you off the hook this time...

Teacher entered the class, She is a not soo young not soo old,a perfect middle aged lady aroud her late thirties,,,She had blonde with some red shades hairs ...

Her hairs so pretty ...said Nemo ....to himself

Teacher siad "I am your home room teacher, for this year, and my name is Shizuka Hiratsuka, any questions...

No one responded.."ok so ,today I am not feeling like teaching ,so lets go for physical traning...said Mrs Shizuka...

So every body went towards the traning ground,except three students Kudo,Nemo and Mikato..

"Why are you here? you should be with the other students Nemo.... said Mikato.

No thats not necceary the prsident gave me ,

permission to train with you all, because I know about your Demons and all and she said she will train me personally ...said Nemo ...

let's go to presidents office to ask what to do..said Kudo. "ya ya whatever, lets go ...siad Mikato...(while going towards prsident office)

Nemo asked "hy Kudo is there a reason that our teachers hairs colour is so different"

Don't know ,,,and also I have no interest in all that ... replied Kudo ...

Knock!!! Knock!!!

Hey president it's us three...said Nemo ...

Yes come in ..so why did you come here for ...asked President....

Right to the chase ,,huh...said Kudo...

Our first class turned out to be a physical session,,,and so we came here ....said Nemo ....

Yes ,,to be trained personally by you ...said Mikato ...

I am not free you know ,,,I told that I would train you after school is over ,,,and also I will train you especially on how to use your demons power...so you can have your physical training with rest of the pupils ...said President...

As you two have heard ,,, let's go for now ...said Nemo ...

Don't let her play with you Nemo ...said Kudo ....

Yaya let's go now ...said Nemo ...

They entered the training grounds...

Hey teach so what are we going to do today ...asked Mikato ....

You three are going to clean the toilets for today ,,,the best training for some late commers ...said Miss Shizuka

What!!!! shouted Mikato ....