
Dawn of Mythic

After a major global war, the world of Herusel was at peace. Mortals have made peace with those they once considered enemies. Humans, Demons, Elves, etc. On the highest mountain that exists in Herusel lived a specific group of people, followers of a Legendary “Great One”, a being who once fought in the war. These people were called the “Clara-Cordis.” Ferrum was an orphaned boy adopted by the Grandmaster of the Clara-Cordis after they were brutally slaughtered by an unknown assassin. He grew up alongside the Grandmaster’s son and daughter. As he reached into his teenage years, his village was attacked and the clan massacred. Only a few remained, however Ferrum was not one of the few. However, that fateful day he was chosen, but by whom? Possessing the power of a Forgotten Legend, Ferrum must find out why his clan was slaughtered by the empire’s imperial forces and discover the dark secrets of Herusel.

Omega_Nero · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

III - Ferrum's Beginning

Ferrum opened his eyes and found himself in a strange place.

The skies hosted several moons. The floor flooded with water and nothing but darkness in the distance.

"Where am I?" Ferrum said, and then he heard a splash. Suddenly, his body was overrun with fear. Chills constantly went up his spine and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

"Wake up…" a deep voice said. Ferrum slowly turned around, and a massive shadow looked over him.

"Wake up…" The voice said again. Ferrum, still confused, just continued to stare at the figure until they were right in front of his face.

"Wake up, Vesper!"

Ferrum quickly jumped from his futon. Heavy breaths took over him as he frantically looked around.

He was in his room, and with him were Zera, Randivo, and an apothecary.

"Ferrum! You're finally awake!"

Zera ran up to Ferrum and hugged him. Ferrum looked around, puzzled.

"You were asleep for a whole day, brother. You missed my coronation."

"Oh, shut up brother! No one cares!" Zera hissed back. Randivo rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

"Ferrum, you scared us."

"I… I did?"

Zera let go of Ferrum as the apothecary approached him. She handed Ferrum some medicine, a worried look on her face.

"My lord, you must take this medicine." The apothecary said in a rushed and worried manner.


"My Lady, I must speak with you and the Grandmaster outside. I would also like for your mother to hear this, too."

Zera watched as the apothecary left the room. She looked at Ferrum and put her hands on his shoulder.

"Everything is alright, Ferrum. I'm sure she's just overreacting. Just take your medicine, ok?"

Before Ferrum could even answer, Zera left the room.

Ferrum stared at the medicine in his hand. He settled it down and walked over to his window. He looked outside and sat next to it.

He slowly picked up his medicine before taking a sip of it. It was bitter, but it's not the worst thing he's ever tasted.

After he finished it, Ferrum glanced at his door, where he could see the silhouette of his family and the apothecary. He looked specifically at Zera before at Randivo.

"Grandmaster, huh? Good for you, Randivo."

As Ferrum went to settle the cup down, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.


Ferrum fell down, the cup shattering on the floor. Immediately, the four outside the room came in. Randivo rolled Ferrum over on his back before lifting him up.

"Brother! Hang in there!"

Zera quickly came to Ferrum's other side, and the two supported him, leaning him against a wall.

"Apothecary, fetch more medicine! NOW!!" Randivo yelled. The apothecary nodded as she ran out the door.

"It's alright brother. Just hang on."

Ferrum started to hyperventilate as his vision started to blur.

"This is… the same illness Gerui fell to." Their mother said. Randivo and Zera glanced at their mother before at Ferrum.

"No…" Zera muttered.

"W-water…" Ferrum whispered before blood dripped from his nose.

"Damn it! I need a doctor! Someone get a doctor!!"

The newly appointed Grandmaster, Randivo Shiron's yell echoed through the entire village that day.

As the evening settled, Zera and her mother rested in Ferrum's room. Randivo had left to perform his duties. Ferrum laid on his futon and his appearance was rather sickly. His skin became pale and his breathing was slower than usual.

"How long does he have, mother?"

"From the moment the symptoms first appeared, he lived for three and a half days before falling to this illness."

A despaired look formed on Zera's face as she turned to Ferrum.

She shook her head, not wanting it to be true. She then looked at her hand, flames lighting in his palm.

"I… with my flames I think I can-"

"You cannot rid a curse with flames." Zera's mother said.

"But you don't know that! I didn't have these powers when dad was cursed with the illness! But now I do! I can heal others! I am sure that I can heal-!"

"Zera, my beautiful girl."

Her mother got close to her and hugged her.

"You foolish girl. The Phoenix's flames may give life, but it cannot rid a curse that is bound to the soul. You will cause more harm than good."

Zera tried everything to deny it, but her tears would eventually break her. Her mother comforted her as she wept silently, but that was interrupted when Randivo bursted into the room along with three people dressed in combat clothes.


Randivo looked at his sister and mother before turning to Ferrum.

"All of you! Get my brother and sister out of here! Mother, you will come with me!"

"What? What is happening!?" Zera demanded answers as she watched Ferrum being carried out of the room.

"Sister, the village is under attack! I need you to go with Ferrum! They are already at the gates of the temple. You will escape the way father caught us at."

"Under attack!? How did you let that happen!?"

"We are not being attacked by normal fellows, Zera. They have a Mythic! Two of them!"

Zera's eyes widened before looking out the window. She spotted a figure floating in the sky, dropping orbs of energy onto the village.

"I may have unlocked a strong Myth, but I can barely manifest its full powers. Even so, I will buy you all some time."

"What do you mean buy time!?"

"My duties require me to stay and protect what's left. If all else fails, I will find a way to escape."

Randivo glanced at his mother. She sighed and turned to Zera.

"Go. Me and your brother will handle this."

Zera gulped as she gave her mother a hug before sprinting after her brother and the rest.

Randivo turned to his mother before leaving the room, his mother following.

The two descended the stairs before stopping when a figure landed in front of them.

"Grandmaster Shiron. Or should I say, Jearer?" The figure said as they turned into a man clad in wicked armor.

Noticing the insignia on the man's armor, Randivo clutched his hands in anger.

"What is the meaning of this!? Why is the Hurie Empire attacking us!? We have no bad blood between us!"

"Well, our emperor has decided that your clan is of no use to us. Today, your clan dies."

The man cackled as he transformed into a grotesque humanoid demon.

Randivo looked at his mother and she nodded. Randivo placed his hand on the middle of his mother's chest and it glowed.

"It's time. Offer me your power." Randivo said. His mother nodded. His mother soon shaped into a blade made of crystal-like material, energy flowing through the blade.

Randivo's eyes glowed with divine radiance as he got into a fighting stance. Then he darted forward, clashing with the man.

Meanwhile, Zera and the other three carrying Ferrum ran to the backyard. Zera searched for the opening she and her brothers used to sneak out and quickly descend the mountain with before their father caught them.

"Please hurry, my Lady! Your brother will only be able to hold out for so long!"

"Don't rush me!"

After some time, she found it and quickly told the others to hurry.

As the three carrying Ferrum went to leave, one of them was quickly snatched away and lifted into the air.


Zera quickly spun around, seeing one of her subordinates in the air being held by a giant bird claw.

"And where do you think you are going?" A high-pitched woman's voice said.

A demonic harpy flew in the air before landing on the claw holding the subordinate. She opened her maw and screeched before consuming the subordinate's head.

"You!" Zera walked forward but was held by her subordinates.

"My Lady! You must flee with your brother! We will take care of her!"

The two ran forward and began casting spells at the harpy. The harpy grinned as it unleashed a violent wave of heat at the group.

Zera picked up Ferrum and they began heading towards the opening. Then Ferrum stopped her.


"No… escape with them. I will fight." Ferrum managed to muster under his breath.

"But brother, you are-"

"I heard about my… curse. If I really only have that long left, then let me trade my time for you guys. It's the best I can do. Your lives are worth more than mine."

"Ferrum, I-"

The two fighting the harpy were flung towards the siblings. Randivo crashed into the yard and landed in front of them, a shattered sword in his hands.


An injured Randivo turned and dropped his blade, the blade which was once his mother's soul, shattered into millions of pieces. He had a large gash over his left eye and several cuts over his arms.

"What are you doing?" He asked in an exhausted tone.

Ferrum pushed Zera away and stood in between them and the harpy.

"Go. Randivo, run with Zera. I will… buy you time." Ferrum said with labored breaths.

"Are you crazy!? With your condition-!"

Zera grabbed Randivo's wrist and when Randivo noticed the look in Zera's eyes, he shook his head.

Randivo reached towards Ferrum, but the latter ran forward to fight the harpy. From there, the siblings knew they could not stop him.

"So long, brother."

The harpy launched several blades feathers at the group, but they were knocked back by a blinding light.

"Why do you weaklings always get in my way!?" The harpy screeched and dove towards them, but Ferrum tackled her towards the ground. Despite his weakened state, with his remaining strength, he was still able to fight back.

Ferrum quickly peeked over his head and when he saw the last person, Randivo, go into the opening and sealing it off, he knew he had finished his job.

"Stay safe…"

The harpy lifted into the air, Ferrum holding onto her. The harpy dove into the ground, slamming Ferrum's body down.

The latter coughed up blood but still got up. He cupped his hands together, forming a ball of silver light in his hands. He then fired a wave of light at the harpy.


The harpy blocked the wave with her wings and responded with a barrage of fireballs. Seconds later, Ferrum was engulfed in smoke.

The harpy snickered as she landed on top of the Shiron family's house. The knight Randivo fought earlier appeared next to her.

"Where are the Grandmaster and his sister going?"

"They fled through a tunnel of some sort. The entrance is sealed off. However, I expect our men to find them. If not, then we have two fugitives on the loose."

"So, how do you think the empire will cover this up?"

"What do you mean? Nobody even knows this clan exists except his majesty and a select few."

The knight looked down at the sealed entrance before at Ferrum.

"And what of him?"

"The boy? Apparently, he's their brother. Though he's bound to die soon. What do you think we should do with him?"

The knight turned before lifting his sword up. Ferrum looked up at him when, suddenly, he felt something pierce his back.

"No survivors. He must die." The knight said, his sword piercing Ferrum's back.

Ferrum felt his strength seep away slowly as he lost more blood. The knight retracted his blade from Ferrum's back and grabbed hair, lifting him up.

"Why don't you tell us where they are going before you die?" He asked and all Ferrum did was spit blood at his face.

"Fuck you! Do whatever you want. I'm a dead man either way."

The knight chuckled and shook his head before slitting Ferrum's throat. Ferrum choked on his blood before the life in his eyes was sucked away.

"Well then, that is that. I believe we have completed our mission."

"Except we didn't capture the Grandmaster and Yurigan, but whatever makes you happy. Just know you'll be telling his majesty and the general how you let them escape."

The harpy grinned as she reverted into her human form. She ran up to the knight and wrapped her arms around him.

"Who cares about them? All I know is that you'll be making me happier when we get into bed together."

The knight stared at her before taking his helmet off.

"You always bring this up at the worst time, Veranda."

He gave her a kiss, and Veranda smiled.

"Julio, there is never a worst time for love."

The two kissed deeply. After some time, they walked down the stairs, where their soldiers were grouped up at the bottom. One of them gave the report to them and eventually headed for the gate.

Suddenly, the two felt a disturbance in the air and when they turned, a pillar of light ascended into the sky.

"Isn't that-?" Veranda began.


Seconds later, a feeling of dread and despair overwhelmed the soldiers. Julio and Veranda felt it too, but it didn't affect them as much as it did to the soldiers.

"What is this feeling?" Veranda's breathing became shaking. Julio quickly transformed and lifted into the air.

As the light dissipated, a massive dragon stood there, its pitch black body glowing pale golden. As it spread its wings, light fired all over the place, causing multiple explosions through the already torn village.

It let out a bloodcurdling roar and a ray of light shot out from its mouth into the sky, parting the clouds.

"You reckon that's the boy!?" Veranda asked, noticing the dragon was standing in the spot Ferrum had died.

"Maybe. However, Dragon or not, he's nothing special. Anyone can awaken a Dragon Myth these days."

Veranda, transforming into her harpy form, flew next to Julio.

"Then why don't we have fun?"

Julio smirked as he and Veranda dashed forward. The dragon noticed them approaching.

It roared before shooting up into the sky. Veranda accelerated towards the dragon, firing multiple wind blades at it. The blades struck the dragon's wings, tattering a small portion of it.

The dragon grunted as it turned around. It's body blocking the moon. It growled as its wings glowed brightly.

[Crashing Lightstorm]

Suddenly, a multitude of light rained down from the dragon's wings.

"What the-?"


Julio quickly tackled Veranda away as a light bullet flew past them. When it struck the ground, a massive explosion occurred. This happened for more than a minute; a storm of explosions set off in every part of the village and eventually it was more than the village that erupted. The mountain and structures supporting the village itself began to crumble.

"What in the overseer's name is this?" Julio thought to himself as the village was now completely wiped away. His men caught in the explosion as well.

"Julio, what should we do?"

Julio looked at the dragon who had spotted them. The dragon's eyes glowed as two spheres of light appeared in its hands. It roared as it threw the spheres at the two. Julio and Veranda quickly flew the other direction, the spheres quickly catching up to them.

Veranda turned and fired fireballs at the light sphere. The sphere absorbed the fireballs and continued to chase after her.


Meanwhile, Julio tried to lose the light sphere but it seems that it locked onto him. Every move he made the sphere followed.

Then an idea appeared in his head. He started to fly towards Veranda and when she noticed him coming towards her; she figured out what he was trying to do.

The two flew closer to each other and as soon as they were just inches away from each other, they parted away and the spheres collided, creating an explosion.

"That was close." Julio said as he reunited with Veranda.

"I think it is our turn to fight back, don't you think?" Veranda asked and Julio shook his head.

"He's too strong. I have never seen any level of destruction like this. I fear that if we stay here any longer, we will die."

"So we are going to return to the empire empty handed?"

"Better than dying here."

The two agreed to leave, but as soon as they moved from their spot, the dragon appeared next to them, its face just a few meters away.

The two turned and light shone from the dragon's mouth.

"Damn lizard!"


[Punisher Flash]

A gigantic energy wave shot from the dragon's mouth. Fortunately, the two managed to evade it, though barely. The wave shot towards the sky and disappeared into the atmosphere.

"I'm getting tired of this thing!" Veranda shouted, launching an endless wave of wind blades at the dragon's wings. Julio followed along with a barrage of blades formed using dark energy.

They both aimed at one side of the dragon's wings.

Smoke covered the dragon and seconds later, the dragon flew the other way, its damaged wing torn up.

"Looks like it's fleeing! We can take it down!"

Veranda flew forward, but Julio stepped in front of her.

"No, we are done here. Unless you want to be food for that thing, then let's go. We still have to report everything that happened here."

The two watched the dragon soar across the skies as it flew further and further. Soon, they flew the other direction, returning to their empire.