
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · แฟนตาซี
77 Chs


"Done!! When you reach the subterranean city go to the Guard central post which is at the city centre. Give it to the guards and they will take it to him to check, all the arrangements after that will be taken care by him" Fred said while handing Wade the letter.

Wade nodded and stored the letter very careful in his personal pouch, "Thank you, Mentor!"

"Ok, now go or you would miss the airship," Fred said while waving his hand.

Wade bowed his head and then went out of the lab straight towards the departure area. When he reached the elevator that he would take him to the spot to enter the airship he noticed Mike standing near it.

There were many people like him with bags in their hand being dragged along as they would enter the elevator, but most of them were at the 4th Rank while some rank 3 and 5 could be seen in between.

Mike was a Rank 2 Apprentice, as he stood there many of the apprentices looked towards him with contempt because with one look at him and they could tell that he was weak, so nobody really paid any attention to him and went on their way.

Mike could easily see and understand from the looks in their eyes that he was not welcomed but he had to wait, he had first gone to Wade's room to talk to him but when he reached there he saw that the room was locked so he could only come here to meet him.

While Mike was thinking whether Wade had already boarded the ship he saw him coming towards him with two trolley bags trailing behind him, as soon as he saw him Mike started pacing towards Wade as he wanted to finish his talk fast and just leave this place.

"Wade, you are finally here. I thought I might have missed you since I couldn't find you at your room"

"Well, I had gone to meet Mentor as he had something he wanted me to deliver to one of his friends in the subterranean city, also as I would be gone for a long time I thought it would be better that I bade him farewell face to face," Wade said.

"That's good as a mentor always takes care of us. As for the reason I wanted to meet you I think you already know"

"Yeah, so what has your family decided," Wade asked

"They said that you were a very promising future Potion master and thus they agreed to make the deal with you. They said that they would like to monopolise 70% of the potions you make for giving a 7% discount.

As for the more details that there might be in the contract they said that you can go to our main store, The Five season for in-depth understanding and signing in the subterranean city"

"Ok, no problem. I think it would take me two months to reach the city if no problem arises in between. Once I reach there and find a place to stay I will go to the store to sign the contract" Wade assured

"Good, then I won't take much of your time as it is almost time for the airship to set off. I hope you have a safe journey" Mike said

"Thanks and Goodbye" Wade said

After that, he went straight to and took a deep breath to ride an old elevator-looking mechanism.

"Take out your exit pass!" A man's voice sounded. Wade hurriedly took out the red metal card that he received yesterday.


The elevator-like mechanism rose slowly and when it finally reached the top, the sound of gears could be heard. The two stone doors opened, and a beam of resplendent sunlight came shining in.

When he looked he could see a lot of people like him were waiting in the large hall behind the doors with their luggage.

The whole area seemed to be bustling with activity. There were many who were talking with each other and many had already formed a group.

As Wade silently walked around, many thoughts crossed his mind. "Every year at this time, there will be batches of apprentices risking their lives to come here and walk on a dangerous path to become a Sage. And right now, this is just my starting point!"

"Gather around! Gather around! Everyone gather according to the pass given you, and the respective professors will take charge! Do not wander off!" A white-bearded geezer shouted in the centre of the area.

His voice, however, was extremely piercing to the ears, as he used some kind of magic to make it resound throughout the camp.

"This has a much higher pitch than a trumpet!" Wade rubbed his ears, which felt like they had been trampled on, and hurriedly went towards the area that he had been assigned to according to the exit pass.

When he reached the area he saw the transportation he was going to take.

On the horizon, 3 massive black ships were slowly floating towards them.

As the ship approached, a massive shadow covered the whole camp, and it seemed as though darkness had descended upon the earth.

"Oh! Look!" "My God!" "How beautiful!"

The other people in the camp had also discovered the abnormalities, and many raised their heads, exclaiming in awe and shock.

Many of the people who were going to the subterranean world for the first time couldn't help but be amazed, it was not because they have never seen an airship before but because there was a huge difference between a normal airship and the one in front of them.

This airship was not only totally covered with magic lights shimmering all around it but there were many cannons placed on various spots of thr ship.

Even with all this, the ship didn't look ferocious because of its colour, instead it had some kind of charm to it.

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There would be 5 chps updated weekly

If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps

Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

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