
Meeting An Old Friend

For the next lesson, the beautiful teacher explained the movements. From the sole of the feet to the usage of muscles, to the lower leg, to the thigh—each detail was explained patiently.

Even for students who couldn't grasp it for a long time, she would seriously guide them.

Compared to the martial teacher in the school, her teaching was clearly much more meticulous.

But even so, when the lesson ended, only two to three students managed to learn roughly about 50% to 60%. One must know that these people clearly had good foundations and were at the elementary grade when it came to sword technique.

When the lesson ended, after the students left, the beautiful teacher walked over, bringing a wave of fragrance.

Her skin was fair and white, her features were gentle. Although she was beautiful, she didn't give any sense of encroachment. Rather, she exuded a quiet, beautiful, and gentle feeling.

Her body presented a mature woman's graceful and mesmerizing figure, causing Chen Shouyi's heartbeat to quicken as he looked at her. Both his face and ears were red.

Compared to those underripe female students at school, this type of mature beauty could make his heart race even more.

He hurriedly stood up and respectfully greeted, "I greet, Teacher!"

"My surname is Wang, so you can just call me Teacher Wang. I wish to understand a bit more about you. How's the foundation of your sword technique?" She didn't care about his reactions and just smiled.

"I've only learned the Bow Stance Pierce!"

The beautiful teacher passed the wooden sword in her hands over. "Can you show it to me? I wish to see your degree of progress, so I can better arrange you based on your grade."

"Oh, I see… okay, okay!" said Chen Shouyi nervously.

Yesterday, he was still able to face his fellow students with confidence. But now when he came face to face with this beautiful teacher, his cowardice seemed to resurface.

After Chen Shouyi received the sword, he took a deep breath and used the Bow Stance Pierce.

However, the moment his sword pierced out, he instantly felt somewhat vexed that his performance wasn't perfect before this beautiful teacher.

If he had been more relaxed and not so nervous, or had waited awhile more before unleashing the strike, he was sure that he would do it better.

"Very good. It's just that your strength is somewhat lacking. When you stepped out, it also felt a little awkward. How long have you practiced?" The beautiful teacher was somewhat surprised.

"Ha?!" Chen Shouyi completely didn't imagine that his lousy performance would actually bring about praise. He could only humbly reply, "Actually I'm not proficient yet. I practiced for a few… a few months?"

He initially wanted to say a few days, but in the end, he changed it to a few months instead. After all, it would be too much of an exaggeration if he said he had just practiced it for a few days. That clearly wouldn't conform to logic.

"Your talent in the sword isn't bad. Since your foundation is good, why don't we do it this way? There's a new high-grade sword technique lesson opening tomorrow at 1 p.m. You can come over." The beautiful teacher didn't suspect anything and spoke after thinking for a while.

"Thank you, Teacher Wang. Oh, by the way, how much is the fee?" Chen Shouyi suddenly remembered and asked.

"The fee I charge is slightly higher, roughly $8,000 for a period of twenty lessons. There will be one lesson per week."

Luckily, he had enough money and relaxed slightly.

Ever since he was young, he grew up underneath the pressure of Mother Chen and didn't really have any bad habits. For his monthly expenses, other than spending on food, he would have plenty of surpluses. That, in addition to the $7,000 transferred over by Mother Chen this morning, he had over $9,000 and it was enough to pay for the tuition class.

After Chen Shouyi handed over the money, he walked out of the martial training center. He checked the time and it was only ten o`clock.

Should he just head home?

A thought flashed through his mind. Just when he was prepared to head to the parking shed to take his bicycle, he heard someone calling him.

"Chen Shouyi?"

He glanced in the direction of the voice. This voice belonged to a somewhat familiar beautiful figure. She had clean short hair and looked extremely delicate and pretty under the not-so blazingly hot sun in the morning.

Beside her, there was an unfamiliar handsome-looking male student. He felt like this person should be her boyfriend.

He glanced at the young woman and spoke with some hesitation, "You are...Guo Qianqian?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see you here. You didn't change at all, you still look very honest!"

Guo Qianqian felt somewhat excited when she saw Chen Shouyi.

Chen Shouyi's emotions were also stirred up.

Both of them were fellow students in elementary school and had even shared the same desk before. She was one of Chen Shouyi's very few friends. Sadly, after junior high, she had gone overseas for her studies. At that time, Chen Shouyi had felt sad for a very long time. He didn't expect her to have returned.

"Let me introduce you two. This is my boyfriend, Lin Feng!" Guo Qianqian smiled.

Chen Shouyi suppressed his complicated feelings. He glanced at the man and politely greeted him.

Her boyfriend was tall and skinny, and his dress sense and external appearance looked ordinary. He basically didn't care about Chen Shouyi and merely nodded before starting to scroll through his phone.

"It's truly been a long time since we last met. Are you here for martial training tuition?"

"I only registered today."

"What a coincidence, my boyfriend also came to register today. He just registered for a high-grade sword technique lesson. Do you also plan to join a martial academy?" Guo Qianqian enthusiastically asked.

Chen Shouyi's heart gradually calmed down, he was no longer as agitated as earlier. He calmly smiled. "How can that be possible? My body quality is too lousy, so I'm only taking a step at a time."

At this moment, her boyfriend seemed to be somewhat impatient. He pushed his phone into his pocket and acted pretentiously, glancing at his watch. "It is pretty late now. Stop chatting, didn't we say we wanted to eat pizza earlier?"

"Alright, but Chen Shouyi comes along with us. Come, Lin Feng has a few discount coupons with him." Guo Qianqian spoke with politeness, looking extremely close with her boyfriend.

"There's no need to. I still need to rush home." Chen Shouyi noticed her boyfriend had an unsightly look on his face. Therefore, he laughed and rejected the invitation.

He watched as Guo Qianqian and her boyfriend left, and Chen Shouyi felt some emptiness in his heart. This feeling wasn't that of disappointment and wasn't to the point of being unbearable yet. It was like because he had never obtained her love before, so it was fine even if he lost it.

He quickly recollected his feelings. At the parking shed, he found his bicycle and rushed home.

After returning home, he discovered that his younger sister was not there. He wasn't too surprised by this. Her schedule had always been packed full of activities. Compared to the obscure and unknown Chen Shouyi, she was always the superstar among the students of her school. It was hard to see her at home during weekends and even weekdays.

"You registered already? If you are hungry, you can eat outside." Mother Chen placed a bowl filled with rice, meat, and vegetables before a customer, waving her hands as she spoke.

Today was the weekend and the time was still at 10.30 am; however, there were already quite a few guests in the restaurant. His parents were awfully busy.

"I've done the registration, and I will attend the class tomorrow at 1 p.m." Chen Shouyi didn't wish to mention the matter about the fee being $1,000 more expensive than expected in case Mother Chen nagged at him again. He then continued, "I will head outside to eat first."

"Gogogo, I feel frustrated when I see you standing here," Mother Chen spoke with a look of dislike on her face.

"Oh by the way, is the money enough?"

He was about to reach the door as Mother Chen asked.

"It is enough!"


He hurriedly finished his lunch outside and then returned to his bedroom with impatience. He locked his door and lay on the bed before entering the space filled with grey mist.

The memories today had already formed a piece of tender-looking leaf. He focused his attention on it and his consciousness was instantly pulled in.

As his memories flew past, he soon reached the scene in the training room of the martial training center.

"Today, I'm going to teach the 'slash' aspect of sword techniques. 'Slash', in a detailed analysis, can be split into motionless slash, small-stride slash, and large-stride slash…"

Chen Shouyi's heart stirred. His focus instantly turned to the beautiful teacher that had made him blush and quicken his heartbeat, causing him to be extremely nervous earlier. He audaciously and detailedly surveyed her, not letting off any details.

In this world, he was like the lofty and high-up god. There were no restrictions on all his actions.

Gradually, he discovered that there was nothing special about the beautiful teacher.

She also had a pair of eyes, a nose, and a mouth; there weren't many differences between her and the other females in the class. If one wanted to say that there was something different, that would be she was more mature, exuding a mesmerizing bearing.

Chen Shouyi kept staring at her to the point where he felt he could behave normally when he saw her again next time.

At this moment, the beautiful teacher had already finished her demonstration. But to him, it didn't matter, he only needed to replay the memory again.

When Chen Shouyi replayed the scene once more, he didn't waste any time now. His consciousness swiftly entered her body.

He couldn't help but admit that he always felt extremely awkward when entering the bodies of females. Not only was his chest area heavy as there were two more lumps of flesh, but he was also missing a part at his lower body, causing him to feel a sense of emptiness.

Luckily, Chen Shouyi had much experience in this. He quickly focused his mind.

Slashing was more complicated compared to piercing, as more muscles were involved. The scope of motion was also larger. Not only must his waist turn at a certain angle, but an intense shift in gravity also needed to occur simultaneously in his legs and body.

This was merely the motionless slash. Next, the small-stride slash and large-stride slash were even more complicated. The large-stride slash was especially so; just the 'Shrinking Ground into Inches' had to involve countless complicated muscle groups working together.

Luckily, he was already somewhat proficient in the Bow Stance Pierce, and his sword techniques were now at the elementary grade. He also had experience in controlling some muscle groups. In any case, it was the toughest from zero to one, but from one to two and two to three, it would be much simpler comparatively.

During the entire afternoon, he would frequently leap off his bed and wield his wooden sword. He would practice for half an hour before entering the memory space again to personally experience the particular muscle groups working together to exert the required force. When he was training the large-stride slash, he went to the living room instead because the space in his bedroom was insufficient.

It was like he was stepping on air and gliding through space. He would 'glide' to the east at times and 'glide' to the west. When the evening time approached, it could be said that he could barely be considered to have grasped the skill of the 'slash' aspect.