
Dawn Is Upon Us

After working hard and proving yourself you get elected to be a soldier in the kings army and his son finds a shine to you, not because of your looks, but because of the little encounter you two had, you ignore him and focus on your dream, but he makes it difficult.

josalin_josalin · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs



I got to the pack village, I got out and went inside where they had the lineup of new warriors, The Alpha apologized saying someone is late, I nodded my head and looked down at my phone seeing where my son is because he is the one who will be picking the new recruiters.

I tell the Alpha that I was going to head out and I did, once getting outside I walk near where it says my son is and I stop wants I see the pack master and two other girls, he slaps the darker hair girl and he went to do it again but by the time he raised his hand I was right behind him and grabbed his hand, in anger he turned to see me and his face went numb once he noticed it was me, "I'm sorry my king I didn't know you were here." he said as I let his hand go, "Leave!" I demanded, as he left she looked at me. I looked at her and saw her to look similar to someone I know, "What's going on?" I heard a voice behind her say, I looked up from her and saw my son, "Nothing important, let's head inside your both late." I said, he walked right up next to her, I looked at the other girl and said "Go back home.". We head inside and she gets into the line and I wait for my son to look over their charts.

My son looks at me and then looks back at them "We will pick only fifteen people today, and by looking at this chart I have picked." my son says looking at the names he underlined, he list everyone and after he does he leaves after handing me the clipboard, I looked over it and saw he didn't pick the only girl here who was on the top ranks, I went and talked to the alpha and got her on the list, I left to the car where my son is waiting and got in.

"What took you so long?" my son asked, looking over to me, "I had to add someone to the list." I said as I signaled the driver to go, he looked at me "And who is that?" he said in an angry tone, "That is none of your business." I said as I looked at my phone texting my beta, "I thought I was doing this for my team, not yours." he said, grabbing a drink, "Don't worry son, I picked someone who will be training with me." I said getting a drink for myself, "None of them are qualified to work with you father." He said taking a sip of his drink, "They will once I'm done, now let's end this conversation." I said, taking a sip of my drink, He nodded and I called one of my pack members to get ready for us.

We pull up to the Royal castle and they drive to the front doors, some of my pack members were waiting outside for me and two of my men open the door for my son and I, we got out and my son goes to the grounds to his training yard, and I head inside and go to my office as I ignore the members outside wanting to talk.

I sat down at my desk grabbed a bottle of whiskey from my bar behind me and poured me a glass, I turned back around and opened the folder that sat on my desk that I asked my beta to make sure was there when I arrived, I opened it to see her name in bold letters Isabella and above it was her picture and once I saw it I knew what I needed I new who she was and the only question I had left was does she know?