
Dawn Field

This story is going somewhere. Where it will end I do not know, might have an apocalypse happen or go to space, trust me I'm just as lost as you are. Will update weekly and I hope the plot stays consistent, guess I will find out!

Lovelylagging · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 3: I hate Goblins....

Seashell woke up early that morning, excited to continue her adventure in New Dawn. After getting dressed and grabbing her gear, she headed out to the nearby town to gather information about any new quests or areas to explore. She found a flyer posted on the town board advertising a dungeon crawl with a hefty reward for anyone brave enough to complete it. Seashell decided to take on the challenge in order to prove herself to her clan Knights of the Rising sun. If she could solo this quest she could prove herself as a capable player and be invited to clan events!

Seashell eagerly checked her stats as she picked up the quest from the town board.

Name: Seashell Level: 3

Class: Cleric

Stats: HP: 60/60

MP: 80/80

INT: 7 (+2 class)

VIT: 3

DEX: 4

AGI: 5 (+2 class)

STR: 2

DEF: 3

Seashell's gear consisted of a common Cleric wand, which was not very powerful but could be used for basic healing spells.

[Common Cleric Wand] (Staff, Common)

Level of equipment: 1

Equipment requirement: INT 3

Stats: +3 INT

Passives: None

Actives: None

Backstory/Remark: Seashell received this wand when she first joined the Cleric class. It's not very powerful, but it gets the job done when it comes to basic healing spells. Can also be used as a walking cane very effectively!

Seashell was excited to take on a new quest as a level 3 Cleric. She was ready to try out her new abilities and test her skills in battle. She packed her gear which consisted of a weak health potion that restores 50 health, and a common Cleric wand, and headed towards the designated location.

As she arrived, she noticed that the quest seemed straightforward, but as she entered the dungeon, the door behind her shut tight. Seashell knew that this wasn't part of the quest and began to panic. She could hear goblins in the distance, and they sounded angry.

Seashell kept her wand at the ready as she made her way through the dark and winding tunnels. As she rounded a corner, she saw a group of goblins guarding a chest. She tried to sneak past them, but they noticed her and charged at her.

Seashell stood her ground and readied her wand. She chanted a healing spell, and it caused the goblins to pause in confusion. Seashell took advantage of the moment and swung her wand like a club, striking one of the goblins in the head, knocking it out cold.

As the goblins swarmed around her, their beady eyes glinting with malice as they brandished their weapons. Seashell raised her wand, hoping to use it as a makeshift weapon. Seashell had never been in a real fight before, let alone one against several enemies at once. She stumbled backward, trying to dodge their attacks as best she could.

One of the goblins lunged at her, its sword gleaming in the dim light. Seashell closed her eyes and swung her wand wildly, hoping for the best. To her surprise, the goblin stumbled backward, clutching its head. Seashell had managed to land a lucky blow.

Encouraged by her success, Seashell continued to flail her wand around, trying to keep the goblins at bay. She managed to dodge most of their attacks, but one goblin managed to land a hit, slicing her arm with a rusty knife. Seashell yelped in pain and stumbled backward, feeling dizzy and disoriented.

The goblins closed in on her, sensing their victory was near. Seashell's mind raced as she tried to think of a way out. Suddenly, she remembered a skill she had learned as a cleric: Heal. She raised her wand and muttered the incantation, and a warm light filled the room. The goblins recoiled from the light, giving Seashell a moment of reprieve.

Feeling a renewed sense of strength, Seashell charged at the nearest goblin, swinging her wand with all her might. To her surprise, the goblin crumpled to the ground, defeated. Seashell whooped with joy, feeling a sense of pride in her accomplishment.

The remaining goblins closed in, their eyes filled with fury. Seashell fought with all her might, using her wits and her wand to keep them at bay. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the last goblin fell to the ground, defeated.

Exhausted but elated, Seashell collapsed to the ground and drank her only health potion restoring her hp back to 60, her wand clattering to the floor. She had done it. She had survived the dungeon, defeated the goblins, and come out victorious. She couldn't wait to see what treasures awaited her in the chest. However before Seashell could get to the chest a shadow loomed over her.

Seashell's heart pounded as she stared at the massive creature in front of her. The boss's name and health bar appeared above its head, "Gnarlroot, the Corrupted Treant" with 50,000 HP. Seashell's heart sank as she looked down at her stats, realizing that she only had 60 HP and 0 MP. She had already used her Healing spell to patch herself up after dealing with the Goblins, and she didn't have any potions left.

"I hate this game"

Gnarlroot let out an ear-piercing roar that shook the room, causing Seashell to stumble. She quickly regained her balance and drew her Common Cleric Wand, taking a few steps back. She knew she had to be careful and find a way to defeat the boss without taking damage.

As she looked around the room, she noticed a glitch in the game's programming. Gnarlroot's AI pathing seemed to be malfunctioning, causing it to get stuck in a particular spot. Seashell realized that she could exploit this glitch and defeat the boss without taking any damage.

Seashell raised her wand and began to whack Gnarlroot repeatedly, dealing 1 damage with each hit and 2 on critical strikes. It was a slow and tedious process, but Seashell was determined to see it through. She continued to whittle away at the boss's health, occasionally landing a critical hit and dealing a bit more damage.

After several hours of whacking, Gnarlroot finally fell to the ground with a loud crash, and its health bar disappeared. Seashell let out a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground, exhausted from the long battle.

As she caught her breath, she noticed a chest in the corner of the room. She slowly got up and approached it, wondering what kind of loot was inside. As she opened the chest, she found a rare Cleric staff with powerful stats and a set of Cleric robes that provided high DEF and MP regeneration. The staff was called "The Holy Grail," and it had a unique ability that allowed Seashell to cast her Healing spell without expending any MP.

Seashell's eyes widened as she looked at the items. She had never seen anything like them before, and she knew they would be incredibly useful in future battles. She grinned widely and let out a loud whoop of joy, feeling the excitement of the adventure course through her veins. However, that rush of joy was short-lived as she realized she had spent 5 hours in the boss fight and missed dinner with her Mother.

"I think I have another boss fight ahead....."