

Minerva looked off into the distance reminiscing about his warm embrace, in this cold cold world it was like a breath of fresh air. She didn't even feel all that bad about him pinching her at that place. She was merely embarrassed as she wondered if any of her clan members saw. Still she couldn't help but curse him inwardly.

'Damn bastard, watch how I'll deal with you'

'I'm sure we'll meet again soon too'

'No..... I really should stop thinking like this. I have no time for him or such matters, his little bit of strength won't help me survive this world but my clan will in more ways than one. I must make them my priority and forget about him.'

"Okay girls, you've rested enough let's head to the tower into the distance."

They all sprang to their feet agile, they formed into a standard formation and began marching at her command.

Minerva went over the benefits of her trait to reassure herself that she was making the right decision.

If she was faced with a foe stronger than her then numbers would win.

If she wanted to rest in this strange environment she could rest.

If a larger clan came to be at odds then she could negotiate as both sides would be injured.

She also had a great advantage in creating a paradise for women , who would flock to her.

"Indeed this is the right option, there are just too many benefits and this is the path I've chosen. I'm sorry. Goodbye. Vicente Von Vongola. "

She whispered under her breath as she looked at the tower in the distance where her clan would start its rise and notoriety.


Vicente didn't stop running into groups of people thanks to his Sixth Sense.

It truly was like a psychic ability, it had so many uses, he could follow trails, sense danger, predict movements, fight better and he felt that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

The tower probably allowed you to gain new rune types, well the entire tutorial stage really, as it would be impossible for the eight great stats to exist as some would have only 6 or 7 with several unlucky ones having 5 or 4. Logic dictates that you can then continue to gain new stats even after bringing your stats to colorless however this was probably only possible in the tutorial area.

Theoretically speaking a normal rune shouldn't be able to become a red rune in the red zone right.

After all it was impossible to max out all colorless runes in the tutorial so how then Do they become red. Are colorless runes in the red zone, highly unlikely it was the RED zone.

'How puzzling how does all this work?'

Could he gain a new rune type above and it would be instantly raised to the level of the zone?

"Curiouser and curiouser, only time will tell."

(Curiouser is not an actual word, grammies)

He got off that train of thought to another train.

His runes.

The Killing.

Of peeps.

Should he feel bad.

Was he a bully.

"Oh well. Who cares."

He had killed all of them and plundered their runes and items, a few tried to escape but he was confident in having the highest stats currently.

"My my world are you trying to get me drunk on power and success, I feel my soul getting corrupted."

It was soooo easy. Killing and collecting runes from humans. It was an abnormality to have stats this high and most couldn't fully utilize their traits yet.

He watched countless times as people begged pitifully for their lives appealing to his humanity, perhaps his heart would grow cold if it was the past him, the him of a few days ago, who denied his true feelings and let his humanity and morality take over.

Truth was, he always had a warped morality, he didn't care about certain things but put up a front nonetheless. He also loved fighting, when he was young he got into fights every day in his past life, but while life was a cliche not everything was, Like bullying was existent but no one beat you up for your lunch money at school, at most it was peer pressure that made you hand it over to the popular kid who was rich but still hussled.

The truth was, he was one of those people who liked a world like this, he liked the feeling of getting stronger, the anticipation of using skills in the future, discovering new traits, seeing what an actual World tree looked like and all. He had goals to achieve and people to protect but why shouldn't he enjoy it a little bit.

This first stage would involve a lot of killing as he was on a tight schedule but that'd change later. Ok, he knew that was a lie, he'd probably still kill a few people and he would naturally not leave their runes but other people couldn't that was the definition of a Tyrant, he could, but others couldn't.

Honestly, he hadn't much hope for the human race, they'd fight amongst themselves for eternity, it wasn't possible to change their basic nature. He could care less what happened to them but if they were to go completely extinct he'd feel a bit empty so he planned to save a few more people other than those who would have ties to him.

A relaxed expression descended upon his face, his shoulders and back felt so free and windy, a load disappeared from him mind and body.

Although, as it currently was. He needed to adapt more to this world. He could probably take everything on himself as a one man army, at the blue zone or above when he was packed full of healthy steroids of artifacts, skills, and legacies but right now he needed a plan for this place.

"Yes, a plan. Hmmm."

He played with his mana as he got more and more versatile with his wife knowledge of anime he tried all kinds of stuff. Turning them into mana threads, forming shapes which were blurry, enhancing his body, feeding it to his muscles and heart, directing it to his brain and getting a cool and relaxed feeling with a slight increase in thought speed.

He truly tried everything he could think of, it was during this that he noticed something odd occurring. In one cycle a tiny amount of mana disappeared output was not equal to input. He hurriedly checked himself finding nothing amiss.

He touched everywhere to see if he grew anything weird or had a hole somewhere leaking and accidentally touched his ear.

Everything was up and going as he checked his stats. But then the culprit appeared mysteriously.



- Fusion

He tapped on it and knew instinctively what it did. It fused. Which was kind of obvious, the question was what did it fuse. It was fusing the mana supplied by his stats into his body itself which would cause.... something he would figure out later.

"Hm. Seems useful ish, only time will tell. What am I kidding, Puta why aren't you Seven Stars!!!!!"

'Ah, I'm here'

After his unhurried walk in the tower, he walked over to a large groups of people seeming to be a clan, they were a few people short though, it was perfect for him. He planned on getting the single artifact of at least one 80 man room.

"Hello there, you're alone I see, We are the Kamikaze clan, we happen to be a few members short care to join us?"

A stern faced middle aged man in spectacles came up to, he sounded friendly but no idiot loner would go in a room with a large clan, they'd get played to death, so it was obviously a threat, he was confident in picking them off a bit at a time so he smiled and nodded in response.

'Psh, a pushover, he must be shitting his pants seeing so many of us, he's got the right idea'

'If only those bastards hadn't provoked that beast we'd have enough sigh, That leaves two more'

He patiently waited for a while.


"Is that the tower…"

Suzuki frowned as she looked at the giant tower in the distance.

How hard had it been getting to this point.

She glanced at her little brother, Suzaku who'd gone through hell with her , he looked around cautiously as he walked.

At the same time they glanced at the giant tower in front of their eyes.

Giant Tower.

Many entrances existed in all directions but not many differences could be seen.

'… Do We just need to go in?'

Suzuki chose one of them and then headed in carefully.

The passageway was long which was befitting of the giant tower.

As she followed the tunnel in, a giant circular plaza came out.

'…This is?'

Suzuki checked her surroundings instinctively.

Hundreds of entrances had surrounded the plaza and a few of them already had closed doors.

And above the entrance there were various numbers.

Some said 1 and others said 50.

Some big ones even said 80.

Similarities between them was that to the inside of the entrance was not a passageway but rather a small room.

'What is this…'

But that wasn't the only peculiar part.

People who had grouped up in the corner.

' 78 people.'

It was a huge number so she couldn't let her guards drop.

Whilst They were on guard the guy in the very front spoke out as he looked at him.

"Don't be so anxious. We're all trying to progress right, we're the Kamikaze clan, we were a few members short, with you we can start."


Fear crept up in them, what were they planning to do with them.

What was the reason for 2 strangers to group up with a clan.

And the fact that 9 other people were mixed into the group was also strange.

"Why are you gathered so?"

The man who was standing in the front, Takaki, replied at Suzuki's words.

"I'm called Takaki, well… since you're alone I can guess to some extent. There's really nobody you siblings can trust huh?"

Their relation was obvious from their features.

Suzuki frowned at these words.


They had felt this while going up the other islands.

That there was really nobody they could trust.

No, this damnable fairy had made it so.

She didn't resent it.

They only had one life, who in the world would give up their life for somebody else, except for maybe her brother.

Since he was like that too.

Takaki smiled as he looked at Siblings.

"But what do we do. It seems we have to group up again no matter what. You're the eightieth persons. It said we needed two more persons."


While They were making a confused expression, the fairy appeared in the sky.

"I welcome you to the tower. Heehee. This is a land of opportunity. Of course everywhere in the tutorial is like that but this place is even more so."

And at that moment a small map had appeared within their hands.

'This is…'

Information about the hundreds of doors nearby was written on it.

<2 Man Room: Arunan's Crown, Kokulka's Elixir> (Closed)

<9 Man Room: Seven Stripe Cape, Karun's Doll…>(Closed)

<10 Man Room: Roropin's Sharp Hook, Circlet of Kiladerape…>

<47 Man Room: Kelpin's Sub Equipment, Sword of Akin…>

<80 Man Room: Divine Wrath, Sword of Lightning…>(Closed)

<80 Man Room: King's Sword…>(Closed)

<80 Man Room: Tekruhal's Earrings...>

By pressing it he could even read descriptions about the options on these.

'… King's Sword? Divine Wrath? They even give this? Isn't this a bit too much.'

While Suzuki made a flustered expression the fairy smiled as it spoke.

"This is a friendly care for you guys. You've seen instances of people moving alone and in groups like yourselves right? In the islands below"

Suzuki nodded her head.

'Damn… that's really out of the norm. How do you want us to go against such things and now we're under one of them's grasp.'

Clan Lord.

Their psychic power was fascinating itself but it was also very superior.

50 to 100 people moved about in groups, how did they expect them to win against that.

They had gone through three islands on the way here and one of them had a Lord on the island.

It was an island that could hold 150 people but the whole time while he was there the island was basically controlled by the Lord who lead 70 people.

"I was watching from above but phew. How would the people traveling alone live from such sorrows? So we prepared this for you. This way you won't be in a disadvantage because you lack numbers right?"

They realized it then.

What the 2 Man Room and 3 Man Rooms meant.

A game which could be played with 2 people,

A game which could be played with 3 people.

'Clearly… if you were to do this then the chances of going against clans go down substantially but luck wasn't on their side, Damn why couldn't we have delayed a bit.'

It seemed like large rooms such as 80 Man Rooms were rooms that clans had targeted and entered.

Since it was that dangerous but had enormous rewards to go with it.

The 2 Man Rooms or 3 Man Rooms seemed like they were all closed due to people coming ahead but rooms such as 10 man rooms were still left. And a few 80 man rooms as well.

'This is what they meant when they said when they were waiting for us, we're going whether we like it or not.'

They wanted to go into the 80 Man Room but they couldn't because 2 was lacking. It was obvious from the dangerous glint in their eyes what would happen if they refused, they'd be tied up and chucked in then killed.

As 80 people got into the room the doors made a grinding noise as they closed.


And soon the large room with 80 people moved about aggressively as it started to dig deep into the tower.


"Ah Ahhh!!!! "

"What are you doing!"

"You need us!"

No sooner had than the moment they entered and were sizing up the room, the expected unexpected happened.

The siblings and the other placeholders screamed as they were surrounded and attacked,

Takaki chuckled evily, "With our Lord symbol we can work together to superior levels, we can easily work as much as 80 people with 69 even as much a 150 or even more, you all we're just place holders."

"We pondered using you as shields but you all don't look like you'd last long and we're not wasting any runes on you. So dieee!!!!"


Please please don't!!

Spare me!!

The screams became inaudible as wide eyed corpses laid on the ground.


'Blame the fairy for giving a 80 man requirement.'

Takaki stomped on the siblings recalling their wails and shrugging- It was bound to happen to the weak- It wasn't his fault.


There were only Ten corpses, that's odd. They got in the room and there were only 69 of them. He hurriedly reported this to his lord.


"One corpse disappeared!"

Kenpachi was puzzled by this set of events and had his men search the area to the last detail with skills but found nothing. Finding nothing, he figured something ominous was up, perhaps a monster skilled in stealth was watching them and ate the corpse, or it was the room itself.

He didn't believe it was invisibility as with their colorless perception they'd at least get a hint.

"On guard, move out, keep a keen eye on your surroundings."

That was all he could do as he found nothing after an hour.

Two leisurely eyes looked down on him from above, It was naturally Vicente who was invisible and subtly leveraging off the air high up.

'I expected as much Hm. I won't feel bad killing them now, not that I would've. Seems I'll have to use that, Hm.'

Kenpachi resisted the urge to grab his own hair In frustration, obviously something was up but he couldn't find out or think of what that was even after so long. His clansmen looked at him.

"Ah what the hell. Even if something is up and he isn't dead he's just one man. Let's go!"

They marched forward while keeping a wary eye on their surroundings.

He watched and followed as they cleared the path ahead picking up a few runes here and there stealthily.


It was a big beautiful aquatic like environment with lots of space and water, the aquamarine color even decorated the walls that looked like seastone, thankfully the place wasn't completely submerged and there were places large enough for them to travel on.

Every so often a pillar of water would erupt like a geyser with highly pressurized water that even broke some of their poorer equipment. What's worse was that some piranha like fish were mixed in, some were even poisonous.


"Arghhh damnit!"

"Hold on to each other!"

"Watch out for those suspicious looking fish"

Despite their many attempts and prior experiences they were still caught off guard and some poisonous fish got their mouths on their skin. They were even separated by several chunks who were flushed into tunnels, thankfully with the Lord symbol they could communicate and verify life and death, as well as their situations.

"Incoming a Shark!!!"

They called it a Shark but it was more of an puffer fish like sea monster 10 metres wide with circular rows of fangs and a 15 metre long body. It looked absolutely terrifying.

"Shields up"

"Assume the positions!"

"Fuck, legs don't you dare give out!"

"Damnit, how the f*ck are we supposed to handle that."

Seeing the fear apparent in his clansmen, Kenpachi sternly commanded," Stay calm, there's strength in numbers. We can defeat it."

Clansmen with long range skills began the attack while the close combat oriented clansmen rushed towards it activating their skills, the defense also headed closer with a slight delay.

"Watch out for it's tail!"

"It's shooting boiling water from its mouth"

"Sh*t, it's teeth are rotating like a chainsaw"

The battle exploded out with several colorful lights spilling throughout the water on the creatures body, it's tough scales were too strong and even their with their combined might it took a while to kill it.

"Haa haa .... Damnit even together that was so hard, what's more some of us have separated"

The situation wasn't looking all that promising. They regrouped as one before taking a short break and moving on.

It was then they saw it.

A Huge turtle, with a head as big as house, a shell that looked to be made of a 5 metre thick dark metal like substance it had several smooth and rough grooves, with a face shaped pattern on its back. It's four legs were donned with heavy bone material and it's long neck looked like a rail gun.

Even more threatening was the venomous snake eyeing them that was its tail.

The shell of the Xuanwu measured between 15 and 25 feet in diameter. The shell was streamlined with jagged protrusions.The shell was of a shade of deep green, similar to the color of the ocean, with silver highlights running along the raised areas.

It was the last monster, separating them from the end.

Apparently there are some slow people who don't read carefully and are complaining that I haven't made it clear what is Evren (previously Ghost's) situation. Read over the first and second chapters slowly line by line. Of course that will highlight my shitty writing but please just read. Sigh, he switched places from his world with hansoo before hitting the pavement, thereby scrambling hansoo and taking his place. He has Hansoo's advantages.

HollOw13creators' thoughts