
This Society

If you look at the life of the average-educated, hard-working person, there is a similar path. The

child is born and goes to school. The proud parents are excited because the child excels, gets

fair to good grades, and is accepted into a college. The child graduates, maybe goes on to

graduate school and then does exactly as programmed: looks for a safe, secure job or career.

The child finds that job, maybe as a doctor or a lawyer, or joins the Army or works for the

government. Generally, the child begins to make money, credit cards start to arrive in mass, and

the shopping begins, if it already hasn't.

Having money to burn, the child goes to places where other young people just like them hang

out, and they meet people, they date, and sometimes they get married. Life is wonderful now,

because today, both men and women work. Two incomes are bliss. They feel successful, their

future is bright, and they decide to buy a house, a car, a television, take vacations and have


The happy bundle arrives. The demand for cash is enormous. The happy couple

decides that their careers are vitally important and begin to work harder, seeking promotions

and raises. The raises come, and so does another child and the need for a bigger house.


work harder, become better employees, even more dedicated. They go back to school to get

more specialized skills so they can earn more money. Maybe they take a second job.


incomes go up, but so does the tax bracket they're in and the real estate taxes on their new

large home, and their Social Security taxes, and all the other taxes. They get their large

paycheck and wonder where all the money went.

They buy some mutual funds and buy

groceries with their credit card. The children reach 5 or 6 years of age, and the need to save for

college increases as well as the need to save for their retirement.

That happy couple, born 35 years ago, is now trapped in the bottom feeder life / Lower middle class /Rat Race for the rest of their

working days.

Of course there were worse situations like the poor and homeless but their advantage was easier from one perspective, they were at rock bottom so the only way they could go was up, sadly most lacked the ambition. They however. Were in similar situations yet different.

They work for the owners of their company, for the government paying taxes,

and for the bank paying off a mortgage and credit cards.

Such were the lives, the trap that held all those persons. It was the same in his previous world as It was in this one. The middle aged couple watches their investments, their children grow up, having a vacation here and there. They start sprouting grey hair and see their happy little grandchildren.

Those baby figures abruptly and mercilessly threw their minds back to their youth ah their youth, most regret it and hope it could've been better, the minority accepts it as the 'way the the world works'.

What truly came of dying from old age? What were the thoughts you had in those final minutes?

Vicente found himself in Korea, in an attempt to shake off the rust on his Korean, in his previous life, he liked Korean novels better than Chinese, Chinese was harder to read at least from his perspective so he learned to speak similar to famous international persona R.M. of BTS. Through tv series, as it was merely a leisure goal classes and such were skipped.

This was of course during learning the language, in learning the writing of korea naturally he had to attend online courses. He achieved his goal and re read all his favorite Korean novels in the raw: The Second coming of Avarice, The King of the Battlefield, Colossus Hunter, Reincarnator, Everyone Else is a Returnee etc .

He never got a chance to go to Korea in his past life, slowly his dreams were being fulfilled one by one in this world. Perhaps this was.... Heaven.

He always thought that heaven and hell as the christians called it, weren't real places but concepts or something more, he thought he'd find out when he died but it was way above his mental working grade.

Although, him actually being dead right now was surprisingly a possibility he was willing to accept.

"Hah how cold but what is this..... This feeling of accomplishment"

Vicente put his hands in the pockets of his fur coat, his breath turning to a small fog before disappearing, his earring of cross on his left ear was covered in frost, he stared out at the falling sky, it's pieces forming beautiful snowflakes and white snow. His mouth couldn't help but bend in a satisfactory grin.

This world wasn't all that boring afterall.

He looked down from the Lotte World Tower down at the scenery below while whispering inaudibly to himself,

" Perhaps this is the vacation or heaven for the life I experienced before, god knows it was stressful but I ended up achieving the goal i set at 17, with a few sacrifices."

He broke out into a chuckle thinking- I might as well enjoy this vacation, who knows when it'll come to an abrupt end. Thus to his teacher's further dismay, his year long strict training was halved, to a few hours a day for sixth months while switching back to his strict routine for the remaining half a year.

As he wandered the streets of Seoul, seeing the bustling crowds rushing to their jobs with faces of stress and woe, he couldn't help think of how person A was a much more than a stereotypical image but it was a culture, a lifestyle.

Likewise there existed person B, Born into poverty, at rock bottom you'd think they could only go upwards from their but most found themselves digging and digging pits below their feet. They didn't fight no, they did but they did it while accepting this was the way things were, a few hardworking children and men made it out of the pits bringing their families, however they were the minority.

The road that was commonly taken was hustling, drug dealing, vending cheap items, getting into the gangster lifestyle to feel like gaining a single accomplishment at the very least. Girls like guys like these was what comforted them. And yes girls did but mature women didn't. They were eventually ruthlessly discarded.

Falling to kidnapping, mugging, rape, robbery and marrying a prison cell. They were victims of both their situations and themselves. Women had it relatively easier unlike medieval times. They could get a good man and fly away from the darkness in the pits and while not as luxurious there were other methods to escape as well. That's person B.

Person C, was entirely a piece of garment who's livelihood depended on purely others due to his disabilities.

Person D, forgot no, discarded his worldly desires and separated himself from society living frugally with what was left of nature.


Person X, was born with talent and like a true genius he used his talent to make a rocket that send him to outer space, like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Bill gates and others of their era. The modern versions of Alexander Graham Bell, Einstein and the rest who dedicated their lives to their talents with no worries as far as money was concerned.

Person Z, The scions of person X, who lived it up to the best of their ability.

This world and his previous, were both a cruel game but naturally despite all the millions and millions of losers, there were winners, big and small on worldwide scale.

Though no one was truly at peace and had problems that some wouldn't call problems and others would call a calamity. Like a debt of millions to a poor person and borderline millionaire versus a bona fide billionaire like Vicente was now.

Two separate people the same thing, one a problem, one maybe a calamity in the poor case but to him it was chump change.


"Let's go Figh, our month long sightseeing is up, time to go to Greenwalk."

Vicente sat on Figh's broad right shoulder with one had in his pocket and the other stabilizing himself on his now favorite mode of transport, the wind caressed his face with an icy touch and rustled his black coat fur around his neck and chest.

Figh was pretty huge in all dimensions but not mount worthy as his muscles weren't exactly cushion like or evenly spread, staying on his shoulders was a form of training in itself especially when he ordered him to run. It was like being outside a plane in flight.

The flight back was without problems in his private jet. Yes he had a private jet. When he found out about it he walked it up and down while ceaselessly nodding. Ah to be rich and handsome.

'Though I better watch out, when things are too good to be true they usually are, I haven't had any manner of problem or stress on my brain in all my short years, which is odd- Karma and jealous fate/life is definitely coming to even the odds. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid, yes, that's it, probably.'

He moved into Greenwalk with a mobile house bought with the Gold Dollar Standards, documentary worthy.

His relationship with Elizabeth had become official a while ago. It wasn't anything great like a servant pledging to become great to become worthy of his lady or anything like that. But a true teen romance.

All it took, was a movie and their prior feelings materials with just one initiation. He lived long enough before to know how to properly court a girl, as was the proper term. Naturally he could also feel the malice junior (the brother) had against him, he was a sis-con with a sister complex. With a sister like her, it wasn't that surprising.

He had to deal with quite a bit from the porcupine stabbing up his mood with her, he wanted to beat him within an inch of his life but he had a complex of his own. An adult complex, anyone younger than him was a kid who was beneath his effort as far as he was concerned, the only exceptions were those he judged beneficial to him like Elizabeth for example.

He was 50+ with the aggregate of both lives, he was 11 now but he still looked like a teenager, no one suspected a thing, even the parents. Thankfully he didn't meet any chinese esque parents, he wasn't a hater on chinese culture, he really liked the books and their history of war, martial arts and weaponry but the gaining the parents approval by passing tests, kowtowing etc. Yeah, weren't for him.

In all honesty, Chinese culture was similar to most western culture but they just did things like... a horse cart while everyone else were cars. He had an unruly nature in both lives so he wasn't about to conform when he could resist.

Modernization maybe had gotten to them but he wasn't Chinese so it wasn't his place to judge, Chinese novel authors obviously lived in a peculiar world who knows if it was real or not, present or no.

'Enough of that, things are looking up.'

Money, the girl, freedom, influence not so much but money bought that to a degree. What else could he want? Maybe a true diehard friend but he was in no rush and as it was now- this was the life.

"What's wrong don't like the lemonade?"

Elizabeth leaned on his shoulder holding a glass in front of her as well. She was noticeably 'growing' in certain areas which were already quite bountiful, she had a body better than most adults of any race. Subjectively speaking from, a slender but curvy with thickness p.o.v. Beauty was in the eye of the beholder.

And by George, he definitely didn't have chinese beauty standards, to this day jade like skin eluded his small ignorant mind. He was a westerner in both lives. Though he didn't have such a strict this alone ... well yea he did but that had nothing to do with external features. He was uncommon and chinese like in one aspect which led him to read the novels in the first place.

Polygamy, male supremacy and females being virgins, for the male supremacy he was only a drop of that, as the old England was similar to China in that manner and he didn't oppose those views of women staying at home and being caretakers, if she wanted to be outgoing he had no problem...., well no argue worthy big problem with that.

"Well," Elizabeth continued from the lack of response.

"No, it's not that my mind just wandered a bit."

He gazed into her beautiful eyes while he fixed some out of place hair strands on her head.

"Look at me, relaxing when I have school in a few weeks after new years. I haven't even finished all my homework. Gosh. Huh?"

She got up hurriedly placing her glass down while searching through some books before coming to a sudden halt, Vicente cocked his head as he watched her, he enjoyed this feeling of peace without worry, unlike others his age who were being groomed for society and the future. He was already in a spaceship overlooking their lives. He had all he wanted.

It didn't get much better than this, money, peace, the girl, all was right here. There was an empty drawer in all of fulfillment however humans were insatiable and he knew this so he cut his losses and lived like this. There was always something to want, someone more.

"What is it, why'd you stop?"

"Oh no, it's just, I know you moved here in that high class trailer with your guardian but I don't recall you going to school or mentioning anything at all in that case."

"Oh, it's just this. I'm homeschooled, The guardian i mentioned is in charge of that, you've already met Figh, he's a ..... project of mine though family as well."

Elizabeth started beaming as she looked at him, but he got up and flicked her forehead.

"I know that look, no. I'll still be homeschooling for another year and yes I'll go to school but not near here, Although I could never get sick of you, Too much of anything isn't good for anyone."

He gently embraced her this was his honest views of how to spice up a relationship, being each other's daily bread and what not wasn't for him, she kicked him.

"Why? Are you trying to saw were not good enough"

"I, uh no , it's just...."

"You are so @&#@!@@..."

She began arguing in displeasure, he attempted to explain in more detail but ah women. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Realistically all couples fought regularly it was a sign of healthy relationship, they'd go back to being lovey dovey but for now, they'd fight a war of words and facial expressions.

"Like I said! I don't think it's a good idea for either of us to infest the others life, we should have personal space"

"Oh so now I'm too clingy is that it, I want personal space, Am I bothering you? Are you sick of all of this"

"No it's just...."

"Yea right"


Downstairs, Elizabeth's parents were watching television, her mother knitting, her father drinking beer both relaxing.

The couple upstairs voices could be heard.

Thomas, the father chuckled, " Ah young love, they argue like an old married couple"

Sandria, stopped knitting while glaring at him,

"Oh so I'm old now, you want a young woman to relieve your stress"

"I didn't mean..."

"Yes you did, you @$@$$$@#.."

"Damn you woman!"


Sammuel was downstairs as well, he rolled his eyes at the couple and his face turned scarier by the second listening to the ones up stairs, he'd tried several things, poison, faeces, smearing his reputation but Elizabeth always forgave Vicente and somehow trusted him.

What was worse was that each fight he picked with that man ending up with him tiring out as he couldn't so much as touch his clothes, he was too quick and slippery, his taunts fell on deaf airs as well. His plots grew more and more sinister over the weeks but Vicente always saw them coming from a mile away.

Naturally Vicente wasn't all knowing but as the saying goes. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He bugged Sam with tech that didn't even wash off when he showered and installed hidden cameras etc. In his room. Reylese thought he should just kill the kid as he attempted to do to him but Sam was her brother so he couldn't.

He even helped society through the psycho brat. A job was provided. He obviously couldn't watch the video feed himself so he gave it to a neet online and had them do it for cash.

His daily life had fully integrated the girl, hence his first problem so to speak but it wasn't always a problem.

Reylese was unnaturally enthusiastic about it.

His new, her lifestyle, the Elizabethan era once more she called it.

She seemed to displeased every time he went out with or returned from Elizabeth with her scent all over him. She acted like an unhappy housewife who had to deal with her rich husband sleeping around, yes, she seemed jealous, he was instantly enamoured and wanted to make a move as the young rich unbridled fellow he was, in fact he did several times.

But she just couldn't cross that line. The line drew by herself when she accepted her responsibility as his guardian. She still didn't want to accept that she had special feelings for her lord.

He saw her brushing it off. Saying, It can't be, that's impossible, he's so young, and so it continued, she was fooling even herself but it wasn't his place to meddle at least, not yet. In time, he believed she'd open up to him.

She commonly treated him like he was five again each time he attempted to make some headway, but he knew it was a defense mechanism she put up within her mind and as such was in no rush.

Their relationship was similar to the maid master of old. But in reality she could leave at anytime, or was a globalization era. But the time they spent together had a factor that was too lethal.

He was too mature for his age and she saw it over and over again for herself over the years and as such she treated him like an adult usually albeit a spoiled rich one.