
The Nurse

Vicente chose kendo because he needed a way of using weapons, fighting with tai chi was great, it even had weapon style applications. Nonetheless, he wanted a more mixed fighting style, he'd already learned the art of violent street fighting in his previous life so kendo was the current ingredient of his pot of style.

It came from the Japanese who had a similar history as China after all. He wished he knew more about how the first recorded kings, Gilgamesh, Sargon of Akkad and the others. But he just had to work with what he had. The concepts hidden within ancient martial arts were the real gold.

Kendo is an activity that combines martial arts practices and values with strenuous sport-like physical activity.

The introduction of bamboo practice swords (shinai) and armour (bōgu) to sword training is attributed to Naganuma Shirōzaemon Kunisato during the Shotoku Era(1711–1715).

Kendo is a way to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana.

To Vicente's understanding:

Techniques are divided into shikake-waza (to initiate a strike) and ōji-waza (a response to an attempted strike). Kendoka who wish to use such techniques during practice or competitions, often practice each technique with a motodachi. This is a process that requires patience. First practising slowly and then as familiarity and confidence builds, the kendoka and motodachi increase the speed to match and competition level.


These attack techniques are used to create suki in an opponent by initiating an attack, or strike boldly when your opponent has created a suki. Such techniques include:


This is a technique used when one's opponent has weak kisei (spirit, vigour) or when they yield a suki under pressure. Always hold kisei and strike quickly.


Body and shinai will lose balance as you strike or when being attacked. This technique takes advantage of this to help execute a strike. A good example is Hikibana-kote, when a strike is made to an opponent's kote as they feel threatened and raise their kensen as you push forward.


This provides a surprise attack, by lifting the shinai over your shoulder before striking. Here a skilful use of the kensen and spirited attack is crucial for effective katsugi-waza or luring your opponent into breaking his/her posture.


There are two types. The first is for moving to the next waza after a failed first strike, and the second holds your opponent's attention and posture to create the suki for a second strike. The former requires a continuous rhythm of correct strikes. The latter requires continuous execution of waza, to take advantage of your opponent's suki.


This can be used if one's opponent's kamae has no suki when your opponent tries to attack. Your opponent's shinai is either knocked down from above or swept up from below with a resulting strike just when his/her kamae is broken.


This technique involves striking your opponent as you realise he/she is about to strike. This is because their concentration will be on striking and their posture will have no flexibility to respond. Thus debana-waza is ideal. This can be to any part of your opponent's body, with valid strikes being: debana-men, debana-kote, and debana-tsuki.


These counter-attack techniques are performed by executing a strike after responding or avoiding an attempted strike by your opponent. This can also be achieved by inducing the opponent to attack, then employing one of the oji-waza.


Avoiding an attack from another, then instantly responding. Here, timing has to be correct. A response that is too slow or fast may not be effective. Therefore, close attention to an opponent's every move is required.


If struck by an opponent's shinai, this technique sweeps up their shinai in a rising-slide motion, with the right (ura) or left (omote) side of the shinai. Then strike in the direction of their shinai, or at the suki resulting from their composure's collapse. This technique needs to be smooth. That is, don't separate the rising-slide motion and the upward-sweeping motion or it will not be successful. Valid strikes include: men-suriage-men, kote-suriage-men, men-suriage-do, kote-suriage-kote, and tsuki-suriage-men.


This waza knocks an opponent's shinai to the right or left. This neutralises a potential strike and gives the ideal chance to strike as an opponent is off-balance. For success, an opponent's maai has to be correctly perceived and then one knocks down their shinai before their arm fully extends. Valid examples are: do-uchiotoshi-men and tsuki-uchiotoshi-men.


This technique is a response. As an opponent strikes, you parry their shinai with yours. Then flip over (turn over your hands) and strike their opposite side. Valid strikes include:men-kaeshi-men, men-kaeshi-kote, men-kaeshi-do, kote-kaeshi-men, kote-kaeshi-kote, and do-kaeshi-men.

Of course that was the general style he learned at 13 when he achieved 1-Dan and jumped to 2- Dan after a few months, he picked a fight with the old men who knew the true Kendo practiced from before the Meiji era. There weren't many who knew it but he found 3, he lost each challenge but his goal was to learn and not win in the first place.


Fresh windy cool and crispy air started whistling like a invisible ghost. The red and green in colour birds with chilli like beak started twitting their morning melody. The enormous garden stood like a royal palace and the thick dried strong brown big branches danced welcoming the morning. The green brown beautiful countless leaves whispered to each other about their morning plans.

In the morning the big buzzing bumble bees swarmed up in the air in glad searching for sweet honey. The huge trees swung in the wind greeting good morning.

The small colourful cute butterflies danced all around the environment looking for sweet nectar. The flower's fragrance filled the whole environment making the morning pleasant.

Vicente admired the view as he walked to school, there was a place like this, despite it being a city, He felt like an anime protagonist going to school, he left the house he bought and walked to school, this was a new arrangement he made 3 months prior. He wanted to take in the Japanese culture a bit while training.

Perhaps it'd help his sword arts. He enrolled in a private not public school because he had more freedom to come and go as he pleased, also public schools needed documents and he was orphaned, with private schools money talked.

He wondered if all young Japanese teens felt this way coming to school in their neat uniforms. Walking to school with their friends... he shielded off any close relationships that anyone attempted to form with him these 3 months. He wasn't silent, he merely acted in a perfunctory manner.

He observed the close 'friends' coming to school in droves. This was an international esque school for the rich as Japanese only consisted of 40% of the school population with the remainder being temporary residents of the country as he was. They all had adjusted uniforms with some choosing minor details like buttons and others doing a complete change.

Such as wearing shorts etc. As he walked to the gate, gazes locked onto him, most of them women's.

Curly black sculpted hair, that wasn't neat but had natural vibe to them, almost wild. Deep lazy amber pupils, a slight smile on his perfectly outlined face that was picture perfect, 6 feet tall. Well defined body with muscles peeking from his unbuttoned collar.

A silver earring on his left ear. Well fitted black pants, The white dress shirt untucked from his waist, lion headed belt, red streaked black school blazer, with a few pins on the collar. He looked positively dreamy in the eyes of these rich girls, he was the perfect boyfriend but rumor has it he rejected all who courted him.

Because he had a thing for that European school nurse. The girls whispered to each other his backstory for those who were just re entering the country from their travels.

Vicente was brought up in a peculiar but normal society in his past life, the more girls the better, being a player was a compliment so was whore (addressed to men not women, it's still an insult for women, though not widely used).

The fact that he liked Victoria and Elizabeth didn't change but he was never one to stay frozen and wallow in despair, he'd find out what happened to them eventually, for now he had to live until it was time. It had been quite a while since their disappearances.Yes, he did shamelessly flirt with the school nurse.

She fit the anime trope to a T, no and S if you considered her figure.

She was taking a break from her her studies to get A Phd.

(The Doctorate of Medicine and of Philosophy (MD–PhD) is a dual doctoral degree for physician–scientists, combining the vocational training of the Doctor of Medicine degree with the research expertise of the Doctor of Philosophy degree).

Her relatives owned the school so she volunteered while on her break. She was a blonde haired, violet blue-eyed goddess. She had a curvy body, beautiful face, shapely ass and breasts that broke F cup. Why shouldn't he flirt. Naturally, she ignored her students' hint, as every rich kid thought they could pocket any teacher.

Pity, they found out her background which wasn't inferior to theirs and Even had political backing, this only served to light the flames in their groins so she had to deal with a lot of perverted kids, he knew it was unlikely to get together with her but nothing was wrong with throwing compliments to someone beautiful.

His attachment to the absent girls prevented him from going all out in his pursuit, nonetheless he was totally blunt and said exactly what to came to mind when looking at the temptress.

He made his way to his classroom and put himself to sleep. It was only right. Who said that he had to learn at school. Besides he already knew 10 different languages and already went through school before. He only came to get to know the culture.

Three years passed since that time. His glasses were always on his head like a pair of goggles seemingly glued on, the chip was implanted in his hand, he could manually remove it, anytime, like Robin in Titans(tv series) however this wasn't recommended.


"Ouu minerva your feet must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day "

The nurse's name was Minerva Lightwood. She chuckled in response to his teasing before beckoning him to sit. In actuality those atrocious words didn't come from him but

His phone, an app with a talking parrot saying anything you inputted with his parrot voice.

He lowered the volume and set it to keep repeating, " You da bomb baby, bomb baby squawk!"

Only after giving her a trademark opener.

"Are you my backyard squawk! Cuz I dig you roof roof"

"What is it this time?"

Minerva giggled at this particular student of hers. She was no stranger to men oogling her and pursuing her but he was quite the novelty, he never made direct moves and only teasing flirted with her with the occasional body scans and head nods.

Vicente took of his shirt to reveal a well trained muscular body with rock hard abs, there was a patch of purple black bruising beside his abs.

"Oh my gosh, how many times must I tell you to go to a hospital and not me."

She hurriedly took out a kit and examined the bruising.

"Your ribs are broken in a few places and you even have a swollen vein, do you know how serious this is, sigh"

Vicente didn't answer and just leisurely looked out the window seemingly in trance admiring the unique angle the light came into this room through that particular window.

"Why do you do this to yourself? What's worth all this, being bruised to this extent each week"

She sighed, and rebuked him while taking care of his wound. Vicente smiled as he looked down at her beautiful hair that touched his chest as she examined his wound, he diverted his gaze to the window," Hm. It just ends up this way I guess."

"Oh reaaallly" (Slaps his wound)


(types on phone with the parrot in the background picking his talons like nails at a beach sipping a sundae)

"Oh is our beautiful and aloof nurse concerned with poor handsome student me squawk ....ow (gets slapped again)"

"You wish, sigh, look Vicente you should really consider stopping this."

She seriously gazed at him. He shrugged as he put on his dress shirt and lay on a bed, on his unbruised side. As such his back faced her.

"I can't no.... I won't sorry.... Anyway I'm a bit tired."

She sighed in response. She watched him tyrannically take over a bed and lay down. She could only sigh at this problem student. Her first impression of him was a rich aloof student but she began to see that there was more and more to his story.

In days like this she would ignore her adult like duties to chase him to class and indulge him, and herself. She hardly had work to do as no one usually got hurt since P.E. wasn't a class here so no gym shorts for the girls she had wanted to see them as she was familiar with anime as well from her siblings and watched a few romance ounces that boasted maturity before coming to get a feel of the culture, surely the boys were devastated.

She had a long tail upon coming here but the school board had a few influential people who even the rich kids needed to heed and they chased and threatened them to go to class through their parents with no threat of repercussions. So she had peace.

This was technically a vacation and she didn't even have to be here all day, she checked in a bit each day in car of an incident but they could always call her phone for less urgent cases and more urgent cases were directly rushed to the hospital as the rich took no chances and had money to spend.

Even the students could come and go as they pleased if they didn't have classes to attend some students were flippant but their parents made them attend the class a they signed up for and some were actually interested in learning so high level teachers were employed who had quite a bit of leisure as well.

"I'm going out, I've got but some groceries for my apartment."

She packed her things in a cabinet, put on a stylish coat and took up her handbag.

'She cooked her own food? And she lived in an apartment not hotel suite? She's really going all out for that independent thing hm.'

"Oh need a hand?"


"Okay have fun- Hm."

He said it without much thought but to think she'd actually agree. He looked at her and she didn't seem to be joking, to be honest this bed was feeling a bit like clothes which he put on and didn't want to take off- but he offered, why did he have such a big mouth. Vicente sighed and unhurriedly put back on his dress shirt.

With the slim fit black pants that didn't indicate a school in anyway and his gold earring, chain and watch, no one would be able to tell he was a student, especially since he was a tad tall, just over 6 feet.

He buttoned up, slipped his phone in his pocket, and took out a melon sweet and placed it in his mouth, he followed her out the door into her little Toyota. She was really broadcasting that independence thing.

"What don't like my car, is it too cheap "

She said playfully seeing his expression, he shrugged and entered pushing back the seat and putting his feet on the dashboard. She slapped them off with a pinch saying not to dirty her treasured Car. They were like this, friends in a way. Not Best friends that knew everything about each other but they got along.

He didn't press her for anything and she treated him like a friend complaining for harmless little things they were in a water like relationship. They arrived at the supermarket.

Going through the aisles and rows.

"Hey Vicente, Don't you think this carrot looks funny."

"Yea, it looks like it had a face, an ugly screaming face."

"Stop it," She nudged him for being disrespectful to the carrot.

Such wet how their days went by in peace, unlike the future that was to come but no one knew the untold horrors on the horizon.

"Haa what a long day."

Minerva sprawled out on a bench in front of an artificial spring surrounded by a pond. They started shopping for groceries but they passed a few clothing stores and she couldn't resist her womanly instinct, especially with a male companion/ pack mule. Afterwards they went to the mall and did this and that. Ice cream, photo booth you name it.

She was stressed and this was a good way to unload today was- wait.


It was an actual date, she went on a date with a student. Her face turned red from embarrassment as she hid behind her hands from the world- they were alone however- Indeed alone, and the perfect place for romance but he was her student, they flirted now and again.

Well he did and she passively responded but that was all. They were friends and merely that. She warily looked at him hoping he didn't misunderstand and make a move here. Her worries proved unnecessary as he bit his blue icy fudge while looking at the night sky paying her no mind.

Vicente wasn't a saint or anything but he knew he couldn't possibly get her to jump in his arms with just this, it would take a lot of time and effort and honestly he was too tired to think like that. He admired her yes and he wouldn't mind them being a couple but he wouldn't push it.

He had his schedule full and set for a while now, this was actually his leisure time as he would have to continue training and studying in case the worst case scenario happened and the chip didn't work.

It was the right move for some playful fun however,


Minerva jumped uneasily thinking of how to stop his advances, she might lose a good friend. This had happened so many times already.

"- Let's see who has a better voice, I'll say a song and you'll sing Five lines and then it'll pass over to me and back and forth kay."


'He wasn't making a move under the moonlight?"

She was caught off guard but she hurriedly nodded as she let out a breath.

"Okay Dream by #####"

"Fine @$@$$$"

"Satisfied your turn."

"I don't know... I can't sing as beautifully as you, I have a frog voice."

"Yea right, I did so you have to do it, Croak! Frog!"

"Fine Fine"