
The Dawn Of The New

Vicente headed to the Home for the elderly located a few hundred metres from the school grounds, Minerva volunteered here and he helped out as it was the normal thing to get suckered into.

She was busier these days and asked him to continue her shifts, in anger he said no, since he didn't want to be used if he wasn't getting anything in return. It was later that day, he realized how selfish and self centered that was, she had to have sex with him for him to do a favor? yea right. They weren't even that close to even be in that sort of relationship.

He guiltily did as she asked without her knowing, she still conversed with him afterwards which enhanced the guilt he felt, so he continued coming like a daily routine, he kept it a secret from her partly from shame and he didn't want her to think even more badly of him, that he only did it for a chance with her.

"We humans are quite the disgusting creatures aren't we? Sigh"

'Hm. What twisted plot line are you thinking of self, none of that happened, you didn't try and get into her pants and she didn't say no, though if you did she probably would say no and I really wouldn't mind if she stripped and Said do me, No one would, if they weren't gay.'

'Hm. Though its not totally impossible for such a thing to happen if I was extra thirsty but I'm suppressing my sexual urges well, I have yet to ejaculate for any reason in this life.'

He gathered his thoughts took off his shoes greeted the desk attendants and went in. It was a relatively big house housing 81 elderly and 19 helpers.

As he played chess with an old man who could barely move by himself, his mind wandered.

It's been three years, every day, he wondered if today was the day he could vanish and meet them but he was greeted with disappointment.

He wore the glasses over his eyes when he wasn't sleeping and since he slept on his belly, he rested it on his head when he did, all in order not be taken off guard for when he goes.

But nothing happened, nothing at all. He dozed off a bit while playing an unknown amount of time passed but he was still groggy and could care le-



The world seemed to freeze for a second.

It happened so fast he only blinked and suddenly he was crouching in front of the building he was just in. The old man was in front as well, he'd dozed off too and he was teleported here and fell on the ground. Yet to awake.

But, there were a few small differences, the place looked like it was in a nuclear war zone with abnormal vines spreading their reach around it.

The same was said for the surroundings.

What was this.

Vicente was strangely excited as he achieved his goal. He took in the surroundings cautiously. The elderly and all female middle aged to young staff was present though quite a few elderly were still asleep. He had no idea where he was. That was, until the hellspawn of a fairy appeared.

The palm-sized fairy looked around at the surrounding people and said with a sweet voice .

"Hello everyone . I'm a helper here to help you get a quick start"

"Although, the catch here isn't quite beastly enough, yet at least"

She didn't even bother waking up the elderly who were sleeping,a few were actually crippled in terms of the extent of their bodily deterioration, some were in a coma like state.

The fairy looked over the crowd with a trademark grin, it could already see the survivors and she wasn't allowed to directly help, nor would she in the first place.

The 101 excluding Vicente were elderly over 60 years old, with the middle aged staff. The only young were 3 young women doing volunteer work, there was a lithe beauty with perky breasts and fiery personality called Karmen, A quite pretty bespectacled girl called Kana and a sexy bodied but ordinary looking woman named Murano.

It dawned on him where he was hearing the fairy's opening words.

"The otherworld"

His imagination ran wild from all he knew. Monsters, cunning and dangerous monsters, ruthless killers who could kill him in a heartbeat with that thought his feet begun shaking like a coward.

He made all these preparations but when push came to shove the person making the preparations didn't show his face, a different persona manifested as his confidence and other traits didn't overpower the fear he felt right now.

No, he was a coward, could he beat those monster. N..no..no...No He couldn't, he held a faint trace of hope that he was wrong.

But, the smiling fairy looked around as the surroundings quieted down and opened its mouth .

"Firstly, I welcome your entrance to the Otherworld . You've now all been granted a wonderful chance . "

"Wait . Wait . Little thing . What are you? Where's this, why have you taken us?"

The fairy stared at the old crone who threw the question for a while then it ignored the her as it continued its story .

She was the head caretaker Michigan. The home they came from was of rich old people, not the first generation but their sisters and brothers. As such they hired experienced and capable handlers. She was highly trained in etiquette sadly that was useless in this world.

"In this place you are all granted infinite freedom . No matter what you do there is nobody to punish you . All the rules you've been following do not exist here . "


"And that's not all . We can't call that a chance by itself . You all now don't have any physical limits of the past . "


"You all can now become infinitely strong depending on what you do . Like a hero from a movie . "

As the fairy looked at the confused women and the collapsed shaking Vicente, its smile didn't disappear as it opened its mouth again.

"I will show you a quick demonstration . Since I came to hasten the progress . "

Vicente jerked at that, his rapid heartbeats threatened to burst out if his chest. It was at this moment, he knew he was all talk, before, when he was poor and had nothing, he wasn't afraid of death but now it was different, despite all his hard work he was just a big bitch. A fucking weak ass cowardly bitch.

He was exactly the type of character he'd mock while reading novels or manga or watching anime.

His fingers hadn't stopped feeling about the ground and grasping the dirt to feel if this was all truly real. His fingers had dug a centimeter deep within the dirt, his fingernails were black with dirt underneath the edge.

This was a reality.

Humans were like this, quick to judge people and their decisions in certain situations but did the same or even worse than the people in question when put in that situation themselves.

It seemed he was the latter, reading the novel, he always wondered why this person did that and that person did this but here he was in this messed up situation as a teen form the 21st century. It was easy to judge on writing but not even his wildest imaginations saw THIS as the Otherworld.

He couldn't handle it as he is now, his insides couldn't tolerate it.

No, there was something else, he was feeling but that was wrong, he wouldn't allow it. He'd rather be a coward than that.

He gazed at the glasses he had made in preparation and at his hand, how useless they were, they could nothing about THIS. He put the glasses in the Wurtzite boron nitride case he had made, it was brought with him here, his shaking hands put them away.

His life seemed to flash before his eyes, it was then that the head caretaker was blown up producing a rune. He trembled even more at how fragile life was.

<Ahhh damn it the world is so boring, I want to go to the One piece world or a cultivation world, naruto, and I'd even settle for fairytail and Attack- ok maybe not Attack on Titan.>

His nearly daily inner grumblings that he'd have at school in his first life came back to him, back then he had nothing exciting in his life but now he had people he wanted to stay in life.


He could use his desire to find them to grow stronger, to get over this, he attempted to use his desire for them to steady his body but nothing happened, nothing at all.

'Forget i can't kill in their names'


And his body wasn't so easily deceived, he was just hating on his life back then. He actually wanted to go and he knew it wouldn't involve any studying, he knew it wouldn't be all that easy but he still wanted to go. But this, he couldn't handle this.

"I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I just


He cried despite knowing how he must look like a big bitch, his handsome face, his training what pebble were they worth!!!

Above the blood mist from the caretaker's body, a translucent and shining symbol the size of a hand appeared, it seemed to contain the mysteries of the world. The fairy had chosen her as a demonstration while his thoughts were in turmoil.

The fairy grabbed the symbol and spoke .

"This is a <Rune> . Every living organism or anything else, if you kill it it will come out like this . Though what comes out is random . "

The fairy, who said something frightening as if it was nothing, looked around as it continued its speech .

"Let's see . This improves the....Oh my... it's a super super rare one. It's no fun revealing it yet hehe. It's kind of a waste considering the crowd too but heh, Who… should I give this to?"

The elderly who were cognizant hadn't even felt the gravity of the situation and the women were in shock from their boss turning into a mist of blood. So no one paid her any mind of anything except terror.

Vicente shakily put up his hand. He knew what he had to do, so he forced his body to snap out of his fear to no avail but he did manage to raise his hand.

"Oh, you didn't seem the assertive type. No matter, good decision. Here."

The rune was placed atop his trembling hands and absorbed in his body. From the outside there isn't much difference but something definitely changed within him. He felt the movement of a mysterious force.

"How is it? The runes break laws. What you got was one of the rarest of them all, Sixth Sense Rune. With this you can become a beast in this stage if you try hard enough"

Vicente looked terrified as reality struck in. This was real. He felt it. No one could mimic this. He knelt to the ground. His heart in chaos.





He viciously hit his head on the ground.

Get yourself together. Get it straight! He knew he instinctively knew, that he couldn't feel this way. He wasn't allowed to. If he was to live, he'd have to embrace ruthlessness and his training. To banish away his emotions until he was qualified to have them. The weak had no right to anything in the jungle.

Humans were originally like this, but they used time and knowledge to change, he had the knowledge so he knew, What must be done. He must become a heartless beast to live.

His eyes slowly grew steady and demonic was what he wished but they were shaking nonetheless he could still do what had to 've done.

She diverted some of her attention to him while explaining as it seemed she would get to see a show but could he do it.

"If you touch your left ear you can see which runes you have . Humans seemed like they like things in numbers so to give determination we implemented it 10 years ago . You just need to know that the human average is 10 . "

The women were still in shock but managed to touch their left ears. It was in this instance that Vicente swiped up the Sharp end of his spectacles that he had made, the material was harder that even diamond, it was just some extra preparation but now it seemed to be the most useful thing he did.

He ran it across his hand gently, it cut him easily hand drew blood. He clenched his fist of blood.

His eyes grew piercingly cold in his imagination in reality he just seemed listless, like lucious lyon, he knew that the previous him, couldn't survive this world, the him who had a soft hard but put out a tough image, the him who cried for his master's death wasn't needed, the one who killed his master, the one he subconsciously sealed to bear with the pain magnified by All their disappearances.

He must become someone else for his sake and the sake of his lived ones, he must become something else. A demon no, a God.

"Vicente is dead..I am Verathagna, well that's a little over the top, plain V will do for now, a letter, no thought, no nothing just efficiency"

The name Verathragna embodied his goal to always be victorious but he didn't actually need it, he gazed out at the crowd where a few were checking their stats. While others were mumbling incoherently.

He dashed forward and plunged the knife end of his spectacle case, into the neck of the sexy Murano, a part of him twitched in his heart as he felt it sink in but he ruthlessly stomped it down while twisting and turning his weapon , she had yet to die so no rune but she was seconds away but he could wait after taking out the able bodied, he breathed in and turned his weapon to the other girls, yet to realize their situation, he killed the three young women in less than 30 seconds.

Like a beast he madly stabbed with his still superior physique unenhanced by runes, he blocked out all their sounds, their feelings that he could almost touch.

His hand twitched from the sight of their blood spilling from their necks, their shocked eyes that asked why before slowly turning up and dying. His heart felt like it was pricked and he felt his emotions bubbling up but he ruthlessly suppressed them. He didn't want to think about it, from now on he'd only do and not think.

He grabbed their runes and absorbed them, lunging to the elderly who were mostly on the floor and if not barely standing, their wheelchairs and walking sticks were left behind.


That was the most that came from their old bodies as they were cut into.

There was no resistance at all to the very moment he killed the last one, it merely took 3 minutes.

Their bodies had deteriorated too much to be mildly challenging, old crime bosses strangling people in movies were merely that acting. Unless, it was a woman getting strangled, in which case it was mildly possible.

Blood flowed from each corpse forming a large pool of blood decorated with corpses. In a way, he had the easiest starting group but also the most cruel. The tutorial weeded out elderly and the young, this was their inevitable end. The goblins would have slaughtered them either way.

He wouldn't comfort himself , telling himself lies that it was for the greater good and they'd die soon anyways but it didn't change the facts for him to live to begin to truly live, in this hell, he couldn't be a run of the mill demon, he must be extraordinary from the get go.

His body was still rebellious and didn't perform his thoughts to a T. His body was trembling and his heart was beating rapidly not from pain, injury or anything external but that thing Ulquiorra couldn't touch, his metaphorical heart.

"Hehehe, What a wonderful turn of events. Truly unexpected but quite good. Definitely spectacular. Interesting definitely mister Vongola,"

Vicente, no. V coldly gazed at her.

"You said you came to hasten the process, well, What else should i kill?"

' He would play ignorant since technically he hadn't experienced this world first hand.'

"My my so eager"

"Hold on, we'll get to it. Hehehe but you did such ruthless beautiful things naturally you have to be rewarded right."

She gave him some runes and a peculiar red stone. He knew without asking what it was. The Stone that increased every stat in existence by 10. It was only achieved by Enbi Arin through luck and savagery, as with the 50 who were allowed to sit out the fight with the goblins, the other 50 at least had one loss so it was impossible for one to kill that many.

Honestly, he wondered how that Kangtae or whatever killed 100 in one day, since 100 could only survive if all of them worked together to kill the goblins and were lucky enough to not get fatal injuries, however he was the 'lucky' one. However, none of that matters now, he gulped down the stone and absorbed the runes.

"Now then, here are your test subjects on your newfound power"

The fairy was giddy from all the killing and spun around repeatedly. He had received his 3 of any rune award along with the others promptly.


Tiny green monsters with a deformed look . 200 strong. Verathragna rushed over while taking a deep breath, for tai chi, a calm mind was necessary, at first he used his Tai Chi forms but he found the goblins were unworthy, his current stats could crush them without technique. So he screamed, he screamed out all his pain and hatred.

His mind didn't go blank but continued its turmoil with each life he ruthlessly bashed out, his body seemed to get it, What their situation was, it became easier with each killing.

So he bashed And bashed each and every goblin dead with his bare hands. Their sticky blood splattered all over his body. His heart finally calmed down from its inner turbulence. He looked at the corpses of the elderly and women.

"I'm sorry."

"Nothing will change what I've done , the best I can honour your memories is to save the world tree in the zone above so your relatives have a chance at survival"

"But that will be all, I'm no savior of humanity, perhaps I no longer deserve them but I will find Liz and Victoria and we'll be together if i have to kill however many to do so, to become capable of sheltering them upon our reunion then so be it."

V looked up on the sky- The World Tree will be my one and only gift to humanity, for all those I've killed and those I will kill, this is my gift to you.

(Link start!!!!)

(Prologue terminated)

(Shift achieved)

(Normal life end. True story begin)