
Sky Road

"Well done Mister Vicente, quite splendid, you have exceeded expectations in this tutorial, but it's time to move up, I have no doubt you'll continue to be entertaining"

The fairy appeared and cutely cheered him on before sending him away after 3 days.

V covered the puppet with clothes from an elderly, a large black embroidered robe that gave a grandma feel, whether it was for grandma or for grandpa by grandma, with a tad of Greek like culture.

He took a long look before patching up some white nurse clothes into a long robe with his semi professional sewing skills.

He was about to be in a room full of strangers, not only him but everyone else transitioning.



Why would the fairy leave friendly and strong people together in a group for them be enjoy. Random people were mixed in all the rooms.

So was he.

In the small white room, eleven people were looking around, no twelve?

And they were actually rather calm and composed about it and weren't shocked.

Just like how people who went through the first tutorial should be like. Though it might be giving them a little too much credit since he only knew Hansoo's situation and that idjit helped strangers hunt by telling them monster weaknesses.

Obviously a lot would survive and have leisure from his info but the difference between them and others should be vast.

Nonetheless they should have learnt a thing or two.

Be cautious of your surroundings but do not make it obvious.

But then one of these people smirked.

"Whew!… there's eleven.....wait there's one more, ?What's going on? Did they make a mistake?This... How lucky"

And everyone made a slightly satisfied expression as if they agreed. More was obviously better. Though it was different from what they were told but the fairy wasn't always straightforward.

They were dropped in an unknown place.

They didn't know each other but if there were going to be in harsh conditions wasn't it obvious that having eleven was better than ten as was the arrangement of a room, they had twelve so they were most likely at The top.

The man who complained before talked.

"Well. Let's introduce ourselves. Since we will probably be working toge…"

<Hello. Have you arrived? First, Welcome to the second tutorial area, Sky Road>

Before the man finished talking, the fairy's voice came out from thin air in the room they were at.

And as soon as the fairy's voice came out, everyone didn't say what they were going to and instead focused on the fairy.

<Well I must give you a basic explanation but… I don't think I need to explain to those who don't really need it so let's do something first>


Everyone made a confused expression at the fairy's words.

<As you see right now, some rooms have 10 and some rooms have 11 people. But this is unfair right? So I think that we must balance the numbers, I'll explain this afterwards.>


Everyone made a scrunched up face.

Their room had 12. If they were going to balance the numbers then they would probably kill off one person in one of the rooms with eleven people like them and then start but they would be in a better situation as they had twelve.

And if that happened they might get injured during the fight and even if they manage to kill somebody off without getting injured then they would be cautious of each other.

But the fairy crushed everybody's expectations.

<But then if we only kill somebody in the room with 11 it'll be unfair right? Since there will be a fight. So here's how we'll do it, the room with 10 people will kill off 1 and the room with 11 will kill of 2. We here respect your choices so come to a consensus by yourselves.>

"…Fucking bitch of a fly. I wondered why it was moving things along so smoothly"

One person spat out curses while everyone who had been sighing in relief started to be cautious of everyone else.

And at the same time they looked for the person who was likely to be the weakest of all.

There probably won't be anybody who they can easily.

If they searched then they might find some but most of them had already been dropped off at the 1st tutorial area.

The people here were people who would not die alone, they would at least stab them back before they die.

And because of this, it was important to find the weakest person to attack with the nine and kill them instantly.

Taesun, who was the first to curse, mumbled inwardly.

'Fuck… there's no way to know since you can't judge from appearances'

If they were all normal existences then you could judge very simply from their appearance.

Since females were generally weaker.

But if you went on like this in this place you neck will fly off.

Since if they had collected runes zealously because they were weaker, crushing any decent male was possible.

Because of this Taesun instead searched for the existence of weapons.

Since if they didn't have a weapon, they would be the weakest.

'The one without a weapon…damn. They all have it.'

Taesun mumbled.

Everyone was gripping intensely onto their well sharpened blade that was shining in the light.

But in this situation, one person was out of the ordinary.

He didn't look flustered, he was extremely good looking, and also very young, not only that, his weapon looked to be a work of art, that brought forth destruction. His eyes and Everyone's eyes were glistening in greed.

That weapon looked leagues better than anything they'd seen. Really tough and menacing like, it was saying while taunting them,'Look how awesome I am, and I make you look cool too, don't you want me?'.


A head dropped to the floor, no one saw how.

The drew their weapons reflexively but seconds later the young boy plunged his sword through another's chest, he was so fast he was on a different level. No one had time to reach, the twelfth figure also brought out his weapon to kill.

'This!.... This sensation!'

It was like their situation not too long ago, when some of them verified the threat of the altar beast, such a vicious monster with a w eird aura coming off it, a colorless aura along with a primal sense of bloodlust and danger, it was like staring down the King of Bears , if they had one.

The fairy's voice also appeared once more but no one paid it any attention as they were either killing or getting killed.

No one present was even close to the Carnivorous beast V killed, they were easy pickings, his puppet didn't even need to move as he could do it alone. The difference between normal and colorless runes was that big.

Just two was enough to take care of them all who were merely at the normal rune state without half of their runes filled up for any one stat.

This wasn't all that hard to fathom, none of them even knew about colorless runes much less possessed them. The V who gained one more colorless rune after 3 days was unstoppable, it was agility after all.

Agility was quite unique.

The user's time twists and it becomes 0.1 times faster and their reaction speed becomes faster as well as the same movement being slightly faster.

As agility rises, the user started to live in a different dimension. At the colorless level, even more so.



"Please no!"

"Let's talk this out yea?!"

"You crazy motherf-"

"Damned bastard kid, I'll show you-!"

Soon after without even a chance of begging- maybe a little begging, he reaped all their lives and systematically absorbed all the runes that weren't strength, stamina and agility, he stored those on his wrist as his runes could no longer be increased as such. Only colorless runes could increase colorless runes. They didn't even do the cliche "Wh..y!". He was a kilbot.

This world was that cruel, such a difference was allowed to happen and he could do whatever he wanted to them.

This location will be protected for three months as the tutorial area.

If things like this didn't exist all the upper years would come, kill everyone and take their runes.

With only 1 year of experience one can kill 100 of them very easily. So despite the bad situation, it could be worse.

He also had.... that, which he made back in the first tutorial area. The scene replayed itself in his mind.


He had cut the goblin leather into a suitable size then brought the blood of the green worm within it.

'It was innovated with extreme detail. 800g of green worm blood and 225g of goblin leather.'

He who had weighed everything with extreme detail from materials in the convenience store, poured the blood in one pot and then ripped up the goblin leather, put it in the same pot and proceeded to boil it.

Soon, when the blood started to boil, something fascinating happened.

The goblin leather started to melt.


A green worm, when goblins invaded, bit off the goblin and then sprayed blood from an injury in its mouth to melt down the leather.

And goblins, to retaliate, evolved to counter this.

If the blood of the green worm was to touch their leather, it would become poisonous.

'The two species probably lived in the same area for a long time which is a fundamental factor to consider from now on, when dealing with new species.'

Whatever happened, the poison made this way showed a powerful might in the beginning.

So he made buckets of the dark red liquid and placed them in his jar, they were meant for difficult opponents or numerous opponents such as humans.

How did he know this? After all he didn't possess photographic memory. It was all on his spy like glasses which stored all his information from his past life, which was wisely done , now that he thought about it. In hindsight it wasn't so useless after all.

The poison would be greatly useful as no one knew the value of resistances quite yet. No one was currently resistant against poison at the tutorial area, not monster or human, perhaps the demons at the castle were the sole exceptions since they weren't exactly originally a tutorial level being.

It was a crucial factor with the Altar beast.


V looked down on the corpses he just dropped, they weren't even worthy of using poison. He collected all the runes, ignoring the ones he couldn't use efficiently as his were already colorless.

It was nice if you could kill a colorless creature and gain a colorless rune you didn't already have, perhaps it would bring the stat to colorless immediately. However, the Otherworld wasn't such an easy place, what if a clan lord hunted and collected colorless runes and gave them to members of his clan to become stronger.

Obviously that wasn't possible, colorless runes could only be used if you had one in the first place, so were colorless artifacts which needed at least one colorless rune to use.

But that might not be true after all as Hansoo was a benefit of such actions once himself. A colorless rune was needed to defeat a colorless level beast so no clan lord could mass kill colorless level beasts to give runes to his clansmen while at the first tutorial and early second tutorial.

The Altar beast was the prime example. 70 people together couldn't defeat that thing. Granted a clan working together might do better but most would still die and it was quite odd to awaken the Lord trait and bring it to the level of recruiting 70 or more in the first tutorial area, it was nigh impossible since it was a stretch for 70 to be alive at all.

That video clip was probably the maximum number over all 20 years.

But it should be possible, after all there were many cases of people being chased up to the next zone, those people probably hadn't maxed out their runes if so, how did they survive the zone. It was highly likely that one higher leveled rune could bring a lower leveled stat up to its level.

He absorbed the runes of stats that hadn't reached 100 and stored the rest on his wrist.

After extensive hunting, he found out that his prior assumptions were wrong, A goblin wasn't equivalent to 0.1 runes, there were cases where monsters have even 0.4 runes or even 1 if he was lucky which was common these days, stats were completely random in both type and quantity.

However discrepancies between stats weren't suitable for battle, all stats should be at the same level for optimal performance.

He planned to retrieve 'that' creature and bring all his stats to one level.

He calmly trodded out the room with a figure behind him.

Sky Road.

A road where you had to go from the 1000 starting points and head towards the topmost single area.

There wasn't only one path.

It was a setup where you would get split up and collide into the people from other starting points.

The room they were previously at was currently floating high up in the sky.

A scene that would turn make an acrophobiac shrivel up.

A vast sea could be seen thousands of meters below and in the distance outside the white room a large floating island that seemed much larger than a 5km² area.

There was a long bridge connecting their room and the island.

A few other rooms just like his were also connected to the island and there were many other islands floating about the same height as theirs.

And the thousands of islands that were floating above them in layers.

The people who got this far cried out in gloom as they saw the islands that looked like stairs but too far apart to be called stairs.

<Sky Road>

Move by moving between the islands floating in the air.

And continue to climb higher and higher.

Every island had rewards you could attain and had special rules or beasts.

Though there was something very unique about it.

'First the <Rune Eater Snake>'


Minerva was separated from her clan but they could still communicate through her symbol. She gave them strict orders to find women to enhance the clan strength. Her current roommates consisted of a mixed crowd.

There was a manish tanned woman holding a huge axe. A fellow with shifty eyes and a bald head. A scarred man. Two other women and the remaining were men. She couldn't immediately recruit all women into her group. She must judge them worthy to give her back to them.

So for now..... She would wait and see.

Everyone started to introduce themselves as did she to leave a good impression on the women, just in case they were worthy.

"I think we should work together as a group to find a path out of this place, After all, they put us together for a reason we should...."


Before Minerva's words were finished, a faint tremble was felt from the island.

While everyone got shocked and grabbed onto the side rails, a fairy's voice was heard from above them.

<Oh. For the record, after a while the islands start falling down started from the one at the bottom. If you have thoughts of setting up a campfire and becoming friendly with each other then it might be better to enjoy it in a more mobile form with a hand held torch>

As soon as the people got to the land, the bridge got destroyed.

As the people saw the bridge fall down to what seemed like an endless amount of time, they made a horrified face.

If they can't climb up fast enough, then they would fall along with this island.

"Well. The explanations were done earlier so let's decide what to do from now on, Let's $$@$$$#!..."

Since it looked like they were all from different tutorial areas and were strangers, she established her dominance first. The scarred man had an input as anyone could see she was attempting to lead.

"Just wait a bi.....!?!"

She grabbed his hand twisted it and pummeled him to the floor like it was nothing.

Everyone warily held their weapons but didn't attack. She was the one who killed the two in their room of 11 by herself, They didn't see it necessary to refute, as it was truly a good option to work together.

They nodded and followed behind her, She spoke through her lord symbol to her 14 students,

<Have strength. It seems like that we can meet each other at the top. Make sure to survive and come up. And keep as much alive as you can. We need to raise our numbers and recruit as many strong people as we can.>


'With the central Dormant Volcano as the center of direction… the eighth room on the left of the lava river, so turn rightwards twice and once left…'

The <Rune Eater Snake> he needed to obtain was a mutant of <Rune Pattern Snake>

And the place he needed to find for this.

<Rune Pattern Snake's Forest>

The structure of all 100 of the 1st level of the stair islands was the same.

10 white rooms with the Dormant Volcano as the center and forked roads that connected 498 beast habitats and everything else.

So as long as you follow the path as you memorized than you could find the forest.

And as soon as the fork on the road appeared, Verathragna smoothly turned right after checking his glasses.

The danger was similar no matter which path you took and eventually you will end up on the center where you can move to a different island.

'Rune Pattern Snake'

A unique beast that gained extra stats depending on the pattern on its skin.

The annoying part was that the patterns kept changing.

And if there are mana rune patterns on its body one also needed to be careful of the poison.

Once you get bitten while it had mana runes up then you will be poisoned with a toxin that will steadily burn your own mana.

And whilst the mana burned, your magic power as well as health were also affected.

Of course it didn't burn until you died and the effects will disappear after some time but by the time the effects disappear, you will have become quite a mess.

The bark of the oak tree which it lived in had some sort of antidote-like effect due to it being rubbed against its scales but it was best to just not get bitten by it at all.