
Green Walk Community

The girl in front seemed to be the eldest, small well defined nose, onyx colored eyes that drew you in with an attractive curve, slender S curved body that couldn't help but entrap a man's gaze, beautiful oval shaped face with D cup perky breasts and and even bigger rear.

She was as beautiful as ... Well he hadn't seen any thing worthy of comparison. He also wasn't that literally adept to put sights into writing well.

He had seen a few exotic models and actresses in movies in his past life but her looks were a cut above even they, her body was as excellent as they come.

Oddly enough a lot of pretty actresses were nameless, like a few on several tv series like Blacklist in his past life where they made an appearance for a few episodes at most. Beauty truly wasn't supreme anymore, perhaps it'd increase your instagram followers.

The girl looked to be around 17 wearing red lip stick and nail polish, short jeans that way above her lower thighs, and a t-shirt prodded up by her bountiful chest, with her dark hair tied in a ponytail.

Was he wrong to think of her like this? To be honest it was all one big conspiracy in the minds of men. He made an image of what he saw, What was he supposed to do ? Peer through her exterior like superman and see her insides or use his psychic powers to see her beautiful inside traits and not the external things.

Vicente's mind wandered as he continued judging his new acquaintances the only method presently available in his senses seconds long window.

The girls behind her paled comparison, they seemed to be 14 to 16 with the youngest carrying the arsenal of water bombs.

"Who are you?"

The alluring girl in front questioned him curiously. He was well aware of the art of courting women, adults in bars and certain events had a suppressed intent of getting a partner, girls her age matured early in more ways that one and generally preferred older guys. But time was all he needed to bag her, so he acted normal.

Was this also wrong? Should he face her with the pure intentions of being a friend. Or perhaps an Aunt or Mother figure. It was merely the subconscious reaction of his soul his body wasn't even developed. She was far younger than his previous life's choices but he was already this old in this body.

He'd be a stubborn fool if he hadn't accepted the reality nonetheless he definitely wasn't settling for girls his current age. He'd aim for older mature girls. Though nothing was wrong with being pure friends per se however his manly oriented mind wanted this trophy like girl to be blunt.

Low You say? Ha. This was the mind of a man, A trophy girl, a stress relief, fun, a few other sub categories as well as the highly or maybe not so highly sought after loyal family man who was ready to settle down and start a family with the 'one'. This was the reality. True love was something that was inexplicable.

He hadn't experienced it, that feeling where he'd have butterflies in his stomach and the borderline obsession to a girl. In his view, true love was for the old 79 year old couples who tolerated each other so long. He only had the manly desire to possess her. Frankly he hadn't the time to fall in love with her yet. Perhaps that'd change though, who knew.

His hormones weren't exactly active. He could only lay the foundation of their relationship first.


The girl, Elizabeth, introduced herself,

"Elizabeth. I haven't seen you around here before"

Elizabeth was doing her makeup with her aunt when that damned brother of hers sprayed water on her with his toy gun, ruining her mood, she gave chase but the bastard was as slippery as an eel.

It was then she met him. A youth about a head shorter than her with mesmerizing mysterious amber eyes, black hair and smooth skin, he also seemed quite buff as she could make out abs beneath his stylish clothes. Close fit jeans, black t-shirt with a small feathered jacket, he definitely knew how to dress.

' He was a unique sight, a mixture of those Koreans who kind of looked like anime characters and a model.'

"It's my first time around these parts. What do you do for fun around here?"

He smiled and asked, conversation starters were the biggest obstacles however it was best not to stress and casually open.

Time would be spent with the person or persons in question without rushing too much and you'd behave familiar in only a few days.

Experience told Vicente exactly what was required of him.

'What am I thinking, you don't usually treat relationships like missions, it's a more natural process.'

After giving her body a quick scan once more, he added mentally.

'I'll make an exception for her. She's a must to have. Mission material'

Reylese was also sizing him up.

She didn't know what it was but he gave off a mature vibe, Perhaps it was the way he carried himself. She thought for a moment before replying,

"Usually we play ludo, uno and watch movies together with the boys, mostly we girls stay to ourselves and the boys to themselves. But we're grouping now. Come, I'll introduce you."

She first introduced the girls behind her before beckoning him to follow her to the others.

"Oi you knocked into me, aren't you going to apologize?"

The younger brother, Samuel sprang up and pointed at Vicente. The youth were usually unbridled and didn't think about the consequences of their actions with persons of similar ages or status.

Him speaking exactly was on his mind was a bit of a surprise to Vicente who was using his past life encounters as a reference. Adults never spoke what was exactly on their mind, naturally their were exceptions to every rule but even spouses didn't say everything on their minds.

He was truly a child.

Usually, he would ignore him but he was in a new environment so..

"Sam quit your belly aching you ran into him because of your mischief. (To Vicente) Let's go."


Samuel didn't get a chance to say any more as they walked off with him grinding his teeth after seeing them lengthen the distance.

Tsk. Samuel was a little unresigned but knew this was the truth. In actuality he was happy being chased. His sister and he used to do everything together but lately she's changed, their mom said she was maturing or whatever but he didn't care he wanted things to be as they used to.

Elizabeth brought Vicente to her house where she introduced her friends who were in the middle of gossiping,

"What?!! Susan stole Brandon from Lucy"

"Yea I saw her do it, you'd bet there will be drama tomorrow when we return from vacation"

"Anyways you girls can live off gossip but we men want some excitement let's play a game"

"Hah. You boys live off games."

Five teens sat in the living room. Three males and two females. The door opened and Elizabeth walked in with Vicente. Hearing this, his first impressions began to form. The first impressions for him, usually lasted and no matter what happened that initial perspective of that person always stayed with him.

'Hm. The kind of things I'd expect from them, though they'll do it when they're older to with a few slight differences.'

"You're back. Who's this?"

"He's Vicente he's new around the area."

"Oh, he's cute."

A blond blue eyed girl openly teased him.

Vicente just smiled. This wasn't a feudal society while hearts weren't worn on sleeves but their was a lot of freedom of expression. There was a lack of truly modern novels within the Chinese collection which was full of old news.

"You jest"

"Ok Shell, stop teasing him."

Elizabeth lightly rebuked the blond girl.

"Anyways what were you guys doing?"

"We were about to play a game."

Paul, a tall moderately handsome english teen who gave off an aura of confidence and amiableness suddenly spoke, "Ludo and Uno are getting boring, let's play a different game"

Everyone directed their gazes to him. He slightly smirked,

"Let's play spin the bottle that is, if you girls aren't scared"

Monique, who was the other girl in the room saw through his intentions in a heartbeat," Hm taunting us but fine I'm up for it. Shell? Liz?"

Elizabeth hesitated a bit but she eventually gave in. Shelly, the blond turned to Vicente," Join us."


She made space next to her for him to sit down, he observed everyone to gain an impression as they did he.

"Know how to play?"

"Of course"

He'd seen it in movies though he never played himself, he never had a chance. Ah, joyful youth. The game went something like this, a crowd of males and females surrounded a table with only a bottle on it, the bottle was set on its side and each person could spin the bottle, if the bottle landed on a person you had to kiss that person. Thank the gods he looked older than he really was and had done several hundred hours of muscle training.

It was a common party game. In the states and here. In the event of same gender pairings i.e. a male spinning the bottle which landed on another male: they both would exit the game as an unspoken rule, pride and all. However females were unperturbed by such things and usually went through with it.

"Ahem, let's start then."

Paul spun the first round. The bottle took off. It stopped. They had all come as close to the table as possible to prevent the event of it landing on no one, a miss. Paul had the first miss, there were seven of them but there were still small gaps between them.

"Aw man a miss, next time. It's my turn."

Another male, Cedric who another blond, teasingly nudged Paul before stabilizing the bottle and spinning it.

"Come on , Come on , Gimme some love bottle"

He was obviously a playful and outspoken fellow, rubbing his hands with an anticipating grin cheekily staring down the girls who chuckled in response. Vicente also looked at the bottle, while inwardly chanting don't be Elizabeth, don't be Elizabeth don't be Elizabeth.

The bottle halted. Pointing to Monique,

"Whooo! go Nique"

Shelly cheers by the side seeming to enjoy the first hit the game yielded. Cedric puckered his lips while bending his stance to receive his kiss.

"Oh please."

Monique nonchalantly spoke. She placed her hair behind her ear and quickly joined lips with Cedric before backing off in the few seconds of contact. Cedric complained about it being too short to which he was jokingly ignored. It was his turn.

To say he wasn't nervous would be a lie but he had to spin either way. Hm. Wait. I can cheat can't I? An evil thought dawned on him. His sensitivity developed through tai chi could easily judge the force necessary. He could randomly spin as cheating was a little shameless. Ah, whatever. Playing nice never got any girls when it mattered.

He applied a force to the rear end of the bottle. It spun and stopped a few seconds after. Right on Elizabeth.

"Whoo. It's your turn girl"

Shelly excitedly egged her on. Elizabeth smiled and exhaled, bending over the table while placing her hair behind her ear as well. Vicente naturally has already kissed a girl in his previous life so he had experience but he was definitely was going to enjoy this.

He bent over to meet her, tilting his head and grasping her chin.


He energetically locked lips with her applying his passion as did she in response. He didn't forget to lightly bite her lip as they parted.

"Is it me or is someone experienced"

Shelly slanted her eyes suggestively at him. He brushed it off but everyone could see he was truly experienced. The boys showed slight changes in behaviour upon seeing him kiss Elizabeth, which teen wasn't tempted by a body like that. They insulted him in their minds while giving forced smiles. Damn, he's so short. He's not even that good looking. What kind of eyes are those anyway....

The girls thought he was short too but it wasn't that uncommon at their age, these types would have a big growth spurt in a year or two.

Afterwards was Shelly who got Monique and teasingly danced as and created excitement as she kissed her passionately. Monique got Paul and the last teen, John was unlucky enough to get Cedric who howled in misery and shook him by the collar for dragging him down.

He kept one hand beneath the table for Paul's turn. He couldn't let him get Elizabeth. His tai chi could shift the bottle if it showed signs of landing on her without anyone noticing. His teacher would flip out if he found out he was using Tai chi like this. Shelly spun and got him, to which she cheered and gave him a deep kiss.

Nonetheless, he still stared into Elizabeth's eyes every few minutes to keep sending her signals of his interest in her. Naturally, he continued getting paired with her all five of his turns. They stopped after 5 rounds each.

"Let's find something else to do, the couple over there seem to be the only ones having a lot of fun"

Monique directed her gaze to Elizabeth and Vicente. Elizabeth lightly blushed while Vicente was unfazed with a hint of excitement which had yet to die down.



The doorbell rang. Elizabeth got up and went to answer the doorbell. The 5 up stairs continued to brainstorm leisure ideas while he wisely stayed quiet, he wasn't an honorary member of the group yet. Hm.

He heard some slightly loud sounds downstairs. He pondered whether to go down or not but it was Elizabeth down there after all so he got up to go check.

"What's the matter?"

Vicente was put one finger on his lips signaling her to be quiet before pointing downwards.

"It's slightly loud don't you think, I'm going to go check."

"I'll go too"

"I'll go"

"Me too"

The males hurriedly answered in an effort to show their manliness upon seeing the slight

admiration on the girls faces for Vicente's behaviour.

The girls ended up going as well. What greeted them was the sight of a man using one hand to prevent the door from closing and the other grabbing Elizabeth.

"Come on. You have the perfect face and figure for a model , I can even get you a job as an actress."

"I said no!"

Elizabeth angrily refused. But the man, Victor, did not want to give up. Victor was apart of the number 2 entertainment and movie industry, Cleveland. They were in a constant competition with the number 1, Kingsland. Their English model and actress quality was declining and recently his fellow workers had recruited some good looking actresses and models.

Showing hints of surpassing Kingsland. This girl was of a whole other league she had Taylor Swift, Will Smith attractiveness without the fame, in reality most celebrities weren't all that in the looks department just above average this was propelled by their career giving them world class beauty. She was at that level or even slightly above without any fame at all.

Imagine when she does. And if he was the one responsible he'd definitely get a promotion. Timothy from the next department brought in 5 beauts and was now driving a Porsche with his bonus money, God, was he jealous but with her he could fly pass him.

But she just wouldn't budge saying she had no interest. At this point he already had left a bad impression in fact she might report his excited behaviour as assault after he leaves. Slowly a dark thought came in to his mind.

A few months back he came across some shady people who seemed to be in the business, it was only later he found out they were traffickers who sold high quality products. He had already passed the point of no return so might as well he went through with it and got paid.

He became even more rough as he grabbed her, Forgetting this was her house and her father might be home. Suddenly he saw a hand leisurely reach out above his hand on her as if caressing the air.

It abruptly sped up and the next thing he knew he let go of her. But, but what was this? What the Hell?

"What, What did you do to my hand!!!"

His hand loosely hung down like a child in trouble without his permission. He shouted at the newcomer a short teen with strange Brown eyes and black hair, that hand from before belonged to him. Who only smiled at him in response to his shout.

"Say do you know my relationship with her (points to Elizabeth), We were kind of strangers before but I've already kissed her 5 times, strangers don't kiss each other and if so, after they do, they aren't strangers anymore, are they?, we can at the very least be called special friends."

"Now you acted so aggressive with her just now almost kidnapping her so imagine, what I'm going to do to you"

Vicente harmlessly smiled before springing his arm out and clutching his neck. He was taller than him but that made no difference, feeling the hand squeezing his throat he struggled and threw a punch with his free arm. Vicente raised his hand and deflected the blow simultaneously sealing his acupoints and movements.

He obviously had no prior martial arts training but judging from his impulsive personality he was probably a drunk who had an inferior body in the first place. A master of a martial art might be a problem for the current Vicente but someone like him was child's play. Even as a child he could play with him.

Vicente saw no need to use direct attacking techniques on him so he used pure unrefined brute force to attack his joints weakening him before beating him black and blue, adding the finishing blow ruthlessly to his crotch. Even he admitted that was cruel and as the saying went do onto others as you'd have them do on to you so....Hm.

Well technically if he succeeded today he would be giving him, Vicente a metaphorical kick in the balls so, whatever.

Obviously there are more than ten stats but adding more is stupid.

HollOw13creators' thoughts