
First Step Taken

[Vicente Von Vongola]

Strength: 38.7

Stamina: 38.8

Perception: 25.3

Agility: 26.3

Sixth Sense: 28.5

Mana: 20

Magic: 20

Physical Resistance: 21.3

Magic Resistance: 21.1

Luck: 20

Charm: 20

Charisma: 20

'All stats increased by 10'

The sage stone, <A sage stone that was mimicked by a flimsy mage>

As soon as you eat it then every stat will increase and not just the ones you have but every rune in existence including luck by 10 and even heal injuries that could kill.

That along with the 100 runes he got from his massacre and the 20 runes he got from the goblins boosted his stats to an insane level for a beginner. Most likely due to the luck stat, he even got 2 regeneration runes.

Stats of this world had a variety of effects. Humans innately had only two, strength and stamina, all others were quantified starting at 10 due to them normally being absent. The Stone basically put his base stats to 20. His reward of three Sixth Sense runes was also helpful plus the initial one. In addition to that he monopolized a few of the 'first missions' Just now.

These were things such as, first beast kill, first species kill, first one to gain a new rune type and the like. They usually granted runes from stats you already possess.

He would make use of this rare chance to raise his Sixth Sense, through these missions which generally enhanced owned runes. Sixth Sense would be the hardest to raise so he grasped every opportunity possible.

With his current stats, he was a glorified monster but this him couldn't defeat the beast that laid wait on the Altar scheduled to appear on the fourth day. Clementine and a few others all were the single survivors of the first tutorial area yet only Clementine killed it.

There was an obvious reason for this. Her second trait.

V had no such thing but this starting point gave him all the preparation he needed to blaze through this stage.

Stats are a method of measuring strength using a numbered system. They are ranked according to the colors of zones:

Basic > Colorless > Red > Orange > Yellow > Green > Blue > Indigo > Violet

There are a large number of stats( Naturally there are possibility over 20 but those are a waste of space). But 8 are referred to as the 8 great stats as they affected battle the most:

Strength - (Enhances power and speed)

Stamina - (Enhances endurance and recovery speed)

Agility - (Enhances reaction time)

Perception - (Enhances the five senses)

Magic - (Enhances a skill's power)

Mana - (Enhances quantity of mana for skill usage)

Physical Resistance - (Reduces damage of incoming physical attacks)

Magical Resistance - (Reduces damage of incoming magical attacks)

There are a number of other runes that very rarely appear:

Sixth Sense - (Allows one to sense things others cannot)

Luck - (Increases drop rate of rare runes, skills, and items)

Charisma -(unknown)

Charm- (unknown)

His starting point was worlds away from most. There are no classes in reincarnator. Only skills and traits. He didn't know his current trait or whether he had one or not but what he did know was that he absolutely must gain Kang Hansoo's trait.

Traits are special hidden abilities or skills that a few people have. For humans, these abilities lie dormant due to being present in a manaless or ki-less world such as Earth. Upon traversing to a mana or ki filled world, such as the Otherworld, these abilities are awakened.

People who have a very good personal trait shows faster rate of growth than others if they are able to survive the start of the Otherworld. It is possible for a few to be able to awaken more than one trait. The Three Gates in the Tutorial gives a reward of <Trait Granting> when one reaches the First Gate.

The trait Seven stars is a trait which limits the user to 7 skills but allows the user to quickly grow his skill proficiency and even evolve the skills.

When Hansoo learns a skill, the trait allows him to receive the intentions, experiences, and knowledge of the creator of the skill and assimilate it. This lets Hansoo understand the skill better than anyone, increase the mastery of the skill quickly and become closer than anyone else to the one who has mastered it before.

The best part about the trait, Seven Stars, is not really that skills grew fast and beyond their limits. It was the fact that it gives the user the right to break through the ceiling that stopped everyone else. The true identity of the Seven Stars is as one of the many forms of the Transcendent Stars. It allows one to become a Transcendent in a world with ceilings.

This was a must have for V. The disappearances irl, Weren't just a 100 at a time anymore but far more yet a single stage could only have 100 persons, the others In his area must have been taken to other tutorials that included Minerva. If all went well, he'd meet her, In the second stage.

The first tutorial area is in an abandoned city in a group of 100 humans. The humans must stay there for one week and survive. When they first appear in this place, the Fairies give an explanation of where they are and how to access their stats (by touching their ear). The 100 humans are then forced to fight a bunch of goblins. After the fight, the humans are left alone to survive. After the 4th day, the fairy once again appears and puts a pyramid before the humans.

It tells them that a beast (in the shape of the alien in the movie Alien), is inside and will escape in 24 hours unless they sacrifice 5 humans. If they do, the beast will stop trying to escape for 24 hours when they will then have to sacrifice 5 more people again. If they can survive for 72 hours, they will then be transported to the 2nd tutorial area (Sky Road).

V was in a similar case as Clementine, he'd have to fight it single handedly though he'd have it no other way.

The Tutorial.

A place where humans first enter the Otherworld. It is meant to train the humans to adapt to the Otherworld and at the same time weed out the weakest of the humans. There are guides in the form of Fairies who tell the humans how to proceed. When the Fairies show up and give instructions, it almost always means bad news for the humans, and so they are also referred to as the bearers of bad news.

First Tutorial Area

The first tutorial area is in an abandoned city in a group of 100 humans. The humans must stay there for one week and survive. When they first appear in this place, the Fairies give an explanation of where they are and how to access their stats (by touching their ear). The 100 humans are then forced to fight a bunch of goblins. After the fight, the humans are left alone to survive. After the 4th day, the fairy once again appears and puts a pyramid before the humans. She tells them that a beast (in the shape of the alien in the movie Alien), is inside and will escape in 24 hours unless they sacrifice 5 humans. If they do, the beast will stop trying to escape for 24 hours when they will then have to sacrifice 5 more people again. If they can survive for 72 hours, they will then be transported to the 2nd tutorial area (Sky Road).

Second Tutorial Area - Sky Road

The second part of the tutorial comprises around 10,000 adventurers. Sky Road is a series of connected islands floating in the sky. Far below them is a poisonous sea. During this time period of the tutorial stage people are consistently encouraged by the fairy,  sometimes forced, to kill or sacrifice each other in order to survive.

The islands are linked in such a way as to lead to the highest floating island which has a tower. This is the final goal of the 2nd tutorial area. The entire 2nd tutorial lasts for 3 months. The Final Secret Dungeon of the 2nd tutorial area appears at the end and can only be accessed by climbing to the top of the tower from the outside of the building.

He was currently in the first stage, the first day. He had four days to gain a colourless rune to kill the beast. He hadn't the mana control, or battle experience of the 75 year old Kang Hansoo, however he had the Sixth Sense Stat which could help him sublime and create a new fighting style with Tai Chi as the base.

The fairy gave him some words of maniacal encouragement before removing the barrier and letting him loose. He could now leave the area the hundred were previous confined in. But now, he was not a hundred but one.


He was still in Japan, Not Korea as Kang Hansoo (Otherworld version) so he had different conditions, but thankfully there was a train station near by.

The first hidden piece of the tutorial area.

Shinjuku Station.

Looking up at the daylight sun up in the sky he felt the slight heat on his skin, he smelt the scent of the vines, cement, puddles and other things present in the environment reinforcing that this was not just real but a separate world altogether and not some virtual reality game where he bled pixels and could maybe revive.

Back in his previous world- V cut himself off from his train of thoughts that were heading backwards and not forwards, he could only fight and continue fighting as he had not the major advantages of Hansoo who himself barely survived his fights in the Otherworld.

Granted Kang Hansoo did push himself a bit too much and he couldn't realistically clone his feats but he had to! He was the goal he set to surpass in this place, when he truly surpassed Kang Hansoo at the same level in every aspect then he could once again be who he truly was. He must surpass the Battle foresight, the knowledge of beasts, his trait, and everything that made Kang Hansoo strong.

'No time to waste'

He inserted his blade into the broken granite.


A beastly sound was heard from below as green blood spluttered out.

Fortunately, it was a monster he knew about, he wasn't from the future so he didn't know each and every monster there was, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage due to his monstrous stats, nonetheless, the otherworld wasn't a place for arrogance.

Green Worms were one of the most widely spread mobs of the Tutorial area.

They don't like sunlight so they stay underground and they come out after feeling the vibrations above ground.

If someone were to be bitten by that somewhat lacking mouth, chunks of flesh getting ripped off was a given.

He disregarded the unbroken granite that was safest and walked straight in the direction of the stairs. He didn't have to do a thing as they came to die, he shoved the nodachi he gained from killing a goblin straight into a worm.

The coarse skin of the worms and the pressure of their weight and force enhanced by the momentum of their lower ends springing off the ground was quite fearsome.

He blocked one suck attack where the rows of Teeth were being blocked by his blade, he urged the runes in his body to come alive and they supplied a large amount of strength to his body in the various forms, his muscles, senses, movements and all we're enhanced and his power easily overpowered the worm and crushed it with ease.

Killing it instantly after a few uses it got dull and he got use to the worms, so he fought bare handed with a Back up weapon for emergencies.

This was dangerous even if you had 50 years experience, his body was human after all but one thing gave him confidence, his Tai Chi, also his increased reaction time and enhanced senses allowed him to capture every movement. It was a slower process that a barbaric kill and hit style, but the benefits were that he was only minimally injured.

It was here he got the first real use of sixth sense, he 'felt' the monster's attack before it hit, he didn't even have to rely on his perception stat, with both perception and sixth sense combined, he was basically uninjured the rest of the way. His Tai Chi was to thank as well.

Tai chi wasn't a brute force method to begin with, so no hits no injuries. Modifying his forms for monsters was the only challenge. But the Sixth Sense Stat took care of most of that.

He slowly reflected on his movements now and read once again what Hansoo did through his glasses before putting them away. He reflected on his movements and decided the best course of action.

He began to subtly make use of his mana and try out every little thing like making it appear, cover his hand in it, cover his weapon in it, make it flow in set patterns etc. But all came a bit difficult as it was a new experience, he focused on his sixth sense with guided him on the correct methods to use mana.

He began to rely more on his senses, movements, and Tai Chi to win rather than taking the easy way and ruthlessly destroying them with his superior stats. He took each fight slow.

The green worms naturally didn't stand for this and surrounded him several times but he persevered and managed his tense situation full of danger by relying on his bodily instincts and his Sixth Sense.

A few hours later, he cleaned out all the green worms and descended. Guts were decorating the floor, the common thought would be someone was killed here but he knew better as he killed everyone, Chopped up Zombies.

This was the most likely explanation.




He soon encountered a little pedestrian like gathering with them dragging themselves here and there, as soon as the sensed him, they attacked.




And so it was, with the newly obtained dagger he stabbed it's brain waited a while and yes it moved, he stepped on its head splattering out and a rune popped out. It was dead this time. He gaze ran over his new dagger. Streamlined body cool looking but useless, he threw it away.

Zombies weren't hard to deal with as long as their core was destroyed, usually located in their brains, a few abnormal ones had it in different areas but this was inconsequential.

He was a tad proud of his discovery of their weakness but he ruthlessly mentally bashed himself to remember his goal, there was no time for leisure, he was in the same situation as everyone else just with bigger goals.

V slowly but surely modified his Pushing hands to fight monsters. There was the corpse poison he suspected existed within them but he didn't get bitten so he confirmed his suspicions afterwards.

A thought crossed his mind, for someone with his luck how come he never got a skill.

Although, he had no plans on risking it taking a slot of his skills upon learning Seven Stars, it was a bit odd.



Speak of the devil. And there it was, a skill. <Night Vision>. He checked Its options. It was useful for his species but was an utter waste of time for him. He'd have to sell it at a later date.

Verathragna continued to hunt zombies while refining his new form of Tai Chi in battle. His arms flowed with a mysterious rhythm before crushing three zombie skulls with one seemingly weightless kick.

His stamina was slowly depleted after his efforts causing him to catch his breath a while and meditated to adjust his mental state, all the zombies were dead anyway, well they were killed again without an intact head In sight.

'Haaa. This is still going to be real each time I open and close my eyes isn't it. What is this? Something's bubbling excitedly inside of me... Who am I kidding? I know what it is but I don't want to accept it. Even if I did, it's not time just yet.'

'I have to sacrifice all to survive'

'To sink or swim, in this dog eat dog world, is dependent on what happens from this point on.'

After recovering, he descended the stairs, A huge lizard with a snake like head and savage fangs laid on a platform in the centre floor.

'That... was it the Rokoko Lizard mentioned in the original, story?'


The subway.

Rattle. Rattle.

The train moved to the next station swiftly.

Supposedly there was more than one station, each with a special item. But you could only choose once. And you could also stop and get back on the train if you didn't like the item, as long as you didn't pick it up.

The longer version was:

Firstly. As you take the train you will go through 20 stations.

Secondly. The artifact on each station was random.

Thirdly. A station that you've passed cannot be returned to and going further did not mean better artifacts came out.

'It's a structure designed to give people mental conflicts'

V took a glance above.

A map of the train route with 20 stations.

He had to choose well here. Kang got Maniacs Cloud Snack but him and he had separate situations so it wasn't all that likely.


There was a platform laid on the center of the empty station with an artifact above it.

'Let's see'

There was plenty of time. Since the train won't move until you get back on.

V walked up to the platform and checked out the artifact.