

"Call the police, would you?"

Vicente directed his gaze to one of the males who's insides churned as they were a step too slow in acting cool. In fact, Vicente's earlier display wasn't a show of any martial prowess at all. Paul could probably defeat the guy as he was the head of the football team, as could Cedric who did athletics and the forgettable third guy wasn't frail looking at least.

To be honest Vicente wasn't all that level headed, when he first descended from the stairs upon the scene his mind was chaotic.

'Wha a a a t's going on? Assault?! Shit what to do what to do what to do. Think man think. Calm your heart and think. You have training, What did the old man say- use the right method for each situation - this well.... I got it acupoints, steady me. Let's do this'

Thus the previous scene played out like an anime or movie like scene with his adrenaline active for such a trivial matter, his heart rate increased as his chest thumped.

In fact the Elizabeth and the girls could probably take the guy out if they had a little experience in such situations, a kick in the groin would do fine, he didn't kick (Get kicked really) like a guy who could endure such a hit and take someone down with him. From his expertise and experience from doing the deed anyway.

Nonetheless this show of bravery definitely gave the girls good feelings about him especially the main victim who was saved. He approached her before her girlfriends stole the opportunity.

"You o.k.?"

'You dirty minded tyke, this is a real f uped situation for her and you dare take advantage!'

Elizabeth suddenly well expectedly as far as Vicente was concerned, broke down in tears and grabbed him, it wasn't a sorrowful wail but more of soft sobbing sounds. Naturally he hugged her and patted her head as was his job in this situation. While cursing himself for being opportunistic.

The police arrival in 15 minutes was slightly quicker than usual in these parts. They inquired for a statement from each of them. After Elizabeth pulled herself together a few minutes later she thanked him but had to go as her parents were called, who had arrived understandably furious. The father owning up to his duty ready to get violent and bury a bitch.

Elizabeth was happy at his concern but also embarrassed because her friends were here, she kept on glancing at Vicente in particular who smiled at her in response but after looking away for a few seconds he disappeared. She craned her lovely neck around but saw no trace of him.

It was apart of white culture to read stories to their children for bedtime and other activities when young, she was the same. She like most girls like Cinderella like stories, with Prince charming or white knights. Every girl wanted one.

He disappeared as suddenly as he appeared.

She almost thought he was a dream if not for Monique, Shelly and the others confirming they met him too.


Vicente went back to where he left Reylese in the car who was still there waiting. He felt a little guilty and allowed her to play with his face and do whatever she wanted with him as compensation as he was truly at fault in this scenario.

He meditated before heading off to get a good rest. Perhaps as a small revenge for shortening his weekly training schedule, he was rudely woken up with a bucket of water in his face by the Old man. What made Vicente's face twitch was that it was a brand new squeaky clean bucket that was obviously recently bought for that sole purpose.

'This f-'

He didn't bother arguing with the old man as while he wasn't going to accept certain parts of his culture, in the end, he was still his teacher and he would do his best to listen to him as he had much to learn and he had the first hand experience.

He continued his were schedule of 2-3 days strength training, 3 days of strict meditation to harness his internal energy and mastering new forms of pushing hands. The remaining was his rest day where he went to visit Green Walk Community namely to visit Elizabeth and socializing and all that with the others.

Usually he'd have to strike while the iron's hot but he had a variety of circumstances the two most physical and psychological were that his little brother couldn't salute/ prop up the heavens and that absence made the heart grow fonder.

'Damn you're too devious self. Behave. Think proper church boy th- okay not possible but not so un- see no evil think no evil see no....'

He actually liked doing serious matters alone but he preferred to relax and enjoy himself with others as that multiplied the happiness and relaxation at another level, it wasn't merely a 2*2 = 4 but more than that. Most people can relate if they had good friends and family. They didn't even have to be a BFF you'd steal your parents car for or anything like that.

Just similar people you can relate to, at similar ages that didn't necessarily have similar interests.

He was getting closer to Elizabeth day by day, well weekly since they only saw him once a week which obviously caused an interrogation to which he answered honestly, he was an orphan and he was getting homeschooled a bit before returning to the public. That earned him a few more points with the girls of course.

He also noticed two cutely malicious eyes that pierced his back every now and again. Cute, because they were the ill intent of a child, Elizabeth's younger brother who obviously had a sis complex. Although technically even he was older than him and Elizabeth was actually 7 years older than he, but she didn't know that nor was he dumb enough to tell her.

He didn't like lying so he'd only tell her the truth after thoroughly sinking his fangs in the depths of her youthful heart. His attitude and behaviour threw off the teens as they thought he was their age but lacking a growth spurt, in this case they were half right.


Vicente decided to do some more bonding with Grundy. He had already been talking to him everyday for a period but all he got was Figh. As Grundy was right now, he was an confused wild lion no, a wild beast.

Vicente gazed at those terrifying muscles even bigger than john cena's in his previous world and hulk was the only fitting term he could think of. Even his muscles gained through strict training was nothing in comparison. Granted, he was training strength, flexibility and co ordination in his muscles so he wasn't as bulky as he could be if he focused on bulkiness.

The most prominent factor was of course, time. He had spent so much time, blood and sweat in training his muscles so obviously the year old muscle trainer Vicente couldn't compare to his decade or decades old yield of training.

What do you do with a dangerous beast? Put it down. A pet lion could accidentally eat your hand after all. However, Vicente chose to repeatedly train him to get used to his, Vicente's voice and person. He was training him to act like a normal person. In a blunt manner, he was training a slave to listen to him.

Without Vicente he'd be most likely dead, so Vicente had no thoughts that this would impact his 'human rights'.

"All right Figh, Let's play ..... catch"


Figh viciously shouted like a mad beast. Of course, he had no ill intent but his muscles and chiseled face made him naturally scary despite being only passionate. Vicente took a while to get used to his instinctual facial expressions.

He was about to teach him, Control. Over these 5 years when Vicente brought him around, well he brought Vicente around when he was dead tired and wanted to rest. He had to give him strict instructions to just let him on his neck and that he Figh, shouldn't touch him (Grundys name is Figh).

Vicente held on to his bald head as he trodded the house and broke every breakable thing in his way. His monthly bill included, repairs. He'd actually even gotten used to it as it only occurred to him now, how much money he spent on Repairs, he'd passively paid his bill without much thought but the repairs had sucked 5 million from his pocket in these years.

When he paid the bill, the manager always had this odd look on his face. This simply couldn't continue as a once poor man, he'd not tolerate senseless burning of hard earned money.

So he decided to teach Figh, Control. Catch was perfect, as since he couldn't hold back he'd throw with all his strength. Vicente was on his way to achieving proficiency in all 88 forms of Ling Tai Chi so he knew foot techniques to avoid the bullets that would be sent his way.

Using his hand to cushion the force would be unwise as currently there was too wide a gap between their base strength and speed. Perhaps if he had mastered redirecting and cushioning force he would be able to, however this day was too far in the future as it required practice, meditation and hardwork.





Hm. On second thought, he had no need to dodge as he'd lost his motor skills and couldn't aim nor coordinate his movements for a successful throw. The ball went way into the air and hit the disaster prepared windows. No matter how strong he was, no human could break those with raw strength.

So thankfully no repairs to make.

He tapped on his : Anterior Deltoid (Front of Shoulder)Pectoralis Major (Main part of Chest)Latissimus Dorsi (Lats, back)Triceps (Back of upper Arm); telling him to not use them as much. But it turned out that was a stupid thing to do as he couldn't comprehend individual muscles right now, Figh viewed his arm as a collective one.

This was the case for most people, they only use individual muscles on reflex. Vicente scrapped that idea and decided to go with trial and error. He spent all his free time with Figh in the next few weeks.



Liverpool City

Greenwalk community

Elizabeth dazedly stared at a group photo as she held it up with both hands, she forgot even the effort required to hold it over her head to look at, the world seemed to consist of that one photo, the images it spurred of last week was one of the most enjoyable times she had before. It seemed to be nothing more than usual but ... He was there.

She wasn't sure what she felt at first but as he appeared in her life only for once a week, she found her mind wandering to when she would meet him again.

Young puppy love was usually like this cliche but true, life was usually so. Like a generation repeating itself in events, uncle falling for aunt's best friend or something similar.

Sammuel slightly pushed the door to complete another round of relaxing his mind by gazing at.... Her. She was his sister but in his heart she was so much more, she was his and his alone. One day, she'll feel the same way as well. Blood couldn't stop their love. In certain countries such marriages were allowed. Why. should they conform to a society that couldn't allow them to be together.

Sammuel started from her beautiful legs all the up to her enchanting belly that was revealed by that loose shirt she was wearing prodding from her bountiful chest. But what was this!!! She was holding a picture frame with a dazed look on her face, the look he gave her when she wasn't looking!! Who was it?! Who the fuck was it?!!

Such was life as well, the cliches, the psycho. It was usually borderline psychos but this one had positively gone off the deep end, no rope could pull this sucker out. The Japanese would dub him a yandere which was odd as it was a female trope but this was the shell his nuts belonged in- his brainy nuts.

As Elizabeth realized how long she was holding the frame in a daze she quickly put it back on the furniture beside her with her lamp. The faces on the photo we're revealed to him.

Sammuel's face turned red with anger as he saw her behaviour. That son of a bitch couldn't be allowed to exist! She was his and only his!

Like a child, he was. Childish thinking. Cute.

"Hah hah"

He clutched his chest as he felt his heart beating with his passion for her. He breathed out heavily as he imagined him killing that cunt who bewitched his beloved, and her falling in his arms.

"Sam, do you want dinner? A change of clothes? A massage? Or m.e.?"

"Of course I'll have you while eating dinner, with a change of clothes and you massaging me hehe"

"You're soooo bad, but I like it"

He sunk into a paradise of his delusions.

He was nuttier than a fruitcake.


Vicente stretched his muscles as he did a most outlandish thing- he took a cab. Like a normal person who wasn't drowning in money!

Reylese couldn't be shook off this time as she latched on to him with a terrifying look his playtime was all the free time he got In that sense.


He propped up his cheek with his fingers with his elbow resting on the window edge of the cab.

It was nighttime. The city still buzzed with life. The plethora of lights that made Christmas eternal from the skies plagued the city. Billboards, Signs, Lightings, Indicators etc.

Vicente watched the nightly gown of the city from his cab, the flashing night light posts, the garbage bins with litter here and there, smoke, shouting, a mug or too probably but none in his immediate vision.

If there was he'd probably ignore it as no one was there to judge him, he'd help if it was a hottie though. He was as selfish as any other human with the same sins and faults, lie, cheat, steal, fight just to make it a day. Nothing anime like but a small lie like, Good morning. Cheat like telling your brother that cake wasn't eaten by you etc. Small sins.

Some would argue that all sin is equal however.

His stance was a neutral one of whatever happens, happens. He hadn't died so he didn't know what heaven or hell was like so he couldn't preach or bel- wait I suppose he did die but he knew too little to judge.

He wasn't alive in the era of Jesus. Or Pangu or Allah or whatever so he didn't know what holy book was true or nah. He could only live and see what happens, every was entitled to his or her own opinion on what to think or what to believe.

The stray cats, dying stray dogs, dead strays, homeless, old people, dead eyed lost souled minimum wage night workers and all had him feeling philosophical of what the world was like.

What was happening everywhere, everyday, to everyone, to the past, present and future, What the world was like due to the apex predators. The parasites. Them. The human race.

"What's wrong bocchama?"


Vicente repositioned himself and laid in her lap with his hands behind his head.

"Myyy bocchama aren't you too old for this."

"Psh, who calls who bocchama and still forcefully dresses me , and... I could go on"

"You're cute enough for a pillow"

"Myyyy!!- Bocchama!!"

"Let go!! Let go damn it!! You're squishing me to death!!"

"Bo. Cha. Ma.! Hehe"


"Hey Reylese."


"If you could ever be born as something other than a human what would it be?"


"A tree, a big wide tree in somewhere like the Amazon forest, why do you ask."

"Hm. A tree huh. I still fancy being a bird. The skies seem so unreachable and divine from down here don't you suppose."

"But planes and such exist bocchama."

"Haha I suppose they do don't they....."

In the dark cab of shadows in the tough elastic backseat, two figures were seated, one not so much seated but lying atop the lap of the other. They both had no idea they were cutting and draining the lifeblood of the common taxi man.

It was their lifestyle like hair dressers and such to chatter to their customers to pass the time but these two were blatantly ignoring him.

' What the Hell are they talking about, I can't even jump in- sigh they are just like rich folk in every way, their kind usually wanders in now and again for different circumstances but they are still easy to spot.'

He complained on end to his jiggling Hawaiian doll similar to Skippers in Madagascar 2. He wasn't even whispering although he wasn't that loud either but those two were in their own world and paid him no mind.


Somewhere in this world, lived a person A, if you could even call what he did living. He spent 20 years in school, being told what to do how to do, What would happen to him if he doesn't and suffered everyday, the worst part was, he didn't know that was suffering.

He was deceived by the 'friends' he had made, which was the social thing to do, he did things that made him feel relaxed every once in a while, but none of them would die for him, most of them wouldn't even lose a dime much less a limb for him but he did all he could for them.

Those friends were the same ones stabbing him in the back. Most of the time, these back stabs weren't that fatal but it was all a matter of perspective for a rich person a betrayal involving money wasn't all that unforgivable but to a poor person that was all it took to break the bond.

The cookie cutter that was the blank sheet of the world. Each person was of the same mold.