
chapter five

The sadness was brought upon by the

tribulations of ruling, and the loss of her husband in the ruthless battle of Gerioha in the past.

She never got over the death and neither did her children, because they seem to always follow in his path.

She was tall, her gown made with wolf fur, came flowing down while separating due to her curvy hips.

Her long black hair was worn backwards, showing her black eyes. She was a skilled Archer and could pick out a long range prey or enemies even in the dark.

She moved slowly, her step calculative and gracefully, the eyes of her female guards 'The Order of the Hatchet' elite guards moved with her, they've sworn to protect her even with their life.

Ping Yang the city's General stood at the right side of the Regent's throne with her hand on her sword.

She stood average height, slim figured with her black eyes that could pierce through your soul. She also had a cheery personality when she's not on duty or in battle.