
Dating Raiden Shogun

In this story I am a main character whose name is luck and he falls in love with Raiden Shogun. Luck tries to tell Raiden how he feels until he finally does. Does she feel the same Way? -Disclaimer I do not own any of these characters

Ruffly2002 · วิดีโอเกม
15 Chs

8. Attack On Inazuma

*After I lie Raiden down in bed suddenly there was a loud boom outside a nearby citizen yells*

We're under attack!! *waking up suddenly with her eyes wide open* Hm? "We are under attack?!".

*The Shogun leaps out of bed and quickly puts on her Kimono and socks. She grabs a sword and pulls it from its sheath, getting up and immediately looking outside her window to see what is happening*. Raiden where are you going? "Outside, of course"! There is a battle going on"!

"I have to see the battlefield for myself! We must all protect our nation"! "We must preserve eternity"! "Come with me, my love"!

*The Shogun quickly ties her Obi belt and gets ready to rush out the door, with her face still flushed and red from sleepiness.* Wait? You're not going anywhere. You're still half asleep, and on top of that you don't feel well? *Raiden looks back at you and sighs*

"I cannot rest now, my love". "We are under attack, and I must do what I can to protect the people". "That is my duty, my destiny as the Shogun". "And besides"...

*The Shogun looks at you while smiling warmly*

*I can get through anything with you at my side". *sniff* "I feel as if I am unstoppable as long as we fight together". *sniff sniff* I'm sorry love but this one time we can't. I'll go you stay here for now where it's safe? "My love, if you truly wish to stay here, then I shall not force you to come out".

*sniff sniff* "Nevertheless, I must ask: what if I am needed out there in the battlefield"? "If there is an enemy approaching the capital, who will defend the people besides me"? *sniff* "I am the Raiden Shogun". "It is my responsibility to defend the nation". *sniff sniff* "It is my duty, and my purpose, to stand unchanging against all dangers".

"I cannot turn away now". If it'll help you cheer up we can both go?. Will it help cheer you up? *sniff* "It will, my love". "It will". *sniff sniff sniff*

*The Shogun seems to light up and become brighter at your words, her face blushing even more brightly.*

"Of course". "I shall be your sword". "You are my love, and I shall strike down all who threaten you and our nation". *sniff sniff* "Let us go"! Alright let's go save our people.

"Yes, my love". "Now, to the battlefield we go".

*The Shogun quickly runs down the stairs and out the door, her Kimono's skirts fluttering in the wind. The Shogun is carrying her sword with her, pointing it upward, as she leads us out of her residence and into the capital*.

In the distance, it is easy to see the fires and smoke rising up into the sky and plumes of fire illuminating the sky at night. Sounds of battle and screams and yelling can be heard in the distance... I think to myself, *the window isn't that high up I'll just jump from here*. *sniff* "What are you doing, my love"? "You are not the only one with a destiny to fulfill". *sniff sniff*

*The Shogun raises her sword a bit higher, looking at you and tilting her head to the side*

"Are you afraid"? *sniff sniff* "My love, the Shogun is not so weak that a few enemy soldiers can stand a chance against me". *sniff sniff sniff* I look at Raiden. I'm not worried about my safety, I'm worried about yours love. Stay here and guide the people out I'll go face the challengers. *sniff sniff* "My love... what a thoughtful gesture".

*The Shogun lowers her sword, bowing at you*

*sniff sniff* "You are indeed a loyal subject".

*The Shogun then stands up again and nods*

"I shall remain here in the capital and guide the people to safety". "You face the danger, that is how you will fulfill your duty". *sniff sniff*

"Now, go, my love". "Do what you must do". *As Raiden instructs those words I use immense speed to head to the heart of the fight*. *The Shogun remains at the top of the castle tower, using her Elemental Sight to see the battle raging outside.*

*As you use your immense speed to quickly advance to the heart of the fight, your movements are so fast that the world appears to slow down. Eventually you reach the heart of the conflict, where an Abyss Herald is leading a group of Abyss Mages. The Herald is currently engaged in combat with several Vision-bearers. You can see the Vision-bearers desperately struggling to defeat the Herald.* I see the Vision-bearers struggling so I rush over to them removing them from the fight to a healing station as fast as I can.

*You quickly rush over to the Vision-bearers and help them out of the battlefield, healing their wounds and making sure that they are doing alright. As the Vision-bearers regain their strength back, they thank you and get ready to fight once again*

*Meanwhile, the Abyss Herald is surrounded by a number of Abyss Mages, who have been providing the Herald with support throughout the fight. You can see them slowly healing the Herald as she tries to attack you and the Vision-bearers.* *I radio in to raiden* Hey Raiden can you hear me? If so make an announcement to everyone to stop fighting and to guide the enemies to me I know how to end this in one shot? *sniff* "Yes, I hear you, my love"!

*The Shogun then quickly shouts to all of the allied Vision-bearers in the area*

"My dear Vision-bearers, please, do not fight anymore"! "Follow the Shogun's command"! "Guide the enemies to the heart of the arena, I beg you"!

*The allied Vision-bearers quickly comply with the Shogun's request, leading all of the enemies over to you. With their numbers in your favor, all of the enemies are quickly defeated.* *As the fight ends I go back to the castle to Raiden, covered in blood some of it mine but not all my own*. "Shogun: "You are wounded, my love". "Quick, come here".

"You must be healed".

*The Shogun sees all of the blood, but smiles softly at you*.

"You have done a great service to Inazuma, my dear". "As always, you have come through for us in our time of need". *sniff sniff sniff sniff*.

"Allow me to heal your wounds". *sniff* "I shall cauterize them with my elemental fire and then use my own energy to mend it". Just use the fire my love don't waste your energy on me. *sniff sniff* "My love, you do not need to worry". *sniff* "As the Shogun of Inazuma, I always have plenty of energy on standby".

"Besides, your wounds are not insignificant, my dear". "You must not underestimate the effect these injuries will have on you in the long run". *sniff sniff*

*The Shogun's eyes glow purple as she uses her Elemental Sight to see the depth of your wounds. Despite her saying that she is not wasting energy to mend your wounds, the Shogun seems to be exerting a fair bit of effort to do so.* Are you okay my love I ask? *sniff* "I am fine, my love". "I am just being careful not to accidentally burn you with my healing fire".

"That would cause more trouble than it is worth". *sniff sniff* "Your wounds are deep, but not beyond a Shogun's healing ability". *sniff sniff*

*The Shogun then finishes healing you up, but the energy and time it cost her has left her looking quite exhausted and tired*. Shall we go home Raiden and rest for a little while? *sniff* "Yes, we shall". *sniff sniff* "It has been a long day". "But first, a celebration is in order"!

"Perhaps some dango... or perhaps we shall just have a meal together, my love". "As long as I am with you, I am not hungry". *sniff sniff sniff* "My love, I am grateful your wounds are fully healed now". *sniff* "Let us go back to the palace and relax our tired minds together". Let's go! *sniff sniff* "Yes, let us go". *sniff*

*The Shogun then leads you back home. The two of you arrive at the palace and enter through the front door, the Shogun smiling warmly at you with pure joy in her eyes*