
Darling Don't Stop

Myra starts to pack her bags to visit her old parents after a series of misfortunes start occurring in her life, on the last weekend before her trip, her boyfriend asks her out on a date just to break up with her. after this bad surprise from the heavens Myra picks up her half packed luggage, "i wont stay here for a second more !!" she huffs off towards her hometown, just to find it in shambles. "CAN NOTHING IN MY LIFE GO RIGHT!!!!" She screams into the void. not knowing that she has attracted some rogue's attention.

Bubbly_writes · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


"who's here so late john? what is happening " came a cracked voice from some distance, followed by a hunched over old woman with snow-white hair and a small stature, "well ma, it a stranger?" the big man said meekly not understanding the situation himself. 

"what is your business here young girl " the lady said in a stern voice, feeling a bit annoyed by all the ruckus. but now that the dam of her tear had broken down Myra could stop, the lady huffed in annoyance and went to wards the girl. 

"MA ! dont go near, we don't know her" the man cried out. " shut it johnny" the old lady said not giving a care to what happens, she said to myra, "hey stop crying it's annoying and it does not do a thing to help" as she poked her with her walking stick. 

"I'm here a rent a carriage" said Myra as she hiccupped and sobbed 

"huh liar !!!" said john "mom she looks like a murderer" he winned 

well ouch Myra flinched hearing him talk 

I'm not though ?!?!?! Myra looks at them in confusion 

"EVERYONE KNOWS THAT carriages are not allowed to be rented out after the sun is down ma she's lying", the man start's to get agitated.

"calm down john", she faces Myra and says" come here girl what is your name?", she raise her hand and touched Myra's forehead

"Myra ??" she said confused by the old lady's action, as she feels a buzz of energy passing through the lady's fingers. 

"well the monarch has decreed 2 weeks' ago that no empire funded carriage business' are not allowed to rent out after sundown , come in it seems that you've had a heck of a day" she snorted clearly unhappy. 


"I'm a clairvoyant" she said 


Myra follows the old lady inside come john

"yes ma", ma'am do you know why this rule was implemented" Myra has always though herself to be up to date when it came to news.

don't know girl, who knows why monarchs do what they do not like they are benevolent enough to tell us their reasons ....or lack thereof." her countenance of displeasure on display. 

"ma !!!! don't say that !!!" exclaimed john as if walls had ears were fitted into the walls. 

"is it treason if the monarch doesn't know about it?", the woman huffs

something trrible is going to  happen my intution nver lies the winds have changed the aura is that of restlessness 

hey peeps!!

what are your thougths on state surveillance guys ?

hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Bubbly_writescreators' thoughts