
Darling Don't Stop

Myra starts to pack her bags to visit her old parents after a series of misfortunes start occurring in her life, on the last weekend before her trip, her boyfriend asks her out on a date just to break up with her. after this bad surprise from the heavens Myra picks up her half packed luggage, "i wont stay here for a second more !!" she huffs off towards her hometown, just to find it in shambles. "CAN NOTHING IN MY LIFE GO RIGHT!!!!" She screams into the void. not knowing that she has attracted some rogue's attention.

Bubbly_writes · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

chapter 2 - the last string

"well Myra the reason i asked you on a date is because i think we need to talk" franco opened.

'oh no' Myra suddenly had a bad premonition.

"ummmm.... is that right ? ha ha ha i dont think this the best time to be honest....." she speaks in a hush voice suddenly feeling very out of place and uncomfortable with the eyes that wont budge from their table.

"no this is the right time to do this" franco asserts on, " i wont beat around the bush, we've been together for a long time now, almost 1 year, and i feel like I've honestly only suffered being with you, there is nothing good about you, you are not pretty, nor rich neither fun, this almost feels like a curse..." franco keeps dronning off self righteously, " in fact you need to give me compensation for being with you ha !"

a curse ?!?! blood rushes to Myra's head, her face goes blank as if this had nothing to do with her, she gets up from her chair.

"what I'm saying is we need to break u-"

* splash* Myra throws a glass of water on franco's face and runs out of the restaurant and doesn't stop running till she's reached her home.

her heart is beating so loudly that it seemed to have a attack, she's sinks to the floor in a fetal position, breathing through her mouth and no thoughts in her head, she tries to calm down but to no avail, tears start falling from her eyes. she doesnt move from that position till the clock strikes' 12 at mid night. she gets off the floor and mechanically starts to putting essentials in her spatial bag and gets out the door.

'everything will be alright after i reach home' she keeps affirming to herself as she gets on the quiet streets of the night the whole city has gone to sleep no public transport can be seen. Myra reaches the carriage rental station and looks around, "hello miss" a raspy voice calls from behind, myra turns around abruptly heart hammering in her chest, her common sense seemed to have a comeback as her being fills up with fear. " how may i help you ?" her eyes opened wide as she took a step back and saw the huge man, who looked like he ate little kids for breakfast, in front of her. he had a long stick in his hand and his eyes looked ready to shot lasers. whilst the sane part of myra's self wanted to beat her to death for putting herself in this situation.

" I- I-I'm here to rent a ..... carriage ?" she stammered, as her heart tried to evacuate out her chest.

" it a bit late, isn't it" the big man questioned, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"it a bit late-hahaha-late indeed" Myra said awkwardly." i be leaving then...." she said as she retreated toward the exit.

"stop" the man said. Myra contemplated screaming and running out of their like a headless chicken. 

Myra tries to backdown even faster whilst she tries to keep her eyes on the man, in that process she forgot that she doesn't have eyes on the back of her head, successively she couldn't see the stone behind her and tripped. 

'oh' myra's eyes widen and her mind goes blank as she starts bawling her eyes out on the ground.