
Darling Don't Stop

Myra starts to pack her bags to visit her old parents after a series of misfortunes start occurring in her life, on the last weekend before her trip, her boyfriend asks her out on a date just to break up with her. after this bad surprise from the heavens Myra picks up her half packed luggage, "i wont stay here for a second more !!" she huffs off towards her hometown, just to find it in shambles. "CAN NOTHING IN MY LIFE GO RIGHT!!!!" She screams into the void. not knowing that she has attracted some rogue's attention.

Bubbly_writes · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

chapter 1 - nothing goes right

Myra was putting incense into the goddess' altar hoping for good fortune. she's had the worst week possible not to mention that the she almost failed in her potion theory, her communicator broke beyond repair, then a stray level 2 demon dog ate her magical beings homework, her hair was falling at an exponential rate, the water pipeline in her locality was under repair and now the cafe she worked at was laying people off due to less customers, in short every possible thing in her life was going southwards, all tears she wanted to shed were not enough to express her sorrow the only thing in her mind was packing her bags and moving back home for a few weeks and lay low till her bad luck passed.

*ding dong* rang the door bell.

Myra opened the door to reveal her boyfriend of a year standing in from of her holding a bouquet of Snapdragons and yellow roses. "these are for you my love" he smiles at Myra. ah yes the one thing that is going right in my life is this, Myra thinks as she takes the beautiful flowers and invites franco inside, " make yourself comfortable, I'll take a few more minutes to get ready" she says smiling at him and walks towards her bedroom. she wears her heels and touches up her make up, grabbing her purse she runs towards franco and grabs his hand "lets go!" she beams at him and moves towards the door there is a bouncy in her steps and a smile on her lips.

franco pulls back her chair like the gentleman he is and hand over the menu for her to decide what to eat, this is the last time they are meeting for a long time after all. "shall we get the pixieburst pie ?", Myra asks, " I'm on cut don't you remember?" franco said sounding displeased, " then how about ..... chicken and rice bowls?" Myra says in a small voice not wanting to ruin their date.

"good choice baby!" franco perks up, and calls the waiter to take their orders. as soon as he's done giving their order, they hear the restaurant bell ring and a ruckus following it. Myra looks back to see what the big deal was, just to turn back suddenly and duck her head towards the table. 'shitshhitshitonastick' being her first though after she sees Clarissa and her gang entering, who is Clarissa? you might ask so to put it short she is the biggest two faced bitch( according to Myra )and Myra's arch nemesis is the academy.

"OH HO ! look guys it's franco and dimwit Myra " she smirked " well take this table" she told the waiter in a bossy tone leaving no space for arguments as she took a table adjacent to Myra's and angled her chair towards their table as if watching a show, which confused the heck out of Myra, cant the prickly bitch leave me alone she though and rolled her eyes and concentrated on her date determined to not waste a second.

"well Myra the reason i asked you on a date is because i think we need to talk" franco opened.

'oh no' Myra suddenly had a bad premonition.

welcome to 'Darling Don't Stop' i hope you enjoy the story!!

Bubbly_writescreators' thoughts