

A teenager boy named Tamil is our Mc we gonna see how his beautiful life ended up in darkness, in this story we have lot more fabulous thing to see .This story contains gang war,drug trafficking,human trafficking,serial killer,crime,evil,romance,comedy,cop,school life,betrayal,anime and lot more darkness so stay tuned

Reeyas · แอคชั่น
9 Chs

chapter 2 ( NEVER LEAVE A MESS)

Previous chapter:

Abdul decided to take Sakura along with him to Tamilnadu, india where he had a few relatives . He hoped to find a peaceful place, where he and Sakura could live happily. He hoped to forget the past and look forward to the future


"What does this have to do with the question I am asking?" Roy demanded, impatiently. He wanted to know the truth about the recent massacre on the Shima Bridge, where couple of bodies were found mutilated and burned. He had a hunch that Kenji was somehow involved, but he needed proof.

"It does, Mr. Roy! Because I am Kenji!" the old man confessed, his voice trembling. He looked at Roy with a mix of fear and defiance, knowing that his past had finally caught up with him.

"Kenji? You?" Roy gasped, his eyes widening. He could hardly believe that the frail and wrinkled man before him was once the most feared gang leader in Japan. "The Japanese government has been searching for you since the 1970s, and now you are in my custody. Anyway, continue your story."

The old man, who had introduced himself as Kenji , nodded. He knew he had no choice but to tell Roy everything. He hoped that by doing so, he could atone for his sins and protect his family.

He glanced at the TV in the background, where a news flash was playing. He ignored it and resumed his tale.

"They moved to India. I don't know what happened after that. I let them go." He spoke of Sakura, his daughter , and her lover, who he had protected in secret. He had loved them dearly, but he had to leave them because of his dangerous life. He had hoped that they would be safe and happy in their new home.

"And I met my grandson a few years ago, and he is the one who reunited my family, but it's all become a mirage." He smiled sadly, remembering the joy he had felt when he had seen his grandson for the first time. He had recognized him instantly, for he had the same eyes as Sakura. He had learned that his name was Tamil, and that he was a successful businessman . He had been proud of him, and grateful that he had brought him and Sakura together again.

"Grandson? Sakura's son, right? That means... hey, who is your grandson?" Roy asked, curious.

The old man hesitated, then said softly, "Mohamed Tamil is my grandson."

Roy's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Tamil was Kenji's grandson? The same Tamil who was the world's biggest criminal, the mastermind behind countless illegal activities, the ruthless leader of the Gang ,The Dark Eagles? The same Tamil who was Roy's arch-nemesis, the one who had eluded him for years, the one who had killed his partner and many of his colleagues?

"Tamil is your grandson? Wow! What a gangster family! So you were the reason behind his criminal life, huh? Or, aaah, fine! You took your revenge after 30 years! Come on, man, why?" Roy accused, his voice rising with anger and suspicion.

The old man shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "I swear I didn't kill them! I didn't kill them! Roy, if you aren't, who was it? And tell me what happened on the bridge."

He was referring to the night before the massacre, where he had received message from Tamil, asking him to meet him on the Shima Bridge and Tamil also said that he has a surprise for me . He had agreed, thinking that Tamil wanted to talk to him about something important. He had arrived at the bridge, only to find a scene of horror. He had seen Abdul, Sakura, Emi kneeling on the ground, their heads were about to get severed . I also seen a man standing over them, holding a bloody sword. I had no idea who that man was

I tried to fight him, but that's when he arrived . Using that chance the mysterious man stabbed me in the chest, leaving me to be dead. I managed to crawl and call you, hoping that you would come and catch that unkown man. He had then passed out, not knowing if I would ever wake up again.

I woken up in a hospital, where you are interrogating me about the incident.

Roy leaned forward, his eyes piercing into Kenji's. He wanted to know more about the man who had ruined his life, the man who had escaped his justice.

"Tell me, how does he look?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

"I don't remember him exactly," he said, his voice weak and hoarse. "But he was a short one, maybe some 5'4, but he was very techy and powerful."

Kenji had told him everything he knew, but Roy had not believed him. He had thought that he was lying, that he was the one who had killed his own family, that he was the one who had set up the whole thing.

Kenji was arrested by Roy arrested him and took him to the police station , where he had continued to question him.

He had hoped that Roy would eventually see the truth, that he would realize that he was innocent, that he would help him find mysterious man and bring him to justice.

But now, he knew that it was too late.

He heard a loud noise from the TV, and turned his head to see what was going on.

He saw a familiar face on the screen, and his eyes widened in shock.

It was Jennifer, a reporter from Justice TV, a popular news channel. She was standing in front of the Shima Bridge, where a large crowd had gathered. She was holding a microphone, and speaking with urgency.

"The world's biggest criminal, Tamil, has been killed along with his family and burned to ashes! But the mystery is that only four bodies were found, and all of them were found with missing heads, so it's clear they have been beheaded. Cops found a man alive from the Shima Bridge and took him to their custody; they didn't even care about his medical condition. For further updates, check out Justice TV, signing off."

The old man felt a surge of rage and despair. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. How could they say such lies? How could they tarnish the reputation of his grandson and his family? How could they ignore his plight and his pain?

He clenched his fists, and tried to get up from his seat. He wanted to go to the TV and smash it, to scream at the reporter and the world, to tell them the truth.

But he was too weak, too injured.

He fell back on the seat, coughing up blood.

He looked at Roy, who was watching him with a mixture of pity and curiosity.

He wanted to say something, to explain, to apologize, to beg.

But he couldn't find the words, or the strength, or the will.

He closed his eyes, and waited for death to take him.

But death did not come.

Instead, he heard another noise, louder and closer than before.

It was the sound of gunshots, coming from outside the house.

He opened his eyes, and saw a flash of metal and fire.

He recognized the weapon, and the man who was leading the gang

It was him, and he had come to finish what he had started.

He had come to kill him, and Roy, and anyone who stood in his way.

He had come to claim his final victory, and his ultimate revenge.

He had come to end the saga of Kenji and Tamil, once and for all.

"It is him!" the old man shouted, pointing at the CCTV camera footage.

He knew it was his last chance, his last wish.

Roy felt a surge of dread as he checked the security camera. He saw a horde of masked men slaughtering everyone in their path, making their way to his location. They were armed with guns, knives, and explosives. They were jamming the signals and destroying the evidence. They were the members of The Dark Eagle , the most notorious and ruthless criminal organization in the world.

Roy grabbed his gun and ran to the door. He locked it and barricaded it with a desk. He hoped it would buy him some time. He looked at Kenji, who was lying on the couch, bleeding from his chest wound. He had been slashed by the one of members of the Eagle Gang, the man who wore the mask of an eagle is their leader. The man who had killed Roy's family and Kenji's family. The man who had a personal vendetta against both of them.

Kenji coughed and pointed at the screen. "The guy in the mask," he said weakly.

Roy nodded. He knew who he was. He had been chasing him for years, but he had never seen his face. He only had heard about him, taunting him, mocking him, threatening him. He had only seen his symbol, the eagle, carved on the bodies of his victims. He had only felt his wrath, his cruelty, his madness.

He was the Eagle, the mastermind behind the massacre on the Shima Bridge, where dozens of people were beheaded and burned. He was the Eagle, the one who had kidnapped and tortured Roy's wife and daughter, and sent him their severed heads. He was the Eagle, the one who had betrayed and murdered Kenji's grandson, Tamil, the world's biggest criminal and philanthropist. He was the Eagle, the one who had come to finish what he had started.

He was the Eagle, and he was coming for them.


The door exploded, sending splinters and smoke everywhere. The gang members poured into the room, firing their guns at Roy. Roy ducked behind a pillar, but he was too slow. He felt the bullets tearing through his flesh, his leg, his shoulder. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

The room was a mess of blood and debris. Roy was wounded and helpless. The gang members entered the room, their faces hidden by masks. They surrounded Roy and Kenji, their guns pointed at them.

The Eagle walked in, his mask gleaming in the light. He smiled wickedly and spoke in a raspy voice.

"Go, grab that piece of shit. I will deal with this masterpiece, isn't it, Kenji?"

He gestured at Roy, who was struggling to get up. His gang members grabbed Roy's arms and dragged him to the center of the room. Another gang member picked up a pipe and swung it at Roy's head.

Kenji spoke in pain, his voice full of anger and contempt.

"You are a coward; you can't even reveal your face. Scared, huh?"

The Eagle laughed, his voice full of pride and malice.

"It's not like that, Kenji. The mask I'm wearing is a crown, or like an honor. Whoever wears this mask will be the conqueror, or can be called 'Mr. Eagle'. Haaaa haaa!"

He boasted, his voice full of arrogance and ambition.

"I worked so hard for this position. You see so many of them were barriers to me. I killed every single nuisance that crossed in my way. Finally, it's time for you, Kenji. Lol, lol, are you really in your 70s? I can't believe it. You act like you're in your 20s. I was amazed by your performance on the bridge. Thanks for entertaining me."

He mocked, his voice full of sarcasm and amusement.

Kenji stood up, his eyes full of defiance and courage.

"Don't act like you are the boss here; I'm going to break you like a toothpick! Ready for round 2?"

He spat blood and clenched his fists, ready to fight.

The Eagle grinned, his eyes full of excitement and admiration.

"This is Kenji. That's why I like you. Come on, bro, I trust you."

He said, his voice full of challenge and respect.

Roy kicked the man holding his arm, and punched the man next to him. He freed himself and shouted at Kenji.

"Kenji! Run away and inform other cops!"

He said, his voice full of urgency and concern.

Kenji tried to punch the Eagle, but the Eagle blocked his punch, grabbed Kenji's hand and twisted it. Kenji groaned in pain and fell to his knees.

A gang member hit Roy's head with a steel pipe, and Roy collapsed.

The gang member sneered and said in a cold voice.

"Other cops? There is no one else alive in this building."

He hit Roy again, and Roy lost consciousness.

The Eagle punched Kenji to the ground with his left hand, and said in a cruel voice.

"Kenji! You can't do a shit to me even if you have 100 more lives, so I wish you good luck in your second life."

He said, his voice full of contempt and disdain.

Roy's blood pooled on the floor, and his eyes closed.

Kenji bled from his mouth, and his eyes watered.

He said in a weak voice, his voice full of loyalty and hope.

"Betrayal is the only weapon for you, right? But there are loyal men out there who would risk their lives for me; they will avenge my death."

He said, his voice full of faith and love.

The Eagle shrugged and said in a casual voice, his voice full of confidence and indifference.

"Don't worry, I will hunt every single person in your gang. And if you see Tamil by any chance, tell him I will miss him."

He said, his voice full of irony and mockery.

Kenji smiled and said in a faint voice, his voice full of wisdom and peace.

"You say it by yourself."

He said, his voice full of mystery and prophecy.

The Eagle frowned and said in an annoyed voice, his voice full of impatience and anger.


He said, his voice full of hatred and violence.

He pulled out a pistol and shot Kenji repeatedly, until he ran out of ammo.

Kenji's blood splattered all over the room, and his heart stopped.

The Eagle approached Roy, who was lying motionless on the floor. He grabbed Roy's hair and lifted his head.

He said in a disgusted voice, his voice full of contempt and pity.

"He's gone unconscious! I think he went straight to coma. What a weak pun."

He said, his voice full of scorn and disappointment.

His gang member asked in a obedient voice, his voice full of respect and fear.

"Should I kill him, sir?"

He pointed a gun at Roy's face.

The Eagle shook his head and said in a dismissive voice, his voice full of indifference and boredom.

"Nah! Don't waste the bullet, he's just a piece of shit, and wiping him would make your hands dirty; just leave him alone, and smash this building to dust."

He said, his voice full of arrogance and pride.

His gang members nodded and said in a chorus, their voices full of loyalty and obedience.

"Ok, sir, we got it."

They said, their voices full of admiration and awe.

The Eagle smiled and said in a triumphant voice, his voice full of joy and satisfaction.

"Finally! Finally!!! Everything is over!"

He laughed, his voice full of madness and ecstasy.

He continued, his voice full of ambition and greed.

"After clearing this mess, everyone moves to their respective places. No one else is alive to stop my growth. I'm going to create a new era for criminals. I'm going to digitalize and separate it by sectors. Also, all the tough brats are doomed, right? You guys should not call me for every single murder. I'm busy, got it?"

He said, his voice full of authority and command.

His gang members agreed and said in a group, their voices full of devotion and submission.

"Yes, sir!"

The Eagle said in a final voice, his voice full of confidence and determination.

"Fine, the world is mine now. Let's corrupt it."

He said, his voice full of power and evil.

Narrator: He achieved what he wanted, so what just happened here? Who is the Eagle? What are all these bloody events? Who is that, Mohamed Tamil?

To be continued...