

A teenager boy named Tamil is our Mc we gonna see how his beautiful life ended up in darkness, in this story we have lot more fabulous thing to see .This story contains gang war,drug trafficking,human trafficking,serial killer,crime,evil,romance,comedy,cop,school life,betrayal,anime and lot more darkness so stay tuned

Reeyas · แอคชั่น
9 Chs

chapter 1(welcome to the darkness)

Welcome to "Darkness Rises", a tale of how one boy's life turned from light to shadow. In this story, you will witness love and hate, action and suspense, adventure and danger, mystery and intrigue, drugs and violence, gangs and cops, romance and betrayal, murder and revenge, and much more. Are you ready to enter the darkness?


The year was 2020. The place was a dimly lit it was an emergency ward in a hospital. A young and handsome inspector named Roy was facing an old man who looked like he had seen hell and back. The old man was the sole survivor of a brutal massacre that had taken place on a bridge. He was also the prime suspect for killing an entire family, including Mohammed Tamil, the notorious leader of the Dark Eagles gang, his wife Emi, and their children. Roy wanted answers. He wanted justice. He wanted to end the reign of terror that Tamil had inflicted on the world for decades.

"Who are you?" Roy asked, his voice cold and stern. "How did you survive the massacre? And why did you kill Tamil and his family? Do you have any idea who he was? He was the most wanted criminal in the world. We have been hunting him down for years. And you just killed him like that. How? And why?"

The old man shivered and looked around nervously. He seemed to be in shock. He asked for a cigarette. Roy obliged, hoping that it would calm him down and make him talk. He lit the cigarette and handed it to the old man, who took a long drag and exhaled slowly.

"OK, now talk," Roy said, impatiently. "Who are you? And what do you know about Tamil and his gang?"

The old man coughed and looked at Roy with a mixture of fear and pity. "Mr. Roy, you don't understand. I'm not the killer. I'm the victim. I'm the victim of him. Of the one who is behind all this. The one who is more powerful and dangerous than Tamil. The one who has eyes and ears everywhere. The one who you can never catch. The one who you can never stop."

Roy frowned and leaned forward. "Who are you talking about? Who is this mysterious mastermind? Tell me his name. Tell me everything you know about him."

The old man shook his head and clutched his cigarette. "I can't. I can't say his name. He will hear me. He will find me. He will kill me. He will kill you too. He will kill everyone who tries to stop him. He is unstoppable. He is invincible. He is the darkness that rises."

Roy lost his patience and pulled out his gun. He pointed it at the old man's head and shouted, "Enough, old man. Enough of your nonsense. I don't have time for this. I don't have time for your games. Now tell me the truth. Tell me who he is. Tell me who is the darkness that rises. Or I will shoot you right here, right now."

The old man smiled and took another drag of his cigarette. He looked at Roy with a sad and resigned expression. "Chill, kid. Chill. You don't know what you are getting into. You don't know what you are dealing with. You don't know the history. You don't know the secrets. You don't know the horrors. But I do. I do. I know everything. I know everything because I was there. I was there when it all began. I was there when it all started. I was there in 1988."

Ryo: (sits down) Could you elaborate it? (records the session)

Unknown old man: (smiles lightly) Hmm, it was the year 1988. The international boxing championship was held in Japan. India had sent its best boxer, Abdul, to compete for the glory of his nation. He was 25 years old, of average height, with a medium hair and a fair complexion. He had a slim and fit physique, honed by years of rigorous training. He was a patriotic boxer, who dreamed of becoming the world champion.

He had breezed through the semi-final match, defeating his opponent without a single scratch. Everyone was stunned by his power and skill, and he was selected for the finals to face William, the Australian champion.

After the match, he stayed in Japan for a week. That's when he met Sakura Hana.

Sakura Hana was a 23-year-old traditional Japanese beauty. She had long black hair and dazzling blue eyes. Her flawless skin and curvy figure would mesmerize any man who saw her. She was from a rich and influential family. Her father, Kenji, was rumored to be the leader of a notorious gang.

Abdul and Sakura crossed paths at a park, where they were both enjoying the cherry blossoms. They felt an instant attraction, and started talking. They exchanged phone numbers, and soon began dating.

Abdul had to return to India, but he couldn't forget Sakura. He called her every day, and they confessed their love for each other. He decided to go back to Japan, and propose to her.

He arrived in Japan, and met Sakura at the airport. They hugged and kissed, and then went to her house. They planned to tell her father about their relationship, and ask for his blessing.

They reached Sakura's house, and were greeted by her father. He looked stern and imposing, with a muscular build and a scarred face. He invited them to his workshop, where he said he wanted to talk to them.

They followed him to the workshop, where several men in black suits were waiting. They closed the doors behind them, and locked them.

Sakura clutched Abdul's hand in fear, and hid behind him.

Kenji: Aha! So you are the one who wants to marry my daughter. Let's see if you are worthy of her or not. If you can beat me in a fight, I will let you have her. If not, you will die here.

(He took off his shirt, revealing his tattooed chest and arms.)

Kenji: Fight me, Abdul. Show me what you've got.

Sakura: Dad, please! Stop this madness! I love him!

Kenji: Hahaha! What's wrong, best boxer? Are you scared?

Abdul: Let's do this. But promise me one thing. Whatever happens, don't you dare hurt Sakura.

Sakura: Abdul...

Kenji charged at Abdul, throwing a punch at his face. Abdul dodged it, and countered with a strong uppercut. Kenji's nose started bleeding, and he staggered back.

Kenji: Not bad.

Kenji ran at Abdul again, and delivered a second punch, straight to his chest. Abdul had no time to react, and felt a sharp pain in his ribs. He flew back several meters, and crashed on the floor.

Sakura: Abdul! (She screamed, with tears in her eyes.)

Abdul: (He thought to himself.) He may be in his 40s, but his punch is out of this world. His power is unlike anything I've ever faced. His single punch makes me feel weak, both physically and mentally.

Kenji picked up Abdul, and threw him across the room. He hit the wall, and fell down. Kenji walked towards him, and grabbed his face. He smashed his elbow into Abdul's nose, breaking it. He repeated the move, until Abdul's face was covered in blood. He then gave him a roundhouse kick, sending him flying again.

Sakura knelt on the floor, with a sad face. She watched helplessly, as Kenji choked Abdul's neck.

Kenji: You are such a disappointment to me. Weak men like you are unworthy to live. (He choked harder.)

Sakura crawled to her father, and begged him to spare Abdul. She held his leg, and cried.

Sakura: Dad, please! Don't kill him! I love him!

Kenji: After I kill him, I will kill you too. You have brought shame to me and my family. The only way to erase it is by your death. (He choked even harder.)

Abdul regained his consciousness, and saw Sakura's face. He felt a surge of anger and love, and kicked Kenji in the jaw. Kenji let go of Abdul, and groaned in pain.

Abdul stood up, with a blank expression on his face.

Abdul: (He said in a dull voice.) Don't you dare hurt my family.

Kenji: What? I can't hear you, dummy.

Abdul: Round two starts.

Kenji lunged at Abdul, aiming for his leg. He hoped to cripple him, and make him beg for mercy. But Abdul was faster, and dodged his attack. He swung his leg, and landed a powerful high cross kick on Kenji's face. He heard a crunch, as Kenji's jaw broke.

Abdul closed in on Kenji, and unleashed a flurry of punches on his chest and face. He felt Kenji's ribs crack, and his nose shatter. He then kicked him hard on his leg, and heard a snap. Kenji collapsed on the floor, screaming in agony.

Kenji: Aaaaaah! I will never let you live in peace. I will hunt you down. You will regret ever crossing paths with me.

Abdul ignored his threats, and delivered a final blow to his head. Kenji fell silent, and lay motionless on the ground.

Abdul looked around, and saw Kenji's men staring at him in shock and fear. They had never seen anyone defeat their boss, let alone kill him. They surrounded Abdul, and prepared to attack him.

Abdul: Come on, then. Who wants to die next?

He fought them with all his strength and skill. He broke their bones, and knocked them out. He didn't kill them, but he made sure they would never forget him.

He made his way to Sakura, who was lying on the floor, unconscious. He picked her up, and carried her to his car. He drove away from the workshop, and headed to the airport.

He bought two tickets to India, and boarded the plane with Sakura. He held her hand, and kissed her forehead. He hoped she would wake up soon, and be alright.

He knew that Kenji and his gang would seek revenge, and that they would not stop until they found him. He knew that he had to leave his boxing career behind, and start a new life.

He decided to move to Tamil Nadu, India, where he had some relatives. He hoped to find a peaceful place, where he and Sakura could live happily. He hoped to forget the past, and look forward to the future.

But he was wrong.

To be continued...


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