
Darkness of Cold Nights

The thrilling silence of the night and the deep darkness of that night are creating a great wave of fear in his heart. .................. .......... What did he know about that night in which he looks fearlessly at the beautiful and charming moon.That night is going to change everyone's life . "No, it can't be. Mommmmmmm ahhhhhhhh" ..... Violence Horror Thrilling (18+) Boyloveboy

Nisha7 · สยองขวัญ
8 Chs

See him

Life doesn't seem to be easy for everyone. It shows different color for different person . Life is a beautiful journey, but it can also be full of struggles. These struggles can come in many forms and can be different for each person. Some people may struggle with their physical health, while others may struggle with their mental health. Some may struggle financially, while others may struggle with relationships. Whatever the struggle may be, it can be overwhelming and draining.

One of the most common struggles in life is the struggle to find one's purpose or meaning in life. Many people spend their entire lives searching for their purpose and may never find it. This can lead to feelings of frustration, emptiness, and hopelessness. It is important to remember that finding one's purpose is a journey and not a destination. It takes time and effort to discover what makes us happy and fulfilled.

Another struggle in life is the struggle with mental health. Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD can be debilitating and impact every aspect of a person's life. Seeking help from a mental health professional can be the first step towards healing and recovery.

Financial struggles can also be a significant source of stress in life. Living paycheck to paycheck, dealing with debt, and not being able to afford basic necessities can take a toll on a person's mental and physical health. Learning to budget, seeking financial advice, and finding ways to increase income can help alleviate some of these stresses.Relationships can also be a source of struggle in life. Whether it's with family, friends, or romantic partners, relationships can be complicated and messy. Learning to communicate effectively setting boundaries, and seeking therapy can help improve and heal relationships

In conclusion life can be full of struggles, but it's important to remember that we are not alone. Seeking help and support from loved ones and professionals can make all the difference. With time and effort.

" Now what you are doing in your life except your mysterious work . Did you find what you were looking for so much eagerness" ..

They sit in living room after both boys eat their dinner . Aunty asked him about his journey....

" Well it's seems I find it leave it aunty tell me about you . How's life going" ... Rohan changed the topic cause he doesn't want that evil spirit to know who he is and why he came here he is sure if that spirit find out who he is then Esthan's life will be in danger ...

" Nothing son same routine of life after Esthan's parents accident that time was difficult for us . Esthan lost his voice without any accident and problem. It was difficult for him to express himself. But his friend rahen help him with us . They are like real brothers who can do anything for each other. Now I am worried about esthan he was healthy but from past 4 years he start getting weak day by day I am worried about him don't know why he is getting weak day by day . I see bruises on his body accidentally someday but he said he fell in college but it's feel like hand prints but I leaved it . I thought someone is bullying him in university so I asked Rahn who said there's nothing like that " ..... Rohan hear everything carefully and nodded his head ..

" Don't worry aunty he will be fine . You go and take rest . We will also take rest after drinking coffee. " He assured her who smiled and left from there ...

Rohan sign Jeremy who was typing something on laptop. Jeremy nodded and stand up before walking to his room .....

Esthan came out with three coffee cups and put tray on table before picking up cup and serve Rohan ....

" Thank you " Rohan smile holding cup esthan give a welcome smile to him and sign him asking about Jeremy...

" Don't worry he is in room coming sit take your coffee " ....

Both sit in silence and start drinking their coffee watching TV show . Soon Jeremy came and nodded and Rohan who blink his eyes ...

" Thanks for the coffee " Jeremy sit beside Rohan thanking esthan who smile nodding his head ....

Silence were envelope whole atmosphere when esthan feel his presence again . Atmosphere got cold making his heart tremble in fear again . Rohan was looking at his every expression. Esthan turn his eyes and look beside him and flinch dropping his coffee mug on floor . He was right there sitting beside him looking at his body with scary lustful gaze . It gives disgusting chills to Esthan's body . Rohan look towards where esthan were looking and he see him . 7ft long black smoke with scary face long fangs , dirty long nails, creepiness were dripping from his whole existence. But he pretend not to see him . He immediately stand up and walked to esthan ..

" Esthan are you okay " he said sitting where that spirit were sitting who immediately back away looking angrily on Rohan who was holding Esthan's hand . Esthan face paled cause if someone other touch him . That bastard spirit will kill that person . He tried to free his hand but Rohan tighten his hold he side eyes Jeremy who came and stand in front of them .....

" Don't be afraid he can't do anything with me " ... Rohan write secretly on Esthan's palm who look at him with widen eyes and nodded with teary eyes ...

" Esthan are you okay. Did you get burn " Jeremy asked faking his worried face changing the environment so that spirit won't get suspicious on them ...

Esthan smile and shook his head telling he is fine . Rohan leave his hand and stand up from there ...

" Esthan you go to room . Maybe you are tired we will take rest after doing our work" Rohan slide something in Esthan's pocket who understands and left from there ....

Rohan watch that spirit walking behind esthan but he was in relief cause he give protective talisman when he was sliding something. Now spirit won't know anything about this .....

" Rohan are you sure our plan will work . I installed camera and bug in Esthan's room with whole corridor" ...

" It will work don't worry let's go to sleep . We will get up early to execute our next move " ...

" Hmm okay I hope everything will be okay " ..

" It will " ....