
Darkness of Cold Nights

The thrilling silence of the night and the deep darkness of that night are creating a great wave of fear in his heart. .................. .......... What did he know about that night in which he looks fearlessly at the beautiful and charming moon.That night is going to change everyone's life . "No, it can't be. Mommmmmmm ahhhhhhhh" ..... Violence Horror Thrilling (18+) Boyloveboy

Nisha7 · สยองขวัญ
8 Chs

First meet ....

" esthan come fast we are getting late for our trip " rahn shout irritatedly from downstairs.he was waiting for his friend from past half an hour who was God knows what's doing in his room . He can't even go to his room due to that spirit .

" Thak thak " rahn look back hearing sound of boots and found an beautiful esthan coming down fiddling with his bag .....

" Let's go " esthan sign rahn to go but rahn was looking at his bruised neck . Esthan kicked his legs annoyingly making him stumbled..

" Yeah yeah , okay let's go " .....

Both left house and went with university trip . They enjoy their whole day playing with friends. Esthan enjoy his day without that damn spirit. They come back from trip late at night so rahn took him to his house and slept there .....

" Rohan I got an email from Mr Rao rahen from Taiwan . He said his friend is possessed by an evil spirit in his childhood. That spirit killed his parents now that spirit is abusing his friend. He asked to help them as soon as possible because his friends is getting weak day by day .".....

Jeremy chanted whole email . He is Rohan's manager in this work . Rohan hummed hearing his explanation and think deeply ..

" What's the name of patient " .....

" Huh yeah his name is Esthan Thompson live with his aunty miss ay Rohan she is aunty Lila your dead uncle's wife " ....

Jeremy told him with shock face . Rohan look at him seriously and sign him to leave him alone . He close his eyes and chanted Esthan's name . He see a five year old beautiful boy with green eyes playing with a boy then that scene from cemetery. Scene change to accident scene then from all nights he abuse esthan . Rohan open his eyes breathing heavily his throat felt dry . His heart filled with unknown pain and misery . He gulped down whole glass of water and look himself in mirror . He look ravished with tears stained face . He wash his face and run out to go living room where his parents were sitting....

" Mother father " ... His parents look at him with frown and sign him to sit ..

" Father I want to ask something about your sister please tell me fast " .. he asked hurriedly . His parents look at each other then his father started..

" Yeah Lila she was married to my brother we used to live together but then we shift here in Beijing. My brother died in accident we told her to live with us but she refused cause she want to live in same house she share memories of his husband. Then her brother Thompson got onto in accident with his wife and died on spot his brother's neighbors call her back to live with their little son who lost his voice. What was name of their son....

His father tried to remembered when Rohan speak with shaky voice..

" E,esthan ," ...

" Huh yeah esthan poor guy also lost his voice die to trauma and.....

His wife hold his hand to stop him and sign him worriedly to look at teary Rohan ....

" Mom dad I am going to Taiwan " ..

" Today " ... His mother asked ..

" No now " .. he said and stand up hurriedly and take out his mobile to call Jeremy...

" Hello Jeremy book two tickets for us to Taiwan and told Mr Rao that we are coming but told him not to tell anyone about us yes okay bye " .....




my breaths seem to be lonely,

and there are many differences with the heartbeats

these earth and sky aren't mine,

my world is far from happiness.

my eyes are crying,

no one knows my pain..

my heart seems to be

a little afraid,

my life seems stopped,

and my paths are blocked too.

the heart seems empty,

what a problem I'm in..

my paths don't have a clue

as to which way I should go

the journey is angry with me

where should I go?

in the air, somewhere,

there is smoke flying.

wherever my sight turns,

I see night only.

there is only the sorrow of loneliness,

and no friend..

how do I love,

tell me, O heart,

who is mine,

tell me, O heart..

Lyrics of this song explain the structure of his life . Tears flow down from his green glassy eyes . He didn't know that life will be this much hard for him ...

" Esthan son come out dinner is ready " ....

His aunty shout from downstairs making him come out from his thoughts. He wash his face and come down . They ate dinner peacefully. ...

" Tringggg tinghgg " ... Door bell rang when esthan was washing dishes. Esthan wash his hand and run to open door . ....

" Rohan are you sure he is the person you are looking for from so many years ".... Jeremy asked Rohan who came out from his car and stand in front of a beautiful house ..

" I am hundred percent sure. Aunty told me about him when I was little and I know he is the person who is key of our treasure." ..

He rung the bell while answering Jeremy who was managing luggage in his hands ...

The door swung open revealing a beautiful boy with green eyes looking at him curiosily . Both got lost in each other eyes . Jeremy look at them and smile looking away . He waited for them to move but no one moved ..

" Ahmmm " he fake clear his throat making them out of transce. Esthan's cheeks tinted pink making Rohan's heart skip a beat looking at cute beautiful and shy esthan...

" Esthan right " Rohan asked with soft voice making Esthan's heart beat fast . He look down and nodded ....

" I am Rohan aunty Lila's nephew and this is my friend Jeremy. I hope you know me " ...

Esthan nodded vigorously and sign them to come in . They thank him and walk in looking around ....

" Esthy who's there " .... His aunty came out wiping her hands when her eyes landed on Rohan who smile widely... " Roni who my god what a pleasant surprise" .. both hug each other warmly ...

" How are you aunty . It's been a long time . " Both back away ...

" Yeah it's been a long time . And this is ..... Huh he must be little mischievous Jeremy who hoped here and there with you hub " ...

She teased making Jeremy laugh ....

" Hahaha yes yes aunty it's me "...

He hug her and back away ....

" Esthan first take them to room's let them get fresh then came down and arrange their dinner . They must be hungry " . Esthan nodded with a small smile . Esthan sign them to follow him . Two friends follow beautiful boy with their luggage..

They reach in corridor....

" E,esthan " a harsh cold voice whisper to him making him stopped on his spot . His body shivers with fear . He immediately look back and see . Right there ...

He was standing behind them smiling at them looking scary . His face paled and body tremble. Rohan walked to him worriedly and hold him who stumbled backward about to fell . He look towards where esthan was looking and only can see a black smoke disappearing. He look back at paled esthan and asked worriedly...

" Are you okay esthan " ....

Esthan look at him and blushed seeing their position. He shook his head and guide them to their rooms and come down immediately....

" You see " ...

Jeremy asked Rohan who nodded ...

" Let's get fresh and eat dinner " ...