
Darkly Devoted

The world had gone to hell long before I was born, it had been taken over by the vampire race. To keep some sort of peace in our land, the Vampire Lords made a consecutive agreement. The rich and powerful humans could survive just as they had been, untouched by the vampires save for the occasional blood collections, or so they were led to believe. In reality, we are all under their control. Castles spread out throughout our land, one landing in each city. Each castle varied in the number of vampires residing there, but all of them carried a Lord. The Lords were the ones in charge of every city, whether we liked it or not. The vampires often roam through the city, making sure that everyone was in order and no one stepped out of line. If you stepped out of line, you die, end of story. The men were to be put to work as slaves, whether that meant serving a specific vampire, or just building their castles, they were slaves. The women were to be pets. Pets were the lowest rank you could have. Pets were treated like animals, trained into what their master wanted, and punished if they misbehaved. Those who were lucky enough to live through that, were to be slaughtered for their blood at age twenty-five in an act to make sure that our population would stay under control. I was born into this world. Born into this world full of blood-sucking monsters. Except, i was one of the lucky ones. It all ended for me when I was 14. Ever since then, I've lived in a cage, just rotting away, waiting, dreading for the day that some creature of the night would make me his. This is my life. I am a pet. This is my story.

Amelia_Blackmore · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter Two

The man's brow furrowed in curiosity, but only for a second.

"Age?" he asked.

My eyes widened in surprise. He was actually considering buying me.


"Who was her breeder?" he asked the pet master.

Ahh! Breeders. The so-called vampires, who took in the slaves and pets that couldn't perform their duties. The ones that forced them to conceive a few children before taking the child and killing the parents for their blood, the whole process made me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

The pet master shook his head. "She doesn't have one. She's a rogue."

I was free, he meant to say.

"I found her and her family roaming the outskirts of the city five years ago, so, captured her myself." he finished.

He left out the part where he brutally murdered my family and left their bodies to the wolves and vultures. I quickly blinked away a sudden wave of threatening tears and shook the memories from my head, not wanting to get whipped again.

The man was silent, apparently thinking over what he was just told.

Rogues were a very rare case. They were said to be rebellious, and in some cases, dangerous. Apparently, I was a great exception, but he didn't need to know that.

"Blood type?" he questioned. My eyes went wide again. Why the heck did he still want me?

"B-negative." A rarity among blood, so I'd been told. "And, lucky for her, she's never been bitten." he finished, crossing his arms.

Pet masters weren't allowed to drink from what they had in the shop. It was considered unfair to the rest of their race. That was just about the only vampire law that I agreed with.

The man's eyes widened slightly. He bent back down, his gaze meeting mine. It was like those eyes were boring right through my soul. I felt so exposed.

"Why hasn't anyone bought her yet?" he asked.

The pet master leaned against the wall, having explained my situation so many times already to other vampires.

"She has Anxiety."

"Anxiety?" the man looked at the pet master.

He nodded in response.

"Yep. She hasn't been bought because people would rather not deal with it. She's had it ever since I can remember."

I tossed my head to the side. He acted like it wasn't his fault.

"She has these wicked nightmares pretty much every night. It's kind of hilarious once you get used to it. She's even known to start screaming or crying in the middle of her dreams." he finished, laughing silently to himself.

The man shifted his line of sight back to me.

"I'll take her," he responded nonchalantly to the pet master.

I'm pretty sure my heart just stopped then and there, but at the same time, it started racing.

Why did he want me? I would rather not be WANTED!

My breaths began to speed up as well, the tight collar making it sound like I was gasping for air.

"Wait, really?" the pet master questioned, "Why?"

The man paused for a second before he stood back up, flashing his fangs with a smirk.

"I like a pet that knows how to scream."

I thought I was about to throw up.

"Fair enough." the pet master said, grabbing an old leash out of the many that were hanging near the cages.

I pushed myself impossibly further against the back of the cage, working through the stinging pain as he began to unlock my cage.