
Darkian I

Having been living in a devastating environment for millions of years, the creatures of this specific intelligent species could no longer stand the suffering. They discovered something and named it dark matter. This very object completely changed their lives, putting them at the peak of their existence. But little did they know, the dark matter is a double-edged sword to their existence, as it later brought calamity to their own planet. Could they tackle the awful event that took place? How will things turn out in the end? Also writing here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/323220780-darkian

Valmosa · ไซไฟ
53 Chs

Chapter 36: Shattered Recollections

The watch session went smoothly without any interruptions, and soon after, the show ended, leaving Suzannia satisfied. She hopped off Zenover's lap energetically and turned around, facing him, as well as Jogrin and Kapel.

"That was so much fun! I love it when Mr. Beam's friends joined in the battle to save him in the end! They used to be bad guys Mr. Beam fought against! So that's why Mama said it's important to make friends with everyone! I can't wait for the final battle 3 weeks later!!" Suzannia exclaimed, appearing unable to hold in her excitement.

Apparently the show was nearing its end. Just as Jogrin was having that thought...

"There's also gonna be another season of this show, and a movie before that too!"

She was way too much of this show's enthusiast that she memorized the schedule regarding the show like the back of her palm. The three guys remained silent as they listened to Suzannia lecture them about the story of the show so far. She had no intention of refraining from spoiling the story to those who haven't yet watched the show, not that the trio actually minded.

The plot of the show was about the hero, named Mr. Beam, who had the superpower that allowed him to shoot beams from his eyes, mouth and hands. Not only that, the beams had various properties too, including fire, ice, wind, healing. Different villains were presented in different episodes, and they all worked under the main villain which had yet to make an appearance in the show. That was the basic summary of the plot of the show that Suzannia was engrossed on.

'What a repetitive and mundane plot.' Immediately, Jogrin criticized the show in his head in a way that would surely offend the writers. Fortunately, he didn't say it out loud, lest he hurt Suzannia's feelings.

Kapel stared at Jogrin suspiciously, as if having read his mind. Jogrin, in response to that, returned his gaze, but he shifted it back to Suzannia after a few seconds.

"Did you enjoy it, Jogrin?" With glittering eyes, Suzannia posed such a question on Jogrin.

"Uh... I couldn't really... take my eyes off the TV the entire time..." As Jogrin was about to spell out the faults he found in the show, he felt an extremely intense glare next to him, so he changed his mind in the last second. Luckily, Suzannia didn't notice anything amiss with Jogrin's reply, so she jumped mirthfully. The intense glare subsided after that.


It was still a little early, but the time for dinner had arrived. Various dishes had been laid on the table, each of them looked delectable to all, except Jogrin. Having been reminded of the unique disposition, Naytia couldn't help but feel a little nonplussed, which led to others feeling the same, even Suzannia who was exhilarated speaking about her interest a moment ago.

"Is there a problem. You looked to be in a trance." Kapel, who haven't heard about Jogrin's condition before, addressed everyone else's worrying profiles. He then gazed at Proxer, who was supposed to have told him everything he knew about Jogrin.

"Ah... I'm sorry about that... It just didn't cross my mind, since there are just too many things..." It wasn't an excuse. In Proxer's defense, Jogrin was unique in a lot of ways that it wasn't possible to remember them all in such a short period, even if he did, it'd prove to be arduous to speak of them all without writing them down first. However, it seemed this was what Kapel was dissatisfied about.


"I don't eat." It was the third time he'd said those words in this house. Even he found that a little vexing, but that was probably the last time he needed to do so. "While we're on this topic, I should also let you know that I also don't drink or sleep."

"... Is that all? Nothing more?" Dubious as to whether Jogrin was telling him everything, Kapel intended to pursue for more, but Jogrin shook his head.

"Well, I can't say for now, perhaps I'll be able to give a more definite answer after I read some more books." Jogrin decided to be frank about his uncertainty so that he wouldn't rouse more suspicion from Kapel. He appeared to accept that response for now as he went past Jogrin and sat down at the table, where Proxer and the others were already sitting at.

"Then, while you eat, I'll just go back and keep on reading." Without further delay, Jogrin turned back and walked towards the living room.

"Proxer... I have explained to you numerous times, that you need to write down any important information, whether you think you could remember it or not, have I not?" Kapel, also without further delay, reprimanded Proxer. However... "That being said, I also understand that you had a lot to handle and your mind had been fully occupied in the past week, so I cannot really put the entire blame on you... Still, I believe you could have done better."

"I know... I'm not just as competent as you..." With his head hung down, Proxer muttered.

"It is not about competence. At the beginning, I was also a complete amateur, but through hard work and perseverance, as well as guidance, I became what I am today."

"Yeah, I know about that. I don't even think I can begin to compare when it comes to perseverance. That's why I really admire you, as a soldier, and as a person... But, some people just..."

Kapel was the youngest person to ever become the Grand Commander which everyone in the military aspire to be. At first, there were doubts on whether Kapel was actually suitable for this position, but time and time again, he'd displayed his quick wit, composure, and hard work. In the end, he earned others' respect. Nevertheless, despite all the effort he'd put in, there were still gossips about him. They were't about nepotism, as it'd been clearly shown that his relationship with the king, a person who could remove his title anytime he wished, was pretty much at rock bottom. In fact, even the king knew that even though legally he could do that, he would lose the trust of many if he fired or demoted Kapel. The gossips were about Kapel earning this position because "he's a genius". In other words...

"They just overlook everything you've done behind the scenes... and not acknowledge your efforts..." Proxer appeared downcast.

"Proxer. While I appreciate what you thought of me, I did not put in the effort with the intention of receiving acknowledgement from others. I have taught you before: those who wish to achieve something because they want to feel superior to others or be acknowledged rarely succeed."

"Yeah... I get what you're saying..."

Proxer expressed his agreement in earnest. Their conversation didn't last long though, as Naytia urged the dual to start eating.


With the lights off in most of the rooms, everyone in the household was ready to sleep, with the exception of Jogrin of course. He put down the book he'd been holding onto for the last few hours on the table in front of him and walked towards the glass door that led to the backyard. Despite the concrete wall blocking his view, he could still see some faint lights beyond the top of the wall. It seemed the soldiers were really taking the operation seriously after all, as they should.

Speaking of the soldiers, Jogrin began wondering what Kapel was doing. He suspected he'd actually be asleep as this was his first night here under the presence of Jogrin. It'd be safe to assume that Kapel would be extra cautious, especially with the mild provocation earlier today.

Regardless, Jogrin decided to just leave it aside and tried to head out into the backyard. However, he encountered the very same problem as he did a few night ago... He wasn't able to open the door.

'Heavy...' He griped in this mind as he let out a deep sigh.

"What are you attempting in the middle of the night?" A deep voice came from behind him, but he wasn't astonished in the slightest. In fact, he'd been expecting something like that the moment he got up from his seat.

"Just wanted to head out and gaze at the stars." He flatly and bluntly replied without showing any emotions.

"Stargazing? I never took you for someone with an interest such as that." Kapel found Jogrin's claim somewhat amusing yet dubious.

"It's not necessarily an interest. It's nothing more than a purposeless hobby developed from having nothing better to do." Jogrin told Kapel just like he had Naytia. "... You don't seem to trust me. Well, that's fine. I'll just stay inside then."

Since Jogrin'd left the living room which was the only well-lit area in the house at the moment, his surroundings were almost pitch black, but both Kapel and he could still barely see each other, their little movements and expressions included.

"Shall we continue our conversation in the grass field earlier today?" Without a moment of hesitation, Jogrin imposed a question on Kapel.

"You... have more oddities that you found from the books?" Kapel appeared a little taken aback.

"Hmm... It's an oddity, but it's not exactly related to Zuta."


"The shuttle."

"Beg your pardon?" Kapel became bemused at what Jogrin said to him.

"The shuttle that should've crash landed with me. Where is it?"

"Shuttle? I am afraid I do not comprehend..."

"You don't? Like, there should've been a metal container meant to hold me in. It broke when I landed with it, so its fragments should be in the vicinity of the crash site?"

"In all honesty, there was not a shuttle that carried you here, as you had claimed." Kapel was growing even more bemused.

"Then, how did I come here?" And Jogrin was also feeling the same.

"I do not know... but according to camera footage, there was just you that entered Zuta's atmosphere, nothing else."

"What? Proxer didn't tell me that..."

"That is because I deliberately kept this from him, since I believe this needs further investigation. And this is the prime opportunity for me to question you, Jogrin... What exactly happened to you?"

All of a sudden, the air grew so tense that any person would find it hard to breathe, but nothing like that occurred at the moment. Jogrin gazed at Kapel's solemn and slightly demanding glare which was vehemently seeking for an answer.

"You really haven't seen the shuttle?" Jogrin returned Kapel a question of his own.

"Do you think I am lying to you?"

Jogrin went silent for a second, discerning whether Kapel was tricking him or not. "I guess you're not." He didn't need "emotional perception" and discerned that Kapel was speaking the truth.

"Now answer my question."

"Did you know? How the bombardment at the hospital was triggered?"

"What are you trying to say?" Kapel scowled, dissatisfied.

"I was reminded of what happened before arriving here, which activated my power which drove the entire into chaos. Are you sure you want me to think back on those events that led to that outcome?"

"Are you attempting to threaten me, so that you can conceal your past?" Kapel's voice became deeper and sterner.

"Not at all. I just don't know what'll happen if you keep forcing me. Even I don't know the extent of my power."

Jogrin had already remembered the invasion, and the brutal scenes of slaughtering very clearly, but for some reason, he wasn't as traumatized as he thought he'd be, like back at the hospital. It was as if he'd already accepted it... No, it felt like he instinctively forced himself to accept it. So, was it really acceptance, or a complicated case of denial? Frankly, Jogrin had a feeling that something was off about his memory of the invasion: it felt so obscure. Now that he knew he didn't crash land with the shuttle, he became more uncertain, and less confident in his "perfect memory". Despite all that, he was absolutely certain about the abduction of the red-eyed girl actually having taken place.

He wasn't sure what to tell Kapel now that he had a growing sense of uncertainty. Knowing Kapel, he wouldn't be satisfied with a vague reply, but at the same time, telling him the course of events according to his "perfect memory" may rouse more suspicion from him. Jogrin was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"There are well-equipped soldiers and Royal Knights behind that wall. If you try anything funny, I will order them to immediately restrain you." Kapel responded to Jogrin with a threat of his own.

"If you insist... Then, I'll tell you. And don't worry, that won't happen again... at least I don't think it will..." Without another choice, Jogrin decided it be best to tell Kapel what he remembered.


"An invasion from another species which... killed on sight..." Kapel became pensive after Jogrin finished his explanation. "I cannot help but wonder about numerous a few points which seem amiss to me personally."

'Here it is. Let's see if what he says will be similar, or even the same as what I have in mind.' Jogrin was anticipating a few queries coming his way.

"Shoot." He nonchalantly consented.

"Appreciated... You said that the invaders "went on a shooting spree" right in front of you... Then they all ran away from you as soon as they took out the other Darkians. Can you elaborate further what exactly took place then?"

"I don't know how I can expand on this. Why didn't they attack me? What expressions were they making when they ran away from me? I just can't seem to recall."

They must've seen something about Jogrin that they opted not to attack him, most likely out of fear. But as far as Jogrin remembered, he shouldn't have displayed his power in any way... Or did he?

Kapel, having discerned that Jogrin wasn't lying, accepted his response and carried on.

"Then, you jumped directly from that point to when you were put into the shuttle..."

"I'd say I'm not hiding anything, but you find that hard to believe, don't you?"

"You stand to gain nothing from hiding any details of that incident from me... but I do have to wonder about the part where you said "you were put in". I am certain that was not a slip-up of some sort."

"Frankly, I also don't know for sure... A single shuttle prepared at the perfect moment, when things were getting dire, and everyone else was wiped out, except for me. It all sounds too convenient... I can't help but think that it's not going to bode well, according to the information I have so far."

"I have to agree with you on that. I am not a person to think or act on instinct, but even I find this eerie... Also, the girl that was abducted..."

"That's the only part that I can clearly and confidently recount. Something about that pair of red hands, that red portal they came out from... And why her of all people?"

"You listed out the questions I yearned the answers to... It appears you do not have any clues as well."

"You don't doubt the veracity of what I told you?"

"As I said, you stand to gain nothing from hiding any details from that incident, although, of course, I cannot also fully believe in every word you have said. Nonetheless, so far, I shall not pursue further. I am grateful for your cooperation."

Jogrin stared at Kapel with a strange look.

"What is it?"

"Ah, no. It's just... it feels weird seeing you expressing gratitude, or something like that..."

Kapel shot Jogrin an intense glare, but decided not to pay that statement any mind.

"That said, I suppose that will be it for now." Kapel concluded as he took out a small device from his breast pocket.

"Hm... So what I just said had been conveyed to the guys out there?" Jogrin surmised as he gazed at the backyard wall, indicating whom he were referring to.

"You do not appear surprised. Was this within your anticipation?"

"I figured there might be someone eavesdropping, but I didn't know there's a device with that function."

"Yes, for insurance's sake. What you said will contribute to my, as well as their verdicts of how much we can trust you, since you mentioned that we tend to trust and accept you easily."

It was true, to a certain extent, that one's past could reflect their personalities and mindsets, in turn making said individuals "easier to read". However, in Jogrin's case, he was special, in terms of his upbringing, encounters. Moreover, it didn't even occur to Kapel that Jogrin's mindset and personality had already been constructed the moment he was born... Anyway, what Kapel was doing was that, he was implying that he'd always on the lookout of him, always judging whether he was trustworthy.

"Sure, I guess. I want to ask about one more thing actually." Indifferent to Kapel's implicit warning, Jogrin proceeded as if he hadn't just been clandestinely recorded.

"... What do you want to ask?" Slightly baffled by Jogrin's attitude, Kapel went silent for a second, but quickly regained his composure, and became poised.

"No need to be so on guard. I just want to know what's been done to the news of my arrival. I'm certain that you didn't just let it spread to the public."

"I took some measures to prevent that from happening. You need not worry about that."

"Is that so? I'm not going to ask how you did it, but as long as it's under control, I guess it's fine. And what about the neighborhood? They know about me. Have you already settled the people down?"

"That is one of the reasons why I had made a decision to commence the current operation. In other words, it is working in progress."

"Oh, alright then."

"You always give the impression of being apathetic, but in reality, you are highly thoughtful of those around you." Kapel gave an abrupt evaluation on Jogrin's inner thoughts.

"What brought that on so suddenly?... It's exactly because I don't want trouble coming my way that I have to consider various factors and prevent them from ever happening, isn't that right? Anyway, you're free to keep your eyes on me as long as you like. Just don't bother me unless really necessary."

With that, Jogrin returned to the living room, leaving Kapel in the dark as he kept staring at Jogrin until he sat down on the couch.

More or less, Kapel'd grasped Jogrin's nature. Even if Jogrin was intentionally hiding something from him, with Kapel's perceptiveness, there wasn't much that could escape his eyes and ears, albeit Jogrin's real past was a completely different story. For now, he concluded that Jogrin wouldn't attempt to cause any mayhem, or even mischief, but there was no denying that he was still tumultuous being, with unknown capabilities, even to the individual himself. As for Jogrin, even though at the moment, he was holding a book, seemingly indulged in reading, his mind was elsewhere, contemplating on the topic discussed just now...

Only more and more unknown factors continued to stack up as he drilled deeper...




"Are you eager to find the answers?"

"... You again."

"The truth always hurts, no matter how strong you are going to make yourself become..."

"If you're so confident about yourself, why don't you tell me this "truth" of yours?"

"... You must find Valmosa and eliminate..."

"I don't care about that. That isn't what I want to know..."

"The answers you seek will soon be uncovered. They are already on their way..."

"Learn to speak normally please."

"The time is not ripe yet, but heed my words... You have to..."

"You launched an attack on me, and now you're asking for my help with something totally nonsensical. Don't you think you owe an explanation?"


"How about kicking off with who in the world you are?"

"Who I am is not..."

"What's your relationship with the invaders? Is this "Valmosa" a part of them?"

"I cannot..."

"What is your goal?"


"If you can't or don't want to answer me, get out of my head."

... Gone again, huh? Well, I'm sure this won't be the last of that fool... "Valmosa"... Who are you? And why are you being targeted?... They're coming? Whether that's true or not, I'll be the one to intercept them.

So... Come at me all you want...