
Darkian I

Having been living in a devastating environment for millions of years, the creatures of this specific intelligent species could no longer stand the suffering. They discovered something and named it dark matter. This very object completely changed their lives, putting them at the peak of their existence. But little did they know, the dark matter is a double-edged sword to their existence, as it later brought calamity to their own planet. Could they tackle the awful event that took place? How will things turn out in the end? Also writing here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/323220780-darkian

Valmosa · ไซไฟ
53 Chs

Chapter 22: Justice and Idealism

"Hey, Jogrin. It's been a while... and um... What happened to your clothes?"

Standing before Jogrin was a familiar face of Proxer's - an expressive one. This time it was displaying wryness, curiosity and shock at the same time. He was carrying a small suitcase, which Jogrin assumed to be supplies for him at first glance, although he couldn't guess what they were that Proxer had brought him.

Jogrin remained taciturn as he gazed at Proxer with a blank expression, as he...

"Um... Have you forgotten about me...?"

"... No. I'm just thinking about how I should explain my current outfit so that you can understand."

"I... see..." Having heard his reason for remaining silent, Proxer had a sigh of relief.

"Besides, you're the one being forgetful. Has the fact that I have a per... near-perfect memory escaped from your mind?" Without holding back, Jogrin began firing shots at Proxer relentlessly.

"That's the Jogrin I know alright. Hahaha!" Somehow thinking the way Jogrin said it was funny, Proxer burst into laughter.

"... What's there to laugh about... Anyway, about this outfit, it was made with my power... the same one that you'd seen at the hospital with your own eyes. As for the technique..."

"The same...? Does that mean it's dangerous?" Proxer inadvertently took a step back vigilantly.

"Unlike that time, I have been consciously manipulating the power in order to achieve what I want, which let me create this. But well, you have every right to suspect the authenticity of my words."

"Ah, no! That's not what I'm trying to imply! Honest!... But still, this outfit..."

It was an outfit that resembled any casual wear - a normal T-shirt and a pair of trousers, with both being loose clothing. It looked just like your usual clothing, except that they share the same radiance, or rather, dimness as Jogrin's eyes. If one were to see a person with the body build like Jogrin's in such an outfit on the streets, they would surely look for another way to walk so that they wouldn't come face to face with him. The purple robe he was in before somehow... made him more approachable in comparison.

"As I was saying, I had to apply a technique which was referred as "Fabrication" by my kin. It was written in a book explaining the capabilities of all three types, or if you may, species, of us Darkians, called <<Guide to Dark Matter, 11th Edition>>, which included "Fabrication". As for the details... It's better if you're spared-"

Jogrin stopped continuing upon witnessing the ever bemused look of Proxer, but he already figured out what Proxer yearned to ask about next from just a glance at his expression.

"You want to ask about "three types" and "dark matter", right?"

As Proxer was about to open his mouth, Jogrin interrupted by speaking up first. Proxer was taken aback from having been figured out, then nodded meekly.

"Well, about dark matter, I know pretty much nothing of it. All I know is that, it saved my kin from the scorching sun, and through some inexplicable events, it was inscribed or absorbed into my predecessors' bodies, which gave them some supernatural capabilities and all of the people on the planet was infected with it. Generally, those who had been infected were divided into three types in terms of the media of dark matter transfer through the entire body, the organ which is used for the storage of dark matter, and abilities.

"Vaso type": the transfer medium is vessels which are normally filled with nothing but a type of fluid, its actual function was never figured out, but hypothesized to prevent the vessels from collapsing from external pressure. The storage organ, without various name, the primary one being "the heart", is located in the chest, right underneath the chest bone. It normally doesn't contract, only does it contract to initiate transfer. Abilities include accelerated healing and explosive strength. Due to the nature of contraction being needed to transfer and duration of dark matter's effect being short in this type, endurance couldn't be elicited, and only allows for abrupt display of strength. Hence "explosive".

"Nervous type": the transfer medium is nerves. The storage organ is the brain, pretty self-explanatory. The abilities, or quirks rather, on the other hand... include much quicker reflexes, much quicker movement speed, much higher sensitivity, much better cognitive functions, you name it. This type is the most useful for my kin who valued multi-capabilities. It's more rarely seen than "vaso type". There are still mysteries surrounding this type, as it's been believed that there are more than just higher functioning in an individual. Abilities like telepathy, psychokinesis, mind reading, and more are believed to be possessed by this type, there were some evidence attesting to this theory, but later were they found to be fraudulent.

These two types can co-exist within the same individual, but there have only been 4 such cases throughout the entirety of 656 years between when dark matter was first absorbed and the destruction of my planet. And if we were to talk about mysteries though, "nervous type" is a far cry from having as many as "skeletal type" does.

"Skeletal type", incidentally my type: the transfer medium is bones. The storage organ is this tail which is an extension from the spine, and also a major indicator of "skeletal type". It has a vast range of abilities, which include accelerated healing, one that is much more potent than that of "vaso type", fabrication, altering body weight, energy absorption and assimilation..."

Jogrin stopped. Recalling what he'd heard so far from when he first met Jogrin, Proxer could more or less guess what Jogrin was thinking about, regarding "energy absorption". However, as he was reaching his arm out...

"Sorry about that... Anyway, the capabilities of "skeletal type" is so diverse that all the books about the three types have more than half their thicknesses being about the "skeletal type"... And I'll spare you anymore of it. Our most significant quirks comprise extremely tough skull, spine and tail, but the other bones are highly fragile, our physiques are horribly subpar. More than that, it roused many suspicions on whether there are even more than what's already known about it. Incidentally, because this type is... "selfish", as all of its capabilities can only benefit the owner, while not for others... or even... do harm to others... That's why, those who possess this type are despised by many, if not all. It's also the rarest out of all three types, so it was majority versus minority - the "skeletal types" were constantly in hiding so that they wouldn't be caught up in the wrath of others... until the news regarding my mother's death was spread, did they begin to fear us, but that didn't change the fact that we were completely abhorred. In fact, the hatred only intensified to an unprecedented extent at an alarming rate, just like how my power of life force absorbing being unprecedented.

Unlike the other two, there had never been cases of "skeletal type" co-existing with another type within the same individual.

There were also factions against the use the dark matter. The advocates of anti-dark matter continuously proposed the research on the suspension of dark matter from our bodies, but they were deemed as heretics and imprisoned because "they were betraying what'd saved our kin". Hence, their numbers had dwindled to the point that their existence became mere legends. However, their influence never waned because their rationales behind their actions did raise the awareness about the safety of possessing dark matter, especially after my birth."

"..." Proxer was speechless after learning about the lore about dark matter and Darkians, that was indeed too much information for him to take in, but something about what Jogrin said bothered him a lot to the point that it made him feel bitter. He yearned to ask about that, even though he already knew how the query would be answered.

"How did they treat you back then...?"

"Hm." Jogrin let out an indifferent voice. "Is this supposed to be a rhetorical question? Because I'm sure you already had that figured out."

"Ah... Well... I'm sorry for being inconsiderate..."

"Why are you apologizing? Your desire for knowledge should be warranted after what you've done for me... If that's what you really want to know, I'll respond with the best of my ability. I mentioned two days ago, that I was despised by all Darkians. In order to not get my father, and other people with "skeletal type" embroiled in others' wrath, I would go outside and sit in an open area, much like this park, but without all the shades. I blatantly exposed myself to the public, so their focus would be shifted onto me, and I would bear whatever anything to be done to me until I head home. That's how it was for me daily."

"But!" Unable to contain his emotions, Proxer wanted to deny Jogrin's way of dealing with a conundrum besetting this group of "skeletal types". "But why would you shoulder everything all by yourself!?"

With a look of bemusement, Jogrin gazed at Proxer who was being extremely emotional with his indifferent light gray eyes.

"Why? Is it not obvious? They never deserved to be treated horribly just because they were born with something they didn't ask to possess. This... what's the word... Yes, "discrimination". It was completely unwarranted. Their irrational behaviors..."

"But what about you?!"

"... What about me?"

"You never deserved any treatment of that sort! You're the same as the other "skeletal types"! You didn't ask to be born this way!"

"Looks like you really are forgetful. As I said, I took my mother's life the moment I was given birth to. Do you think that's forgivable in any sense?"

"You didn't do that on purpose! How can you say-"

"Then, let me ask you this: my mother didn't ask to be killed as soon as she gave birth to her own son, do you think it'd fair for her if the culprit got away scot-free, even if the murderer "didn't mean to do it"?"


"Let me also ask you this: what would you think or do if someone accidentally took away Naytia's life? Do you think it'd be justifiable if no punishment befall them? What if the one who murdered her was you? What wo-"


Having imagined the stupendous scenario given by Jogrin, Proxer yelled his lungs out while his eyes were widened from fear. He couldn't help but halt Jogrin's impactful words. Even though he knew this was something that would never happen and he absolutely wouldn't allow to happen, his mind was still overtaken by fright by the minimally little potential of such a occurrence. There might be qualms between the couple in terms of dealing with Suzannia, but at the end of the day, they were one happy family where everyone within it loved each other dearly.

"Now you understand my point. An unforgivable act deserving of a severe retribution, a most sensible thing."


For a different reason, Proxer became speechless once again. Not a single word could be muttered from him. As if his mind was frozen, he was still, in a daze. As for Jogrin, he deduced that it was best to let Proxer mentally recover by himself, as he believed anymore he said would only exacerbate Proxer's emotional fluttering.

"... So you're the same as my father... You're both the same! I didn't see it before, but you're the spitting image of my father!"

Having heard Proxer basically repeating himself three times, Jogrin sent a cold gaze in wonder. That gaze was comparable to when he was shielding Proxer from the bombardment.

"Proxer, don't get too worked up. There's the risk of "mind tampering" taking effect. I don't know about its mechanism, but-"

Changing his mind about keeping silent, Jogrin attempted to dissuade Proxer from dwelling on the current conversation topic. However, it was to no avail.

"Both of you are frenzied, unreasonable fanatics of justice that would never accept another point of view! Why must you be like this? Why did you say the same thing as he did!? WHY, Jogrin!"

Having finally lost his temper, Proxer grabbed Jogrin by the collar of the "fabricated" T-shirt, even though there might be unknown risks. Alas, at that point, Proxer couldn't care less about that.

'He's completely lost it because of what I said. I've done it again, haven't I...'

Having realized that his method of getting Proxer to understand his mindset had ticked off the usually happy-go-lucky Proxer, he began blaming himself. However, his cold gaze grew ever more intense.

"No... You're even more of a justice fanatic than he was. I can tell it... I CAN TELL IT!!!"

Reacting to that gaze, Proxer became more of a lunatic than he claimed Jogrin to be. His grip of Jogrin's top grew tighter as his stress was soaring sky-high. Thinking what Proxer's said was incorrect though, Jogrin decided to retort.

"Justice? What part about that is "justice"? Justice is nothing more than an ideal thinking, a denial against the sense of guilt, an excuse for one's self-satisfaction and sense of achievement. Those who acted violently against the innocuous "skeletal types" without reason believed they on the side of justice too, yet nary a chance of reprimanding or a lesson could be bestowed upon them, because the belief of the "skeletal types" bringing unending harm to the people had already been deep-rooted into their heads. Those without such belief would be treated as outcasts... Such a tragedy... was no one's fault, neither the delivering nor receiving ends. All I was doing, was alleviating the discrimination by shifting the focus to the rightful person, deserving to receive it all. So tell me, how is any part of that "justice"?"

"That's exactly what justice is! You damn idiot! You were trying to let the innocent be left alone, and putting all the blame on yourself!"

"Is that so? Then let me add one more thing. You know this pretty well too, actually - my healing capabilities. For every injury inflicted on me, it'd all be healed eventually. Realistically, no harm had been done to me. So tell me again, is that what you'd call "justice"?"

Jogrin's gaze became absolute zero and it was staring into Proxer's soul at this point. His eyes looked like an abyss spiraling down to the deepest part of the unknown. Proxer instinctively let go of Jogrin as he felt like he could actually freeze to death from the gaze.

""Justice"... What a stupidly worthless word used only by pretentious people. It doesn't deserve to be spoken by you, Proxer. You are much better than those mongrels."

'He's way beyond cure...'

""He's way beyond cure". Is that what you're thinking?"

Proxer was taken aback by how he'd been precisely read.

"Looks like that pulled your mind back... Now that you know more about how my thinking processes, what's your verdict of taking me to your home now?"

"That was your plan for this entire conversation...?"

"Partly. I just took advantage of you prolonging it and your reactions, and put my mindset on display. Still, everything I said contained no lies. This is my true self."

Yes, utilizing this opportunity, Jogrin not only expressed his deep thoughts, but also his own cynicism against himself, to dissuade Proxer from taking him back to his home. He was aware that his own way of thinking is abnormal and controversial, but he never intended to change it... because there was no point in doing so anyway.

"All the more reason to save you... I've failed not only to save Darotr and others, but also my real parents, because of different unfortunate and tragic events, but I won't let it happen again. You're like my father, who got himself killed in the name of justice. I need to change your mindset, even if it's going to be a long and grueling quest. I will let you have a taste of happiness and bliss. Naytia, my kids, Grunmyt and many others have saved me when I'd been down time to time. That's why, I will return the favor by saving you. That's the justice I believe in. It's not a denial against the sense of guilt, or an excuse for one's self-satisfaction and sense of achievement... Well, it may be a little bit of ideal thinking. But still, I will do what I believe is right. And that's my verdict."

"And here I thought you'd start to think twice on this matter, but on the contrary, all I did was fortifying your idealism... and sense of justice. Granted, my scheme wasn't all that meticulous, but still..."

Jogrin sighed resignedly as his improvised scheme had once again ended in failure.

"One more thing, who's Grunmyt?"

"Oh right, you never heard. That's Kapel's first name."


"That's a rather underwhelming reaction."

Somehow, Proxer went back to his usual self in a blink of an eye, especially after talking about such a heavy topic, and it almost seemed...

'The way he just converted back to his normal self... It feels weird even for me. Is it just his tendency of emotional fluctuations, or is there more behind this?'

Albeit having attained some knowledge about emotions, Jogrin remained clueless as to why Proxer's emotions fluctuate so much. And as he was about to submerge into his sea of thoughts...

"Anyway, I know my family will accept you pretty well... Well, maybe it'll take more time for Naytia, but I know someone other than her and me has already taken a liking to you."

"... Oh... So Suzannia is one of your two daughters. Now I see the resemblance, to a certain degree."

Jogrin put his palm against his forehead as if showing how troublesome it was.

"You sure catch on quick... And I bet it's not something positive when you said "resemblance"..."

"No comment."


By simply talking about Jogrin's new outfit, the conversation turned into a solemn one between opposing beliefs. And yet, from a heavy and stressful conversation, they somehow managed to abate the stress and turned into a rather light one, according to Proxer's tone, as they moved on to discuss the matter concerning Suzannia.

Meanwhile, a thought popped into Jogrin's mind:

'Happiness and bliss, huh... I wonder how that feels like. Will I really get to experience positive emotions?'