
Darkest Fallen Star

Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having.

Nameless_Star_Moon · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Ch-5 My Name Is Not Sky Guy

Next Morning~

Coral wakes up and sees no one beside her. She sighs of relief and then gently and slowly gets down.

'I guess I can't sleep naked anymore.'

Coral opens the closet once more. 'Why didn't I notice his clothes and all? Its because I was desperate to get a shower and go to bed.' She goes through clothes. 'All are men's clothes. What should I wear then?'

"Well, better get another shower to get the day started." Coral goes into the bathroom and sees a set of clothes kept there.

'Ah...so they prepared it and kept it here. He has women's clothes here. Either he prepared it..or maybe it was or is for another woman.'

She gets a shower. Gets changed. With her hair wrapped in the towel she comes out of the bathroom and sits down in front of the mirror. She goes into a daze. Then, she hears a knock on the door. Hurriedly, she takes off the towel and keeps it on her lap and starts combing her hair.

"Come in." I respond to the knock thinking it was one of the miads.

The door opens and Sky guy comes in. He then shuts the door behind him. Stands behind Coral and stares her reflection in the mirror. He suddenly frowns. "This is not enough." he murmurs. "Huh? Sky guy- uhm- Mr Sky, what did you say-?!"

Sky guy picks her up and puts her down gently on the bed. He then stares at Coral who was looking at her hands. Sky guy sighs and then reaches his hand out to Coral. She closes her eyes subconsciously. He pauses and then touches Coral and she flinches. He kneels down in front of her and stares at her.

Coral slowly opens one of her eyes and then the other and sighs. "Why did you close your eyes?" Sky guy asks. "...." I couldn't respond. He asks again. "Why would you do that? Am I scary or did you think I would do something to you?"

'Do something to me...I don't know. Everytime someone reaches their hands out to me, I subconsciously close my eyes. I am afraid someone would beat me up so I brace myself that way...I got this because of my parents beating me whenever they wanted even if I didn't do anything.'

"Tell me." he asks. "Are you scared of me?" I shake my head and lightly grasp my cloth so that he doesn't notice. "I won't hurt you." 'That's what everyone said to me.' Then, he takes the towel from the floor as it had fallen down and climbs the bed. Sits behind me and puts the towel on my head. "You don't even know how to dry your hair." "That-" "And my name is not Sky guy." I pause. 'Ah! He heard me!' "My name is Alan Remember it. Got it?" I nod. "Say my name then." "Alan."

"Hmm...good." he whispers. What Coral didn't notice was Alan's ears and cheeks getting extremely red. He was blushing.

Alan gently dries her hair. "Why don't you use the hair dryer?" "I don't want to." "Lazy?" "No. I am not lazy." 'I am burnt out. I don't care about my health or body.' "You should take care of your body you see and I heard you skipped your meal last night? You have to take care of your health too. Don't skip meals anymore." I don't respond. I am out of energy. My body doesn't want to respond or eat. No breakfast! I don't want to have breakfast. But somehow I start father energy to talk. I want to know what and who I am here in the sky mansion.

"Who...who am I here? What's my job here?" I ask. He doesn't respond and continues to dry my hair gently. After he was done, he sits down beside me and looks up in the ceiling with his hands behind buried in the bed. "Girlfriend." "What?" I didn't understand what he was saying. I am his girlfriend's what? He moves his soft natural light pink lips again. "You are my girlfriend." My eyes widen. "But I didn't-" "The White's gave you as a gift to me." I see. So, that's what I am here for. But I don't want to. "I won't force you." He says. "If you want to stay here. You can stay but at conditions. If you want to leave, you can leave. You are nobody's slave. I won't go against your will and make you my girlfriend." "Then, why did you take me in?"

He takes a deep breathe and puts his hands up in the air which were preventing his body from falling. He falls on the soft bed and puts his hand down parallel to hi body. "My family forced me to. Since, I have never dated a girl and they need a heir, they asked me to buy you." I look at my hands and then fall back onto the soft bed. I was beside him. Quite close. Just a few centimetres away. "I did as I was told but I never said I would do anything to you except for taking you away from that so-called family of yours who is willing selling you away to an 'old man'." "Why does everyone think you are an old man? Why don't you reveal-" "I don't want to meet those disgusting ladies who can do anything to get money and stay by my side. They only care for my money. Only sex and money means everything to them."

Thank you for reading~ Don't forget to like, and comment! See you in the next chapter!~

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