

Absolute Romance - Yes, Cunning Villain - Yes, Intelligent Protagonist - Yes. Overpowering Ultimate War, Action, Adventure - YES. Mind Manipulation - Yes, Powerful Encounters - Yes, Badass Villain and Protagonist - Yes, Weak, Pathetic Side Characters - No. "Wow, I've been transported to another planet. This is going to be fun. I'm going to conquer every mature woman in the world. Woohoo!" Ayro thought, jumping with excitement. However, an unexpected incident occurred a few days later. He signed a magical contract with his beautiful aunts. "What did you say about magic powers? How is that possible? I don't have any magic. " Ayro asked in astonishment. "Yes, young master, we have acquired magic powers through a contract formed with your and our hearts. You are now our husband, and we are your wives," the three stunning, mature aunts declared in unison. "Yes, young master... or should I say, husband? Don't even think about another woman. We've entered into this magical agreement with you, so you must take responsibility," Aunt Jena said, capturing his face with her hands and planting a kiss on his lips. 'Damn, this happened without my knowledge. How did a magical agreement form in our hearts? I didn't realize it,' Ayro thought, his thoughts momentarily interrupted by the kiss. 'She's incredibly sweet.' As they claimed, Ayro observed their bodies. 'Becoming the husband of these mature women wouldn't be so bad after all. Look at their amazing bodies,' Ayro thought, his desire intensifying. "Alright, I accept you all as my wives," Ayro declared sweetly as they embraced. 'I have to care about them, if I didn't and they get hurt, I'll feel immense pain if anything happens to them. I must protect them at all costs. But there's one positive: I won't be able to experience betrayal. Hahahaha,' Ayro thought, looking at them. Well, who cares? They're simply too beautiful. Due to the magic, they are currently the most beautiful wives in the world. As their power grows, so will their beauty. It's an absolute win. For more details, please read on. The story truly unfolds from Chapter 35, where you'll witness character development and their deep love for each other. Don't worry, the story won't be abandoned. At least 500 chapters are planned. Additionally, I'll improve my writing skills as English is not my first language. [IF YOU WANT SPOILERS, READ BELOW. OTHERWISE, STOP HERE. I BELIEVE YOU'LL ENJOY MY WORK.] (SPOILER ALERT) Ayro woke up in the world called "White Moon." He couldn't remember how he was transported here. The only memory was being in his research lab on the planet "DARK." He suspected he might have died and, coming from the advanced civilization "TYPE 5," found himself in the primitive "TYPE 1" world. He decided not to waste time striving to become the strongest, as he had on his previous planet. Instead, he would enjoy life to the fullest and avoid becoming a world leader, as this world lacked the knowledge he possessed. To savor his life, he planned to conquer every woman in the world, but an accident involving his aunts changed everything. Now, even if he didn't want to learn about love, he would have to experience it.

NITIN_ZARCs · สมัยใหม่
90 Chs

Ch -80

Inside the cave, Jena was drawn to a source of white light. As she approached, it expanded into a cavernous opening.

"Wow, a beautiful natural garden inside a cave?" Jena exclaimed in astonishment, surveying the lush forest. The area teemed with adorable rabbits and various bird species.

As she explored, Ayro, Rela, and Luna entered the cave.

"Oh my, it's truly a garden inside here," Luna exclaimed excitedly, gazing around.

"Mmm, it's an ideal environment for learning something new," Rela observed, attempting to catch a nearby rabbit, but it eluded her grasp.

"Hmm, that's true, but where's Jena? Didn't she come in here too?" Ayro questioned, scanning the garden. He soon heard Rela's urgent voice.

"Young master, come here quickly!" Rela called out. Luna and Ayro turned in the indicated direction, discovering a narrow path leading deeper into the forest. They followed the path.

"Huh!" Upon entering the forest, they found Jena and Rela concealed in the bushes, intently observing something beyond. They approached cautiously.

"What the heck are you two doing here?" Ayro asked, tapping their backs. Startled, they signaled for silence.

"Shh, young master, look over there," Jena whispered, moving aside slightly. Rela followed suit, allowing Luna a clear view.

"What the heck? Why do we have to be quiet? Didn't you just shout our names?" Luna and Ayro thought in unison as they gazed forward. Their astonishment was immediate.


"Oh my god, it's truly beautiful..."

A vast lake stretched out before them, its end invisible. The water's surface was adorned with exquisite, unfamiliar flower petals, as if from another planet. Wild animals drank from the lake.

"Is this real?" Luna asked incredulously.

"Yes, it is, Luna. Look at that deer," Jena pointed out, describing its unique blue skin with black spots. The abundance of unfamiliar, vibrantly colored animals was mesmerizing.

Ayro was puzzled by the absence of any sound from the numerous animals. A thought occurred to him.

"It's because there's a barrier in this area that prevents sound and animals from entering," a voice responded in his mind.

"Oh, I understand. But won't it be difficult to learn and grow stronger if we're distracted by this beauty? They're too captivated to focus on improving their abilities," Ayro mused.

"Don't worry, it's part of the learning process. You'll all need to learn to understand their language (animal language)," the voice replied.

"What? How?" Ayro wondered, continuing to observe the scene. Suddenly, Jena's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Young master..." Jena called out, noticing his distraction.

"Huh? What?"

"Don't you find it strange that even though we're being loud, the animals don't seem to notice us?" Luna explained, prompting Ayro to share his knowledge of the barrier.

"What?" Luna exclaimed in surprise. Ayro explained that the barrier would prevent the animals from being drawn to them, allowing them to focus on their training.

"Hmm, I think Dear is right. It's good there's a barrier," Rela agreed.

As the day wore on, it reached 6 PM. They returned home through the portal.

"Hah, I'm exhausted. I didn't realize our powers would drain so quickly just trying to absorb natural energy," Ayro sighed as they entered the hall.

"Yeah, I'm tired too. But it was worth it. I learned something new. I mean, we never expected to find heaven and earth energy, or Qi," Jena chuckled.

"Hmm, that's true, but I don't think we can feel that energy yet. Sofia said we can only gain energy from each other," Luna said, sitting beside Ayro on the sofa.

"Well, we've just started, so let's keep trying. By the way, Jena, did you focus on learning animal language?" Ayro asked.

"Not entirely. I was also practicing feeling Qi. But when I crossed the barrier, all the animals ran away. I don't know how I'll learn their language," Jena explained, stretching out on the sofa.

"Yeah, everything's new and challenging. It might take months to master any skill. By the way, Dear, you said you wouldn't try to feel Qi until after you learned something else. What are you learning?" Rela asked, leaning back on the sofa, her body aching from the day's meditation.

"Yes, Hubby, what are you learning?" Jena inquired.

"Well, I'm learning the flower finger sword technique," Ayro replied.

"Well, I am learning about Flower Finger Sword," Ayro said, lying down on the sofa opposite Jena, his face close to hers. As he settled beside her, Jena turned her head towards him and placed her hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently.

"Huh, what is this Flower Finger Sword?" Rela asked, confused as they couldn't find any information about the technique or skill in their minds.

"It's just as it sounds, Aunt. The user can create a sword from their finger. It's quite beautiful, and it has different stages. You know, if anyone gets killed by this skill, they turn into a pile of beautiful flowers. This skill is really good, and I like it," Ayro explained, touching Jena's hand with his.

"Wow, this skill sounds amazing, but why haven't I seen it anywhere? Did Sofia forget to mention it?" Rela asked, perplexed.