
The Wedding

Several more weeks went by as Okami continued training.

Naruto and Team Kakashi got a new member. Sai was his name. As they went in on Sasuke's search. Kakashi is hospitalized at the moment, recuperating from his last mission, so he stayed in Konoha, someone named Yamato joined them.

Tenten and team Gai are on the mission as well.

Jiraiya and Okami dug everything they can on Kakashi at this point of time... It was futile. They couldn't find a single thing on him.

So, they focused on the root of the trouble, the original owner of Kakashi's Sharingan. Obito Uchiha.

According to the theory so far; After Obito's death, his other eye has somehow managed to remain intact and someone took it... Maybe they are wrong and it was something else. But the uncovering of that masked man starts with Obito, that's for sure.

Okami now is also collecting all the Children's storybooks he could find in the market. He is also ordering more and more books from the Black market, Open market, Anywhere he could buy these things.

Why? Because of Pain's eyes. Those eyes are the mythical eyes of the sage of six paths...

If those eyes are real, then Sage of six paths is real. But what about other things then. Are they real too? If sage of the six paths is real, those eyes are real. Then maybe that mythical beast ten-tails is real too. Akatsuki is going after all the tail beasts as well. There has to be a reason for this.

He is trying to find too many things at once. Okami doesn't even know where he is going with all of this.

But there is something he knows if he wants to know anything about what is going on. He needs to get to the root of everything.

The root that starts with Obito's death.


(1 week Later)

He continues his training with Kurenai sensei. Although he is far superior to her now. But it doesn't change the fact that he loves working out with her.

She is the best...

30 minutes into it though Kurenai started to groan and then leaned to the side to vomit.

"Sensei are you alright?" Okami stopped the exercise and quickly made his way over to her. She tried to wave it off but vomited again.

"Do you need me to get a medic sensei?", He hovered near her not really sure what to do.

"No, no I just feel a little, urp." She started dry heaving after vomiting everything in her stomach. Okami had enough at this point as he flared up his chakra.

'Need help'

He waited for a moment then felt chakra pulse.

What kind?





Less than 30 seconds later 2 ANBU dropped into the clearing. They took one look at Kurenai, who was still heaving, and the one on the right move forward with their hands glowing green.

Kurenai was being stubborn in her refusal to let the nice ANBU do his job but her strength didn't seem to be up to its usual par and he batted away her arms easily. His palms hovered over Kurenai's stomach for a bit then the ANBU stood up and backed away slightly.

"Congratulations you're not dying horribly, just pregnant."

Gallows humor much.

wait what?

"What!?" Her bellow echoed through the clearing.

"You're pregnant. Have a pleasant day." Both ANBU flickered out of the clearing.

"Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant," Kurenai muttered to herself over and over again.

"Congrats Sensei", Okami chuckled

"Oh my God you're right I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby. This is my dream coming true. Oh no, what should I name them? What if they don't like me? What if they don't like Asuma? Asuma! What am I supposed to tell him? We're not even married what if he leaves me? I can't tell him."

Okami chuckled, she is very cute right now. It's a rare sight, to say the least.

But it's leading to a bad direction. "Kurenai sensei," Okami yells out breaking her from her downward spiral. "Talk to someone responsible first"

Her face which had been getting darker brightened back up again. "You're right, let us go to Yugao first, I am sure she'll know what to do"



Deidara was bored. Today was the day that Suna would finally decide what to do with him, damn Kazekage had taken his sweet time recovering before he passed judgment, and the only thing left for the mad bomber to do now was to wait until one of the ANBU came to the T&I building to take him away, which was why Deidara was laying on the bed of his cell with a leg over the other in a relaxed manner until someone came for him.

''Man, what is taking these guys so long? Maybe they are trying to drive me insane from the anxiety or something'' Complained the crazy terrorist. If they were going to kill him, fine, he had already made up his mind that he was doomed, but keeping him in suspense was starting to piss him off.

At that moment, the door of the corridor was opened to reveal a Suna ANBU at the other side.

Deidara straightened his body as he sat on the bed, looking at the man with a sneer. ''So one of you assholes finally decided to show up. I was wondering if you had forgotten about-'' The mad bomber shut up when he saw the ANBU drop to the ground like a rag doll with a Kunai stuck on the back of his head. ''What the fuck?'' Deidara had no idea what was happening, that was until a familiar figure with an orange mask stepped through the door and walked over the dead ninja.

''Hi, Deidara-Senpai!'' Said Tobi with glee as he waved amicably at the blond at the other side of the metal bars.

''Tobi? What are you doing here?!'' Asked the former Iwa Shinobi.

''Why, rescuing Senpai of course!'' Declared Tobi cheerfully. ''Sasori-Senpai is dead, sadly. But that left a spot open and now I'm a member of Akatsuki! So that makes us partners, and I can't leave my partner imprisoned, can I?''

''But-But how did you even get here?!'' Inquired Deidara. Tobi was a happy-go-lucky moron that usually hung out with the bomber and the rest of the Akatsuki, begging them to make him a member. But due to his silly antics and the fact that he was a weakling they just ignored him. How the hell did he even manage to infiltrate Suna and kill the guards of the prison?

''Silly Senpai! Tobi has his ways, don't worry about a thing!'' Boasted the masked man as he victoriously put his hands on his hips. ''But first, let's get you out of there'' Said Tobi as he pulled out a key from his cloak, which he presumably took from the dead ANBU before he approached the cell and opened it. ''There you go! Rejoice, Senpai you are free!''

''Yay, that's great and all, but how do you propose we get out of here? We can't exactly go out the main door and try to sneak out of the village, we would be discovered in no time'' Said the blond.

''Of course not, Deidara-Senpai! We'll leave the same way I came in! Which is why I had to kill everyone in the building. I can't have anyone seeing what I can do just yet, at least no one that can tell the tale'' Said Tobi as he laughed at his own stupid joke.

Deidara looked at the black-haired man with a dumbfounded expression. He didn't know that Tobi had it in him to kill a bunch of people in cold blood and then laugh it off.

''Anyway, we should get going. Senpai, hold on to me and- Oh wait, that's right! I'm sorry'' Said Tobi apologetically as he scratched the back of his head, seemingly forgetting for a moment that Deidara didn't have arms anymore, which just made the terrorist's eye twitch in annoyance.

''Don't worry, I'll just hold on to you than'' Said the masked man as he put a hand on Deidara's shoulder before they both started being sucked into a space distortion.

''What the fuck is this?! What are you doing, Tobi?!'' Yelled Deidara in panic. This Jutsu was just like the one Hatake had used to take his arms! Deidara struggled to get out of the technique but Tobi didn't let go of him, and in the end, they were completely absorbed by it.


Along with Jiraiya, Okami traveled as fast as they could towards Kusagakure's kannabi Bridge.

They traveled for a week, And before long they were standing in front of the closed entrance of the cave where Obito's body is buried.

"Let's get to it", Jiraiya said

Okami nodded

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu", creating as many clones as possible...

"Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu" [Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique]

Jiraiya lightens the weight of nearly all the rocks.

Okami nodded and raised his hand.

Using his extreme mastery of winds, he was able to pull off all these light boulders with extreme ease. as he throws those large rocks out in the ground.

And before they know it, the entire cave is free of boulders

"There it is", Jiraiya said

Jiraya and Okami watched the dead body of Obito Uchiha

Okami knelt beside the dead body and checked his right eye, the Sharingan was there... damaged though.

"This is not a shadow clone, this is real, his right eye has a damaged Sharingan as well. Old man, it looks like we are wrong this time"

Jiraiya nodded, "As it would seem. But, do they take me as an idiot or something?"


"what do you mean?"

"I am a spy for over 3 decades now, Tsunade has taught me a lot about bodies as well. I am pretty sure that this body is placed here afterward"

"So this guy is not Obito Uchiha?"

"It's his face, I am sure of it"

"This is not a clone or anything like that"

"I know"

"I don't understand it old man"

Jiraiya pointed at the body, "This guy did not die here, his body is just a ruse in case someone came here to find Obito Uchiha"


"But he has damaged Sharingan"

"Sharingan can be transplanted"

"What about his face then?"

"I... don't know, we need Tsunade to do the autopsy on this guy"

"Obito... do you think, he is alive and is behind all of this?", Okami asked

Jiraiya shook his head, "Obito that I knew back in those days was really a gentle and kind soul who didn't shy away from helping anyone... I just-- don't know"

"Then Let's get this body back to-- JIRAIYA SAN


Jiraiya was stabbed from behind.

Okami took a step forward to help the old man--


Okami gritted his teeth when he was stabbed in the back as well.

But he activated his Physical path.

The time slowed down, Okami turned around and get hold of the neck of... the white thingy who was in the middle of phasing through the earth.

"What are you?", asked Okami feeling the blood loss from behind his back.

The white thingy grinned.

Right at the side of Okami, a black dot appeared. The dot quickly spiraled outwards as it grew in size to form a man with an orange spiraled mask with his right eye revealed to show an oddly shaped Sharingan staring Okami right in the eye as he reached towards Okami.

The world slowed down around Okami, as he instinctively used the Physical path... But this time, he couldn't move, because somehow this white thingy is halting his movements.

The man's hand touched Okami's head and he felt a pulling sensation as he began to seemingly collapse inwards.

The last thing Okami saw before he was pulled away was the truly furious expression upon Jiraiya's face and a plethora of glowing chakra threads heading right towards Okami.

Okami stretched his arm, just a little, and he could reach those threads.

The threads arrived too late to do anything.

Then there was nothing but a feeling of weightlessness as Okami was pulled through a void of darkness. Okami couldn't see anything anymore.

When Okami was able to see again, He saw pillars of stone from the ground to reach towards the black and grey sky, all around him, Binding his hands and legs through the chains.

Okami struggled but he couldn't do anything.

"You are becoming an annoyance Okami Kun" The man spoke without preamble. "I had hoped that you would quiet down after throwing your legs here and there. But now, you have truly crossed your limits."

He shrugged carelessly. "I suppose denying Konoha of you will have to suffice for now"

Okami who was in the bind chuckled, "Sure, but before that, mind telling me as to who are you?"

The man shrugged again, "You really think I will tell you this?"

"Are you Obito?"

The man shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not"

"What are those white thingy's"

The man chuckled mirthlessly. "It doesn't seem that you are afraid of me"

Okami chuckled, "why should I? Are you going to hurt me?"

"I really wonder about your baseless confidence, is it because you have sacred-blood now?"


"How did you--

The masked man chuckled, "Ah, now I am getting some serious reaction out of you"


Okami frowned.

"Do you know how you got that power"


"It was mine, to begin with"


"That idiotic wolf didn't know how much power it was holding, Despite being the descendant of divine beast Fenrir."


"That scroll was buried under the mountains of Ōguchi no Magami for more than 1000's of years. Do you know how much trouble I went through to get that scroll? I traveled the entire world to search for that thing. But I couldn't use it, because I needed a Massive amount of spiritual energy. and the only way that could happen was through that idiotic descendant of Fenrir."


"I succeeded, and nearly sucked the spiritual energy from that beast, But it managed to escape, not to mention. It managed to escape with the scroll."

[T/N: Madara was the one who actually did all of it]


"The scroll that contains the sacred bloodline of Rasen clan, along with its four sacred and powerful paths"

"where is the wolf?"

"I killed it... because it gave its spiritual powers to someone I didn't know, It didn't have the scroll either, because it used it on someone"


"I would have not found out about you... but recently you are growing too famous, they call you Anti-Ninja, you can destroy anything that is made of pure chakra, You are incredibly fast as well... I know that you have at least mastered two paths, if not three."


"Now, I will kill you who have stolen my powers from me"

"You shouldn't have killed that wolf, He was a friend of mine", Okami said calmly

"Making friendship with a beast of unknown origin, what an idiotic thought"

Okami sadly smiled, "You can not kill me"

The man shrugged, "Are you sure of it?"

"Oh yes, absolutely"

His visible eye narrowed at Okami. "No matter, my eye sees everything, nothing will save you today"

The masked man brought out the black iron rod and charged at Okami to stab his heart and finish it.

The bind Okami couldn't even more.

As soon as the iron rod touched Okami, He turned into Butterflies.


By utilizing the surrounding wind, Okami was able to turn anything within a designated location into an illusion.

"Why are so surprised?", totally fine Okami walked out from Behind the masked man

"what is going on? This is Izanami, Impossible", muttered the masked man

[T/N: Izanami is a genjutsu where reality is turned into an Illusion, Illusion turned into reality, Nothing can harm you and everything can harm your opponent]

Okami chuckled, "This is just the start, my friend... Behold the power of darkness"

Utilizing his unique black winds as a medium, Okami envelopes an area as far as he can see, covering it in complete darkness.

The entire pocket dimension is in direct control of his. Within this darkness, Okami voids the barrier between reality and illusion, blending the two while controlling it on a whim. Within it, he is able to inflict injuries on the target that will reflect in reality. When attacked or harmed while this genjutsu is active, he is able to shrug off injuries as if they never existed. Utilizing his imagination, Okami is able to do anything.

He opened his arms, "Welcome to the freakshow"


From the darkness, many Dark wolves with red eyes come out.


The masked man tried to move but at that moment he coughed blood after blood as many invisible dark blades impaled him from nowhere, outside of the body, and within, the masked man was dying.



The masked man looked here and there. He was harmed and impaled from here and there. but he was alive.

Okami chuckled, "we are just starting"


The masked man started to melt into the ground.


The dark wolves start running to him. And tear off the skin over his body.

The masked man narrowed, "I never knew there was a way to bring out the effect of Izanami without Sharingan and side-effects. You are quite good even without the four paths"

Okami chucked, "Thank you"


The dark wolves kept on charging towards him.


"what the--

The Pocket dimension turned and distorted...

"Next time you will see me, will be the day you die"


They were out of the dimension.


If that guy didn't know dimension jutsu, he would have been able to trap his reality almost forever...

"Are you alright?", came Jiraiya's voice

Okami looked over and nodded, "Don't worry, what about you"

"I am fine as well, But that white thing, I couldn't sense his Chakra"

"I couldn't as well"

After a while, Jiraiya spoke, "Alright, Let's do the basic first aid first and let's take this body back with us... after this attack, I am 80% sure the masked man is Obito"

"Jiraiya san, can I ask a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I want information on something... I don't know whether you can find it or not... But can you find out the origin of Chakra?"

"Origin of chakra?"

"This entire thing is hidden in the myth Old man, Those ripple eyes of pain, The sage of six paths, the collection of Bijjus... I just can't help but feel that to get to the root of this plan. We need to start from the very beginning."


"Old man"

"Did you say the ripple pattern eyes of the sage of six paths"


"I knew a guy from long ago, who had these kinds of eyes"


"My first student, Nagato"


(1 week Later)


"These are the autopsy reports you wanted so urgently", Tsunade came in her white coat and Lab

As she gave the report to Jiraiya who was standing outside.

"What's the result", Jiraiya asked

Tsunade shook her head, "His reports say it clearly, his DNA matches Obito Uchiha. There is no mistaking in the report"

"That impossible", Both Jiraiya and Tsunade turned their head towards Okami who was walking to them

Tsunade sighed, "I am afraid it is true. The reports clearly say it"

"So we are wrong?", Jiraiya asked

Tsunade shook her head once more, "When Did I say that"

"what do you mean", Okami asked

"I am a Doctor for over 40 Years now. I am very certain that these reports are being tampered with"


"And if we go by norms, His knowledge of Medicines is nothing but mediocre. He can't fool me with something like this"

"It has to be one of the Doctors, otherwise it would have been impossible", Okami said

"We have already caught the one", Tsunade said

"Genjutsu?", jiraiya asked

She nodded, "Whoever it is, he/she was able to move in and out of our Hospital like its nothing"


"So, is this guy is Obito or not?", Okami asked

"Impossible to say... But, whoever this guy is, someone out there, don't want us to find out"


"Can you run the tests by yourself", asked Jiraiya

She nodded, "It will take some time, But I will be able to do it"

No matter how many times she runs the test, It was always the same, This body is of Obito Uchiha's.

Every time she is not convinced.

But, It's impossible to find the identity of this body.

Jiraiya during this time kept on sending his men to collect as many ancient scrolls as possible from all over the world. He too was searching for anything that helps.

Okami helped as well.

No matter if it helps or not. No matter if they are entirely wrong. At least they are moving somewhere with it. Okami or Jiraiya have no idea of what they are doing anymore. They just... want to get to the root of this entire thing.

Okami wasn't wrong either. This entire plan of Akatsuki is hidden in the myths. Those eyes. Sage of the six paths, Bijuus, In order to get to the bottom of it. They need to start from scratch.

The scratch, that is the origin of Chakra.

They also send some people to find out about this Nagato. They never return though.

Jiraiya took it on himself to find out about Nagato.


Kurenai still didn't told Asuma anything about her pregnancy. The situation continued for the next couple of months.

Her baby bump was growing bigger each day and Okami felt sure she must be using all her skill to keep Asuma from noticing or he was just completely oblivious.

"Sensei this has to stop"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" She tried to deny it.

"He has the right to know about his Child... You are denying him of his family"


"Tell him. You guys are secretly dating for years already. His love for you won't disappear overnight, Just because you are pregnant"


"Sensei, Do you trust me?"

Kurenai sensei nodded

"Then, trust me, and tell him"

"Tell me what?"

Both Kurenai and Okami turned in shock. There was Asuma standing as carefree as ever right next to them.

"I- We- That is." Kurenai sputtered, white in the face before something snapped in her and she shouted out, "I'm pregnant..."

"Oh, is that all?" He said it with a nonchalant attitude like it was nothing big at all.

"That was horrible Asuma Sensei"

Kurenai sensei immediately burst into tears.

"Ah, no, wait I mean I knew you were pregnant." He ran up and wrapped her in a hug.

He took a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is I love you"

Okami chuckled.

Moving away slightly, Okami was about to be out of their sight, when he turned to the side, "You should leave as well"

The man who started the whole orange book fiasco. He looked ridiculous with two small sticks tucked inside his headband as though they were a form of camouflage.

"Shh, quiet brat I'm trying to write." He was indeed writing things down in a little notepad.

Okami sighed and dragged Jiraiya out with him.

"Wait... I am really writing"


-Unknown Location-

Several shadowy figures stood in a circle inside a cave. Most appeared to be some kind of hologram save for Deidara and his newest companion, Tobi.

The meeting of the Akatsuki had just started a few minutes ago but there were still some matters to discuss.

''Now that the extraction of the Rokubi has been completed we need to decide on our next plan of action'' Said the figure with the purple ripple-pattern eyes.

''I and Kakuzu aren't far from The Land of Fire, we could go for the Kyuubi right away, Pain-Sama. He and that bitch made a mockery of Jashin-Sama and that can't be forgiven. I'll parade that brat's severed head along with that dark wolf corpses as punishment!'' Said one of the shadows before turning to look at a figure with green eyes and red sclera. ''What do you say, Kakuzu?''

''I don't usually agree with Hidan, but we'll have to go for the Kyuubi eventually'' Said the shadowy Kakuzu. ''I would rather do it at once and not waste any more time so I can get back to claim bounties''

''But Kakuzu-Senpai, Hidan-Senpai, you must be careful! That Dark wolf is very strong", Said Tobi.

''They even beat up Deidara-Senpai black and blue!''

Deidara snarled and cursed under his breath. He would normally have rebutted Tobi for that comment, but after knowing how the bastard really was he was afraid to get on the idiot's bad side, even if he was ashamed to admit it.

''But we don't suck ass like Deidara!'' Said the other figure. ''So there is nothing to worry about!''

Deidara turned to glare at Hidan. ''One of these days, I swear-''

''Enough, I don't want you starting another argument'' Ordered the shadow of Pain, which immediately ended the dispute before it could even start. ''And I have to agree with Tobi, going after Dark Wolf is very difficult.

''I say let them come! to us'' Said Hidan arrogantly. ''One can't counter immortality, they will just be coming to their deaths! Jashin-Sama will sure enjoy their blood''

''You could send me and Itachi-San to capture him. Konoha also knows of our abilities but I'd always liked a good challenge anyway'' Said another hologram with the figure of a large sword over his shoulder.

''Or we could go after the Ichibi. My water Jutsu should be a good counter to his sand''

''We leave the Ichibi for now. We just attempted to capture him not too long ago, Suna will still be on high alert. We should wait for the dust to settle before we make any more attempts on him''

Said Pain. ''Also, you two will probably have your hands full soon enough''

''Hmmm, what do you mean by that, Pain-Sama?'' Inquired Kisame and the comment even captured the attention of Itachi's red-eyed figure.

''I learned of this just recently, Uchiha Sasuke has killed Orochimaru'' Informed Pain.

That comment made the cave go deathly silent and seeing that no one talked Pain continued.

''And not only that, but it appears that he is gathering a group of skilled individuals, he has already recruited Jugo of the Scales and the last member of the Hozuki clan''

''So... Suigetsu, uh?'' Said Kisame. ''It has been a while since I last heard from him. I quite liked the kid, he was a killing machine, almost on par with Zabuza''

''Kisame, Itachi, that's why you have to be alert'' Said Pain. ''They will most likely be looking for you. Uchiha Sasuke and his group must not be underestimated''

''Aren't you proud of your little brother, Itachi-San'' Said Kisame with a toothy grin as he regarded Itachi who had stayed silent and listened attentively all throughout the meeting. ''Killing one of the Sannin and forming his own group of assassins. They grow up so fast, wouldn't you say?''

''In that case, I might be hunting Sasuke myself'' Said Deidara. ''I wanted to be the one to kill Orochimaru and the little prick robbed me of the pleasure. Also, Sasori no Danna wanted to kill the filthy snake, and as his former partner it falls to me to complete his wishes''

''Anyway, back to the matter of the Kyuubi'' Interrupted Kakuzu, impatient to know what his next move was going to be so he could get back to his own interests, the sooner the better.

''If I and Hidan can't go after him and the rest of the teams are busy, are we going to forget about the Kyuubi for the time being, then?''

''I didn't say that. Despite everything, You and Hidan are still the best option to go after him'' Said Pain. It was true, Despite the Dark wolf prowess, There is no counter for immortality

''You are still going after the Kyuubi, but you'll need to be more tactful in the way you go about it''

''What do you have in mind, Pain-Sama?'' Asked Hidan. He didn't know what their leader meant by 'tactful'.

''I'll think of something. Once I have your instructions I'll send Zetsu to you with your orders'' Said Pain.

''If no one has anything more to say this meeting is over''

Seeing as no one else said anything, that was Pain's signal to end their gathering. ''Very well. Until next time'' Declared the leader and one by one the holograms disappeared.


Next week, is the wedding of Asuma and Kurenai.

They are marrying in a hurry because Kurenai is pregnant without being married. If anyone finds out about it. She will have a black dot on her reputation.

It's already 2 months since she got pregnant, Her belly is almost showing up, They really can not wait for another month, people will whisper.

Okami made a big deal out of it.

He used most of the money he made with multiple S-rank missions, Catching Bounties, etc. on this wedding, all of the Konoha, Suna, and Kiri is invited...

Hokage personally greets them. While everyone prepares for the marriage.

Guests come in and go out. Okami took all the responsibilities of the wedding on himself.


Okami was the bride's man of honor as he walks with Kurenai holding her hand...

She looks beautifully stunning in that wedding dress.

He even chuckled when Asuma was standing there with his mouth wide open. Kakashi was standing as the best man of the groom.

The wedding couple said their vows.


(At night)

Okami spent a lot of money to create a festival-like atmosphere for the bride.

Even though he was not so rich, but, all Jonin senseis helped, after Kakashi sensei persuaded them.

There were lots of stalls, balloons, crackers, game stalls, People were going in and out.

It was an amazing sight, to say the least.

Even the ambassadress of Kiri and Suna were enjoying it.

He spent a lot of effort to have it prepared, Just for tonight.

The newly married couple can not have the wedding night anyway. Since Kurenai is pregnant.

Might as well give them something to remember by.

When the main couple entered, There were cheers all around. Making the couple blushed.

"You look stunning sensei, May you two have a wonderful life ahead", Okami bowed formally


While chatting with boys, Okami's mouth was agape when he saw Tenten.

Tenten who was with the girls and was walking towards the boys found her face softened as she became embarrassed when she realized that Okami was staring agape at her.

Okami was speechless, he could not take his eyes away from the newcomer. That had to be the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. She was wearing a red Kimono that hugged her body tightly, showing her slim figure.

"Ten...Ten?" Said Okami, almost at a loss for words.

Tenten with her red face nodded her head

''Guys, we'll meet up with you guys later! Bye Bye'' Said Ino as she grabbed Sai by the arm and dragged him along.


"We should be going as well", Sakura, Temari almost every girl took the clueless guys to the other side.

''Wait, Aren't we going to go all together?!'' Asked Okami, and even Tenten looked trouble at that.

They were going to leave them alone?!

''We promise it won't be long, we just want to show these guys something!'' Ino shouted back, trying to reassure her friends.

Both Okami and Tenten stood motionless as they watched their friends ignoring them like a plague.

'Girls are definitely weird'. Okami thought

At least he had tenten with him, which was more than enough especially when she looked so gorgeous, but on the other hand, it made things awkward as he could not look at her, not after that Lake incident.

''So, do you want to go take a look around the place?'' Okami asked tentatively, trying to play it cool.

''S-Sure'' Said Tenten.

And with that, they too started walking around the festival as they passed by numerous stands of food, games, and souvenirs.

The walk was rather uncomfortable, as both of them were way too nervous to talk, causing an awkward silence between them.

He looked at the side, to see the Villagers giving Naruto a harsh look.

Naruto sighed, he wished they would stop at least for today.

Okami frowned and was about to go to him... But he saw Hinata coming meekly beside Naruto protecting him from the harsh stares from the villagers.

A gentle smile formed on his lips, Hinata is truly Naruto's savior.


Okami was pulled out of his mental struggle to look at Tenten.

''If you want to, we can go over there'' Said the girl

Okami chuckled as he looked gently at Hyperactive and grinning Naruto and incredibly shy with the red face Hinata, "Na, it's better if we leave them alone... But I am afraid she would die at this rate"

Tenten giggled before she frowned. "Don't think about other"


"Right now you are here with me, that's all that matters'' Said Tenten before grabbing his arm with her own and giving him a smile, her cheeks reddened slightly.

Okami smiled gently, "Yea"

Okami and Tenten made their way while Leaving Naruto to Hinata.

She would protect him.

A moment later, Tenten stumbled and Okami barely managed to catch her before she fell.

This is why she hated wearing Geta!

[T/N: Ancient Japanese Sandals for girls, High Heels of that time]

''Are you okay!?'' Asked Okami in worry. He had not expected her to lose her balance, she was usually so graceful in her movements.

''Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not used to wearing these things", Said Tenten. ''I don't know why I let Ino put me in these clothes, I must look ridiculous''

''You don't look ridiculous, that's absurd!'' Said Okami ''I think you look very beautiful''

Tenten widened her eyes at Okami's bold statement, and her cheeks went crimson once more.

''Y-You really think so? You aren't saying that just to make me feel better, are you?''

''Of course not, I'm serious, You always look pretty, especially at the lake''


Okami's admission worsened girl's blush.

''Th-Thanks. You look great too"


-Outside the festival-

''You know, it seems we always end up watching the sky together'' Commented Tenten ''Not that I'm complaining''

''I know, right'' Said Okami in amusement.

''I just didn't know what else to do while we finished our ice cream''

Tenten nodded in understanding, she could accept that.

Suddenly, she smirked deviously as she thought of something. ''speaking of which, do you want a taste of my Ice cream? This flavor is really good'' Suggested the girl.


"what is it?"

"Don't do this to me Tenten", He said Gently

"Do what?"

"I have a very fragile heart Tenten, Once we cross the boundary, I might never go back"

"what are you talking about?"

"You know about Grandma and Grandpa right?"

"You still hung over that?"

"I will always hang over that"


"Time is not a factor for me Tenten, I remember everything like yesterday. I am still mourning Granpa's death"


"I am still mourning Grandma's death"


"I don't want to fall in love because every day it will feel like I am falling in love all over again and again"


"I still remember and feel the sensation from the kiss at the lake."


"Tenten, we are in a business that might kill any of us at any moment, I will never be able to move on from you... And If one day you decided to leave, I will break down"


"Leave now, I am sure you will find a good per--


She interrupted him by Kissing him.

His eyes closed down as he opened his mouth and took her waist in his hands, she put her hand on around his neck. As they make out.

When they separated she didn't look at him, she just kept looking down, "We will leave future to future, good or bad, at worst, we will just die together, that way no one will feel sad about the other"

"You should have walked away when you had the chance, now take responsibility of me", He held her chin as he made her look up, he lowers his head and kissed again...

This time it was more sensational.

[T/N: Okami- 18 Years; Team Gai- 17 Years; Rest of the rookie Nine- 16 Years]

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