
Okami (Part-3)

6 Years... It was 6 years that the Old man took care of his Grandchild and His Wife... 6 years of working while he should have been resting.

And after 6 bloody hardcore Years... Grandpa Fell.

The Old man was dying in his own pool of blood.

A shinobi killed him.

For the Old man tried to Protect a Child. A blond Child, named Naruto.

Okami was there watching his Grandpa lying on the ground... It was like something happened within his mind, something snapped at that moment.

His mind and eyes couldn't keep the focus right now.

"Grand... Pa"

The Old man kept staring at his Precious Grandchild.



Tears flow from Okami's eyes, as his eyes regained its focus. They were clear. And was able to see better.


"Gran... Pa"

Grandpa smiled and barely lifted his hand towards his Grandchild.

Okami with his shaking eyes and hands came beside the old man and held his hand.

"Take care... of your Grandm--

He died... right there and at that instant.

That was the last straw that broke Okami from inside out.


Okami finally yelled. After years, He finally yelled, as spiritual powers overflow from his tiny body.

The tears were falling from his eyes...


He cried and cried and cried never stopping as the tears kept falling from his eyes.


The Shinobi that killed the Old man was captured and killed by other Shinobis, Okami received a sum of money, for the Old man helped Naruto in the time of need.

The Sum was not enough... But Okami didn't care as he spent the entire money on the funeral of someone who was a Great hero in his eyes. The Old man who never abandoned his Cursed Grandson and his coma state wife.

Okami even heard that his grandpa saved a Child from an angry mob.

Okami didn't ask much about the Child. Since no one was willing to tell him.


It was raining when he build a tomb for his grandpa, just beside his mother and father's stones.

He carried Grandma in the wheel-chair at the site where she silently shed her tears, from one glance it could be seen that the old woman was shaking.

She was crying heavily, as Okami hugged her, while he too cried on her shoulders.


Grandma is bedridden, he can not earn the money being the 7 years old... So he sold everything and moved to the cheapest apartment he could find... and the cheapest place is only of the Demon's apartment"

Naruto: "Huh? Are you trying to live here? You don't hate me?"

Okami: "I don't care about you, but Grandma needs a safe place to live, while I do the work to earn money, and this apartment is the cheapest place I could find... Please let us live here"

"W-Well O-Okay you can live in the room down the hall"

"You are not going to ask me about my identity or talk about money or anything?"

"Nah mate, it all cool", Naruto grinned in a foxy smile

"Very Well I will move Grandma today itself, we don't have much to live with and other than a single bed we don't need much furniture anyway... as for money I will give you the fair rent as soon as I start making money, That, I promise" He deep bowed towards Naruto, "Thank you"

"I-Its al-alright", Naruto rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile, no one ever said thank you to him ever or showed Kindness not that matter anyway... well, except that Old man that protected him from the mob. The Old man was super nice, and Naruto wonders if he could see the old man ever again.

Back to the situation, Naruto doesn't really know what to do or say in this situation...

And So our Story starts...