
The Dungeon Challenge

Aaron may have used a lot of violence, but surprisingly, he had caused very few deaths. It wasn't because he was more merciful than Kim Ki-hoon; he simply hadn't accumulated as much resentment from the citizens. Still, the things Aaron did to the citizens were far worse. After hearing about what other pioneers had done, the citizens would be a hundred, even a thousand times more grateful to join Justin.

"Well, in order to fund this relocation, we need to focus on conquering the dungeon for now."

Justin halted at the crest of a hill in the hilly area. The brass compass needle pointed toward the cleverly hidden dungeon entrance. Pushing against the plain green door, it opened silently and smoothly—completely opposite to the loud, rusty sound it had made in the past.

"Is everyone ready?" Justin asked.

"Absolutely," Rachel and Derek answered energetically, eager to test their newly acquired gear against powerful monsters.