
Dark vortex system

She's the first one the human destined to be a slave but ended up as a monster to defy her fate..... Chaos spread whenever she takes a step, what she touches leaves the predetermined fate chosen by heaven and earth........ Heaven and Earth cannot determine her fate.......... she is the darkness and chaos spreads whenever she speaks.......she is the demon Queen..... "Was this luck or was this fate whichever it is I'm going to exploit it and get to the pillar of the cultivation world........ what if it was cheating I don't care cause I'm going to do any damn thing to get to the pillar of this world" "My essence spreads to whatever comes in contact with me, a mistake that generates a mistake wherever it goes" Her darkness won't hide nor bind..... it will create paths where there is only void...... Because a mistake can live and void can exists and it will affect the world....... _________________________ This is my first novel....so I might sound quite inexperienced but I hope you can bear with me... All suggestions and advice are welcomed..

pas_cal24 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - Branding

 Dan carried Erin in his arms as the patriarch of the Thrivan family sat in a cross- legged position in the air with torrent of wind surrounding him indicating he was of the wind element and had somehow gotten his hands on a flying technique which Dan was sure would have cost a lot.....

 The wind torrent stopped abruptly as the temperature of the room came to normal and the patriarch came down slowly...

" Are you here to brand the little creature"

"Yes patriarch" Dan said with a face devoid of no expression and handed Erin over to him...

" Such a beautiful creature....too bad she was born in the family of slaves" Dan winced his face scrunched together..... Which the patriarch didn't fail to notice but ignored

 " You know your father tried to desert with you when you were a baby.....so stupid.....I tracked our mark in his sea of counciouness and he was found.....you know what happens to deserters...such a smart move you made.....It would have hurt me to punish a you" he said solemnly which didn't suit his expression as he smirked devilishly....

 " Yes patriarch"

 The patriarch of the Thrivan family smiled awkwardly and proceeded with the branding... Taking the branding stone which is given to all patriarch....a stone which contained his wisp of counciouness and which only him could access until he passes it down...

" I'm going to send a wisp of my counciouness in her sea of counciouness then I'm going to brand her with my mark which will appear on the branding stone.....and if her sea of counciouness is weak her mind will shatter and she will be a living body with no will or thought... that's the law of heaven and earth the weak does not deserve to survive" The patriarch said and proceeded with the branding.....


 He sent out his a wisp of his counciouness into her sea of counciouness and soon he was in another world. The feeling of being on the ground disappeared and there was no smell.....only the noise of sea waves which moved untamely.... He opened his eyes and was quite surprised that her sea of counciouness wasn't as tranquil as he had expected it to be..... He observed it in amazement for a few seconds before his wisp of counciouness moved and marked her in her open place beg her untamed sea of counciouness....He found himself back in the room with Daniel staring at him with curiosity and when the branding stone shone he signed in relief.....

 " Such a powerful sea of counciouness" The patriarch smiled and handed the baby over to Dan....

As his eyes beamed with so much love that the patriarch found it obscene...

 Dan bowed to the patriarch and left in a hurry.....

" I would certainly need to keep an eye on that little girl.... " He sighed and closed his eyes going back to practicing his new technique.....



 Some months had passed since Erin was born and yet love for her little child seemed to increase every second.... She was assigned to serve the second wife of one of the patriarch sons... And luckily for Lily she had gotten a good master which would sometimes give her some days off to go take care of her little child.....

 It was summer and Erin was in the hands of her mother, Lily who seemed to be speaking to her little child like as if Erin could discern what are mother was saying peeked through the mansion which was mainly made from wood , with a wall made of rocks on the perimeter with guards and slaves crawling everywhere....



 The mansion of the Thrivan family was divided into 2 circle....the first circle which was also the inner circle was inhabited by the main members of the family ..... Ranging from the patriarch to his sons and grandsons while the second circle which was in the outer part of the mansion was occupied by the slaves, workers and maid.....


 The last months were spent by Erin mostly in her mother's arm or her father's or sometimes some of the other slaves in the Thrivan family who seemed to enjoy Erin's company a lot.....and sometimes lily would take her on walks around the Thrivan mansion explaining random things to her little child who would always lay quietly listening like as if she could understand...

 Lily had a hunch..... Her little child could understand all that was being said so she didn't stop speaking to her....


 Dan was a guard at the middle stage of human cultivation which was quite an achievement as many people who try to cultivate can't even get past the early stage..... As even the patriarch of the Thrivan family only broke through his bottleneck after years of being at the late stage of the human cultivation.....

 And was now in the early stage of the warrior cultivation which had largely boosted the family reputation and strength..... Though the Thrivan family was a small sized family they were under the Trojan family which was a large size noble family with a lot of influence and had more than one cultivator who was at the warrior level.... Rumors were They had awakened a rare element.....

 The Thrivan family were subject to the Trojan family and as so must obey all their rules and sometimes pay taxes to them in return for being protected as once a small sized noble family loses it influence they are conquered by other larger sized noble family..



 Dan would sometimes be assigned to guard caravans and serve as mercenary to the Trojan family caravans which were going to trade in the central city of the kingdom....He was quite the fighter as he made use of the dual sabers which made him quite agile and always gave him the edge over his enemies...and when he was free he would waste no time in coming home to see his lovely wife and little child.....

 He'd envy all the little nobles running around and wished his little girl was born in a noble family so as not to experience the life of a slave.....the life of being owned....of being nothing more than a mere property... A mere pawn....


 But Dan knew she was different...when he looks at her..... She had this burning fire in her eyes that he could feel... a fire he knew couldn't be tamed not by anyone not even him....One that showed defiance.....


 He knew she was going to make an impact on this world....Knew she was going to change this world forever.....

 And he'd make sure of it.....