
Dark vortex system

She's the first one the human destined to be a slave but ended up as a monster to defy her fate..... Chaos spread whenever she takes a step, what she touches leaves the predetermined fate chosen by heaven and earth........ Heaven and Earth cannot determine her fate.......... she is the darkness and chaos spreads whenever she speaks.......she is the demon Queen..... "Was this luck or was this fate whichever it is I'm going to exploit it and get to the pillar of the cultivation world........ what if it was cheating I don't care cause I'm going to do any damn thing to get to the pillar of this world" "My essence spreads to whatever comes in contact with me, a mistake that generates a mistake wherever it goes" Her darkness won't hide nor bind..... it will create paths where there is only void...... Because a mistake can live and void can exists and it will affect the world....... _________________________ This is my first novel....so I might sound quite inexperienced but I hope you can bear with me... All suggestions and advice are welcomed..

pas_cal24 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

CHAPTER 1- Birth.............


 Lily walked to the shed...her face battered and lifeless... Her stomach hurting and her heart bleeding not for herself but for the baby...

 Her heart bled for the baby....

 Regret filled her thoughts and as she looked into Dan's eyes..... She could see it too...

 Regret of bringing this child into this horrible world...

 A world where the strong takes from the weak and the weak is forced to do nothing but survive.....


 She was born a slave and didn't want her child to be born from a lineage of slaves but she had no choice.....


 She layed down on the thatched mat.... Which stung her back and she winced in pain making Dan to come over with the speed of a 4th amateur level cultivator.....


 Which could give him nothing but a mere guard....

 She had no talent in cultivation and as so was only at the 1st human level....

Her eyes filled with new resolved.....

Her child must survive...

 Her child must satiate their hunger of freedom....

That has lasted for centuries...

Where screams echoed in the darkness as their companion....

 Her child must satiate that insatiable yearning for light that knows no limit.... A desire for freedom that will never be suppressed...

 And with a new resolve and a new light burning in her eyes she pushed...

 She couldn't hear voices no more.....

Just the sound of her own screams and Dan's distant motivation...

 She pushed....

 All voices seemed to drown down in her scream.....

 But just one word echoed continuously in her ears 


 A burning desire to be free.....

 A burning desire to not be branded as a slave.....

 A burning desire for freedom that will never be suppressed....

 These words kept her going....

" I can see the head, keep pushing" the mid- wife screamed.....

 She screamed one last time before she fell down slowly losing consciousness.....

 And all she heard was a distant voice crying...

The voice of her child...

 "It's a she" she heard and lost consciousness her entire being brimming with Joy....






 Darkness filled everywhere with little or no light coming in as lily stayed still...

 Was this death she thought....

 Was this the afterlife.....

 Or was this were she was being punished for binging such a poor little soul into this horrible world....If it was she was ready to suffer for all eternity.....

" Lily" a distant voice called her name 

" Lily wake up" 


 All of a sudden, some kind of compression pushed her from the cramped she was towards the voice which sounded distant...

 Her eyes blinked opened and she search for her child with them 

 Lily's hands ached to have her child in it..... She woke up to the sound of the crying baby...

 She looked at her little child in her hands....

 She had black ebony hair...

 Her eyes were the stormiest blue eyes Lily had ever seen just like her father's.....

 She was so beautiful.....lily couldn't help but smile at her little baby

 Her entire being brimming with happiness at this new entity born from her.....The candle light dimming....

 ...Showing a bit of Dan's facial expression which she couldn't see clearly but could feel it even more clearly and she knew he was overwhelmed with happiness maybe even more than her... But a clear sign of gulit filled his face....


 .... Gulit from bringing this entity into this world where the weak had no choice but to be slaves.... Guilt from birthing another bloodline for this bloodthirsty nobles....

" Let me have her" lily croaked her voice sore from all the screaming.... She was handed the baby and her entire being brimmed and she felt alive...

 "You feel it to right "

 "Yes Dan, she's gonna be great.... She's gonna Change the world forever"

 " They're gonna be here tomorrow for the branding" 

"No Dan, we can't give her to them" lily sobbed " I won't let her be branded as a slave....and you know what happens if her sea of counciouness is too weak.....she will be a living body with no will or thought or even emotions......she would be better off dead Dan...I can't let her be branded"

 " We don't have a choice Lily.... You know what happens to deserters.....I can't risk your life and the life of my child...."

 " What if she doesn't make it Dan... What if..." She sobbed harder" 

" She will make it Lily....she will" Dan said reassuring himself more than her...

 Dan sighed.... His heart ached for his little girl.... His heart ached that she had to be born into this family of slaves.... They had been slaves for generations..... Slaves to the " Thrivan" family... A small size noble family....


 They were all branded with the sigil of the Thrivan family all slaves were branded with the sigil of the family that owned them.....

 Every slaves born in the family of nobles had to be branded... A mark left on their sea of counciouness to prevent them from escaping.....

 A sea of counciouness was a personal dimension where the thoughts, emotion and mental energy of every individual are stored... The stronger it is the more influence it will have on the material world.....


 A mark branded into their sea of counciouness to prevent them from ever escaping....

 And now his new born daughter will get that brand on her weak sea of counciouness.....

 " She's gonna be great lily.... I can feel it in my guts"

 " I know that Dan....."


 Dan looked into her dark blue eyes which reminded him of a raging storm that cannot be tamed.....

 " She's got your eyes Dan" lily smiled 

 " They are beautiful"

 " Her name will be Erin..... Not Erin Thrivan but Erin Daniel" lily said firmly 
