
Chapter 102

The training session began, and under Valente's guidance, the recruits honed their skills. He watched them closely, offering guidance and encouragement. Johnny, despite his playful nature, showed remarkable talent in combat, his agility and quick thinking making him stand out among the recruits. Olivia's control over her elemental powers was awe-inspiring, and she diligently practiced her techniques, determined to harness her full potential.

As the day progressed, Valente's worries began to ease. The dedication and spirit of the young werewolves gave him hope. They were the next generation, the protectors of their world, and he believed in their ability to rise to the occasion.

Later, as the sun began to set, Valente gathered the recruits for a final pep talk. "I'm proud of each one of you," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.