
Dark Prism

Disaster has struck in the kingdom of Prismont, the kingdom’s only hope of maintaining peace rests on the shoulders of young warriors. Brothers Cas and Clement North are forced to journey together to solve the mystery of why their hometown was suddenly attacked. The only thing they don’t know is that their envisioned path to their goal is only an illusion. Reality never meets one’s fantasy…

Mic3130 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

A Different Solution

Clement crept down the stairs that led to the dungeon that he and his compatriots previously explored. As he peered around the corner wall, he could not detect the presence of the chimeras that his team escaped from. Stepping carefully, Clement ventured further into the ill-lighted corridor that became more murky the farther he moved. Freezing air surrounded him as he turned to find another hallway where he noticed a dim light at the end, with a vague human silhouette sitting on a chair. As he steadily approached the figure, Clement suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach, the kind of feeling that meant he met someone stronger than him.

"Well, if it isn't a fellow mage. Come on, reveal yourself." Said an unfamiliar voice, who noticed Clement's presence as well. "I believe this is our first time meeting, why don't we introduce ourselves?"

As Clement finally was able to get a good look at the mage, he couldn't help but notice that he was dressed in a mixture of dark and light clothing. The expression on his face was one of intrigue, though he also did not look disturbed or scared.

"My name is Clement North, and you are?" He said calmly.

"You can just call me Titus. Now, I have a good estimation on why you're in here: you want to destroy the chimeras. Is that right?"

Clement nodded, his resolve was shining brighter than ever. The chill air around him turned fiery hot from his energy alone.

"You're a mage of few words, I see…" He paused for a moment, his eyes observed Clement, trying to infer more information about him. "If you ask me, I personally think that words are powerful enough to be considered magic. It's a shame you don't seem to use them to your advantage."

"Why don't you just get to the point?" Clement frustratedly asked. "Are you the one who created the chimeras? If so, where are they?"

Titus let out a yawn, he seemed rather lax and unimpressed. "You ask too many questions. But since I'm not rude I suppose I'll give you some insight. See, I'm the head alchemist of Obselok, and there's nothing that we do better than creating dangerous creatures." He said in a joking manner.

"How can you act so casually about this? You're creating things that end lives, how can you be so proud?-"

"Whoa there, don't put words in my mouth, kid. I never said anything about being prideful of my creations."


"Let me explain, not once have I ever felt joy over creating weapons of chaos. I am simply a slave to my work. When you're in my shoes, you have no choice but to focus on winning no matter what."

"So you believe there's no way you can prevent casualties?" Clement asked, having a slightly clearer image of his situation in his head.

"We're mages, not saints. You're aware of that, correct? In spite of how gifted we may be, there will never be an end to bloodshed."

"You're wrong." Clement said.


"If we are as gifted and hold as much potential as you say, then why do you not believe solving things with peace is possible? Who's to say that mages, the guiding lights of innovation, aren't capable of peace ever?"

Titus smirked, utterly impressed at Clement's optimism. "I must admit, I admire your way of thinking. I find it rather amusing for a fool to have such ideals."

Clement quickly retorted. "Is it foolish to believe that peace will one day prosper over violence? What better time is there for change than in this present moment? If we could all unite over a single cause then-"

Titus interrupted Clement's lecture by laughing hysterically, before looking at him with fierce seriousness. "To think that for a moment I had high expectations for a child. You really don't understand a single thing, do you? Have you any sense of realism? Did you read at all when you were younger?" He said mockingly.

"The only books I read were mythical tales that my brother and I would recreate. Maybe I sound ridiculous to you, but how do you have any right to laugh at me when you've expressed no interest in bringing an end to this conflict? All you are is just a pawn to be sent out by the emperor to cause more tragedy. You create what you can't even feel joyful of, you fight for a reason you don't even believe in!" Snapped Clement.

"I have had just enough of this! I thought I made it clear that to me, winning is everything. Victory is my reason to fight!" Titus yelled as he casted a spell summoning three large shards of ice to emerge from the ground. Clement narrowly missed them and slowly walked forward. Titus continued bombarding him with more magic: first a beam of electricity, then a part of the ceiling crashed down on Clement. Afterwards, he tried ensnaring him in a poisonous plant trap. Then he conjured a steel spike that skewered part of Clement's robes.

Whether the spells hit or not did not matter to Clement. In his mind, the strongest thing he could do was endure everything that hit him.

"Your resistance is admirable, even for a novice like you. However, it's all meaningless. Can't you notice you're still moving backwards?" Clement looked down at where he was and realized he had hardly made any distance since he started approaching Titus. "The reason for that is because before you arrived here, I casted a spell on this dungeon that makes anyone incapable of getting within arms reach of me!"

Clement spoke no more words. He concentrated on Titus and the conceited look he gave off. The look reminded him of the students he went to mage training with. He hated that look. He loathed whenever anyone there would give him attention because it would always be to ridicule him. Clement's eyes suddenly ignited, he proceeded further towards Titus with more vigor. His joyful expression sent shivers down Titus' spine. He became confused and slightly frightened by his drastic change in energy. He stopped casting spells and just stood there.

"Why? Why do you appear happy about this?!" He screeched while letting his guard down.

"Who said anything about being happy?" Asked Clement. Finally making enough distance to reach him. He looked at Titus dead in the eyes and asked. "Those Chimeras you created, what are their weaknesses?"

"One fire spell should be enough to disintegrate them like parchment. The magic structure that I used has only that limitation." Divulged Titus, afraid of the chance that this mage had anything else in store for him.

Clement raised his magic staff and uttered, "hypnosis". Which made Titus quickly lose consciousness and he fell to the ground. Before he exited the dungeon, he stated to himself calmly. "I'm just used to having to deal with people like you, that's all." He quickly collected himself and headed towards a locked door behind his defeated opponent. He grabbed the key that Titus had arrogantly left on his chair and shoved and twisted it into the lock.

The door screeched open. Clement recognized the interior of the room, the same place he explored earlier. He presumed that Titus used some kind of impressive spatial magic that rearranged the rooms of the dungeon. Beyond the obscurity and gloom surrounding the unlocked room, were many frightening and terrible cages in which the chimeras. One of them resembled a dog but had a more scaly back and tail, it broke free of its chains and charged towards Clement, but he did not falter. He was able to maintain the same aura he had when he was confronting Titus. Before it could make its way to Clement's legs, it suddenly hesitated and growled as it moved back slowly. Clement lowered himself onto one knee and reached out his hand.

"I'm sorry. If only your lives were independent and not used for others' gain." After he solemnly told the chimeras his deepest apologies, and grabbed his staff and chanted "fireflies." This caused a bunch of fiery sparks to disperse across the room. Once they reached the chimeras, they immediately burst into flames and quickly disintegrated faster than anything. Clement peacefully got up and left the dungeon.