
Dark Night in Narutoverse

In the dark night, a kunoichi who opened her eyes to the cruality and hypocrisy of the world made a promise to rise and become stronger whatever price it took. I only one the MC, all others belong to their respective owners.

Newler · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

Chapter 5

Akira began to survey the area around her, seeing that she was still nearly 12 km from the border outpost. She chose to sit tight and remember all the information that she knew about them

First, the border patrol outpost near her is a small one so it's wise to assume that their is hundred to a hundred and fifty ninja their and only one will be elite ninja, ten are senior ninja will the others should be intermediate rank ninja.

The news of her conter kill may not reach konoha yet, which is also a little bit more beneficial to her since the patrol are just doing their usual work.

However time is pressing, soon the order will come to actively look for her, at that time it will really be difficult to escape.

Akira sowed that her situation was bad, but not the worst possible outcome. At this stage, Akira made a decision to sit down and meditate.

That right in her dire situation where she is being hunted and wanted by the hidden leaf village, where their is only one hurdle to pass for freedom and life, Akira chose to not move but stop and think about all other things related to the situation that she may have ignored.

Akira knows that each and every little information may be the key to breaking through the situation.

As minutes went by, her initial actions brought her a good harvest and with it a good plan.

Their is only three hours before the sun rise, meaning that the patrol shift is only one hour away the only hassle would be the insect from the aburame clan the dog's sense of smell from the inazuka clan the byucugan of the hyuga clan and the sensor from the yamanka clan.

Those are the focus of the whole escape, Akira then quickly made a suitable plan.

First she took of her clothes then she whore the clothes of the cat Anbu that she had previously killed in hope to slightlycloud her smell, next is the chackra suppressing talisman.

During her time as Anbu, Akira trained to become one with the environment without using a once of chackra. Unfortunately, such a thing is meaningless as any sensor could pick you up.

But Akira didn't give up but studied the cause of this and found the answer, the body no matter how great its control over the chackra at certain intervals it il unconsciously spill around and retract, sensors relay on this to keep track on shinobi.

Akira has devised a very simple solution, not actively using chackra and a chakra suppressing tag, by having five of them stuck around her body hardly will any chackra slip out.

Consecutively, the risk is higher. She can't be seen, heard, or found.

If one condition is broken, then it's over for her.

The plan is simple make use of the time to change patrol to silently escape from them. If no one knows about you, then no one can look for you.

And lastly, she drew a mind map about the terrain since she had already gone through her in the past.

Akira carefully observed the movements and patterns of the border patrol from her concealed position. She knew that timing and stealth would be crucial for her success in passing through the two layers of patrol undetected. She had already taken steps to disguise her scent and suppress her chakra, and now it was time to execute her plan.

As the first patrol group approached, Akira waited patiently for the right moment to make her move. She noticed that the group consisted of five intermediate-ranked ninjas led by a senior ninja. She knew that the senior ninja would likely be more vigilant and perceptive, so she needed to be extra cautious when bypassing them.

Using her knowledge of the terrain and the patrol patterns, Akira identified a blind spot where she could safely cross their path without being noticed. She waited for the perfect timing when the senior ninja was momentarily distracted by a conversation with one of the intermediate-ranked ninjas. As they turned their attention away from her direction, Akira swiftly and silently moved through the bushes, keeping low to the ground to minimize her chances of being seen.

Once she successfully passed the first patrol group, she didn't let her guard down. She knew that the second layer of patrol would be just as challenging, if not more so. She continued to stay vigilant, scanning her surroundings for any signs of movement or noise.

As the second patrol group approached, Akira noticed that this group was slightly larger, consisting of seven intermediate-ranked ninjas and two senior ninjas. She carefully assessed their positions and movements, looking for any gaps or opportunities to slip through undetected.

She spotted a narrow pathway between two rocky outcrops that seemed less frequented by the patrol. It was a risky maneuver, but she decided to take the chance. Timing was critical once again. She waited for a moment when the two senior ninja were at the front of the group, leading the way, while the other members of the patrol were spread out and focused on their surroundings.

Akira took a deep breath, steeling herself for the decisive moment. As the senior ninja turned their attention away from her, she sprinted across the open space, making sure to stay low and move swiftly. She relied on her agility and stealth training, using her knowledge of the terrain to her advantage.

She managed to reach the cover of the rocky outcrop without alerting anyone in the second patrol group. She took a moment to catch her breath and steady her heartbeat, relieved that she had successfully bypassed both layers of patrol.

With each passing minute, Akira's confidence grew. She knew she had to remain cautious and continue to utilize her knowledge and skills to stay one step ahead of her pursuers. She pressed on, determined to reach safety and freedom, using her intelligence, resourcefulness, and careful planning to overcome the obstacles in her path.