

Chapter 10: Transmutation

The turning of the tide had come. 

It was at that moment that Gray was certain that his yoga instructor wasn't only just that, she was something else entirely. 

It was with him changing thanks to the ruby-red bracelet that he understood now more than ever that Ravana was not a human.

She's a being! A sexy being, but an entity that is not human, I can tell now. Especially with this strange energy coming over me now… 

It was not only her eyes, which were burning bright, but sooner than later, it was also the rest of her body. She was covered in a blinding light, which was coating her gorgeous body. Her body was covered in a light and red, pulsating, glowing light. 

Gray was too. 

The two of them were glowing red.

Gray and the Moth Woman were connected. 

The monster was sent back, away from her. Almost as if the light was pushing him away from her. Meanwhile, Gray, who was still struggling to climb back up on the roof, caught a glimpse of what was going on with Ravana. She was glowing so much that even he was blinded by the overwhelming light. And he was much further away from her than the creature was. The both of them were blinding and Gray could barely see her. But he saw her. He saw what was happening to her. Due to his shock, his teacher wasn't yelling or screaming for help. No. Instead, she was moaning. 

Her wings are becoming bigger! Her talons are sharper now too! 

Dozens of different thoughts erupted into the mind of the young boy. He didn't know what to think. Was she in trouble? Could he do something to help her? Should he do something? He could barely move. His body wasn't moving forward. He tried. And he tried. But he wasn't able to climb back up on the roof. Half of his body was hanging in the air. At some point, he thought he was going to fall… He nearly did, but he was able to catch himself at the last second.

The young man continued glowing red until part of the transformation was completed for him as well…

His right hand turned into a dark-gray claw, similar to how it was the case for Ravana earlier, as well before she fully turned into the Moth Woman.

With claws instead of regular fingers, Gray finally had a shot at climbing back up on the roof.

Earlier, he truly thought that he was going to fall, now, he now was more optimistic than ever. Falling down was although still a possibility. He wasn't out of the woods yet. No one was. The light that was coming out of the Moth Woman's body was moving the surrounding air. It was surrounding Gray, as well. 

She was still transforming.

And the air wasn't the only thing that was being pushed away from her. The dirt. The ground beneath her feet was as well. The monster was as well. He was being pushed toward the edge of the roof, where the young man was. The air around them was being pushed away as well, which could possibly explain why Gray felt like he was about to fall. Thankfully, he had his new talons to keep him from falling. Gray was running out of time. Beneath him, the river from earlier was waiting for him down below. 

"I can make it…" he said to himself.

However, Gray, unfortunately, slipped, even with the help of his claws.

Gray fell down the river down below. 


"Gray!" The Moth Woman heard him when it was already too late.


The young man fell in the river.

The water was rising because of the red light surrounding him. It rose to the point that it was now floating in the air. It was spinning around the young man's body in slow-motion. To him, it felt like everything was in slow-motion at this moment in time. Everything was frozen in time. He saw images, but they weren't moving that much. They were ultra slow, and it felt like time had stopped. The only thing that remained constant all the way through was the sound of her voice. The sound of Ravana's moaning. It was pretty clear to him that she and the bracelet were both the cause of what was happening here at the river. Gray closed his eyes, only for a short second as strong wind was being pushed in his face, hurting his eyes a bit. When he reopened them, he realized that Ravana or rather the Moth Woman was wearing something entirely different from before. She was now wearing a skin-tight outfit. It was of a bright silver color. There were two stars on the front side of the outfit. What she wore was incredibly flashy to say the least. Gray had never seen anything like this before.

What is she wearing? It is so… Gorgeous. It looks like her transformation has been completed… the boy thought. 

Their dark assailant tried gaining ground on her again. He attempted to go against her will and against her powers that were pushing him back into the river. He made one step. Then, another. And then a third. He was gaining so much ground on her that it was no longer impossible that he may be reaching her again. Which was definitely his intention. The young man didn't want him to touch her again. He found her once, he didn't want to lose her again. The vile monster was soon about to reach her position again and to touch her with his dirty and sharp fingers, when‒all of a sudden‒the Moth Woman slowly re-opened her eyes. They had been shut for the past few minutes. When she opened her eyes, they were burning bright with so much light that it was more than enough to blind the monster again. It stopped him. He couldn't move any closer to her. But it wasn't over. Moth Woman swiftly moved both of her arms in front of her and pointed at the dark and dangerous creature with her fingertips. A beam of light suddenly came out of her palms and was shot in his direction. It quickly hit him. Right in the chest. He was soon pushed back into the river, and he exploded in a burst of beautiful, ruby-red color of destruction. It was over for the monster. He was gone. He vanished.

Ravana How did she do that? Gray asked himself. Then, slowly, the aura around the Moth Woman disappeared as well. She dropped to her knees as the flashy outfit she wore left into flames. It was over. The wind that was pushing against Gray and the river, making it float all around him, stopped. With suddenly nothing that was pushing against him, the young man accidentally fell into the water. He managed to get himself back up. It was back to silence. 

Pure silence. 


"‒Ravana? Ravana! Are you alright?" he broke that silence and shouted as he ran toward her. Ravana was still down on her knees. 

"Ravana! What happened?" he continued shouting.

"That's not my name…" she surprisingly mentioned to him.

"Um… What?" he was caught off guard by this revelation.

"That is not my name…" she repeated to him again. 

"I don't understand. Are you alright? Were you hurt?" 

"No. I'm alright," she nodded, looking up at him with the most gorgeous eyes in the entire world. Her eyes were glistening with light, but not in the way that it used to before. This time, it was real, it was human. She was nearly crying. She was clearly glad that Grahy had come all this way for her. The young boy was towering over her as she was sensually sitting on top of her knees. Visibly exhausted.

"I was scared for you…" he admitted to her.

"Let's go back…" she told him. 

Chapter 11: There Was A Star

Ravana was still in her night robe when Gray stormed her place and demanded answers for everything that happened yesterday. 

There was so much he wished to know about her. 

It was the next morning. The two met in the classroom. 

"What do you want to know, Gray?" she asked him with her arms and legs crossed together. She was sitting on the edge of the little, homemade stage where she 'performed' the other day in front of the glass. The young man was standing right in front of her, and he was truly struggling not to salivate at the mouth and lost his train of thought as he confronted her. It took everything for him to make it inside her home. He had to knock and knock for a long time before he even agreed to open the door and let him in the first place.

"Well… For starters: Everything!" he shouted in the room.

"Oh. Are you alright? You seem quite agitated," she said.

"Really? What do you think? After everything that happened yesterday, I could barely sleep last night. What was that monster that went after you and brought you to the river? And you have powers?"

"I told everything to the police last night. Everything is okay. You don't have to be worried about anything. It's all fine," she said to him as she crossed her legs differently, desperately trying to get a bit more comfortable. She licked her own lips. It felt to her as if they were getting dry. The lady was barely dressed. She only had that night robe on. Which covered a lot, basically left a lot of her cleavage and of her thighs exposed. The only thing she was also wearing with the night robe was a pair of sexy flip-flops. The night robe was of a cherry red color, while the flip-flops were canary yellow. 

"It's all fine? What did you tell them?" he interrogated her. 

"I told them the truth," she briefly replied to him.

"Which is?" the young boy continued questioning him.

"I went to the river. By myself. Originally. I went for a swim. And I hit my head on a big rock, which left me to drown. Almost. Drown," Ravana corrected herself at the last second. She didn't want to be so dramatic, but the young man was going after her and continuously questioning her. She had to be straight with him. 

"What are you talking about? It's not it at all…" he told her.

"And then… A courageous, young man, that's you, by the way… Came and saved me from drowning. That's it," she explained.

"But I thought you said that you told them the truth. That's not it. That's like the opposite of the truth. Why lying?" he asked.

"Because that's the only way, Gray. That's the only way this is going to work. I am sorry. Thanks for coming for me… Thanks for coming to the river yesterday, but I am afraid this is going to be the end of the road for us. With everyone that happened, I won't be able to keep you as a student anymore," she ultimately revealed to him as she finally stood up again. This was her final say in this. It was over. 

"What? No! I don't want to quit class. Please no."

"I'm sorry. It's too late. I made up my mind. I am going to ask you to leave now. Too much damage has been done already. And I need to fix all of it. There is no going back. But I want you to know that this is not your fault. It never was. And it will never be," she said.

"What about yesterday?" the young man softly spoke.

"What about yesterday? We just spoke about it…" she said.

"No. What about the last thing you told me yesterday? You said to me that 'Ravana' wasn't your real name. You never elaborated on that," the young man explained to her. He wished to know.

"And you never will. It was a mistake to mention this to you. Go away now. I have to get ready. Thanks for coming. It was good to see you. One last time," she said to him, nodding, soon turning her back on him. She was ready to leave the room. Leaving him alone. The young man couldn't believe that this was it. She was slowly walking away from him. Seemingly not more bothered than this. If she was hiding her emotions, she was definitely doing a great job at it. Gray couldn't stop staring at her back. Her gorgeous back. Her big ass kept peacefully jiggling from side to side as she was leaving him. But eventually, no matter how arousing her butt was, the young man closed his eyes and quit staring at it. He lowered his head. Came close to shedding a tear for losing someone such as Ravana. Someone special. Something he knew he'd only ever meet once in his life. He slowly pulled on the red bracelet she gave him. The one she even gave him back again after the showdown with the monster at the river. He pulled on it, removed it from his wrist and threw it on the floor. It made a loud noise that echoed throughout the entire room. 

Ravana heard it. It made her stop. She already knew what it was. 

"Take it back. Take your stupid bracelet back. I don't want it anymore," he told her. She turned around. She took a look at him. Took a look at the bracelet she gave him, which was now on the floor of her classroom. It was his turn to turn his back to her. He did. 

"Do you want to know why we can no longer see each other? Do you really want to know, Gray?" the brunette beauty asked him.

"Why? Why is it like that?" he asked her with his back turned to her. He couldn't even look at her anymore. It was too hard.

"It's because I am not what you believe I am…" she said.

"What‒what do you mean?"

"I am not a normal woman. I am an aberration. I am a monster. I am not human," she went on to reveal to him, even though he had already seen it with his eyes last night. 

Gray finally turned back to her. They made eye contact again. 

"I saw what you are last night. I just don't understand what it is yet… What‒what are you?" 

"I am the harbinger of cataclysm." 

Hello. Thanks for tuning in. Here's another chapter. Honestly, if you want me to continue this book, drop a comment and tell me if I should or not. And let me know what you would like to see happen next. Thank you. If you want to discuss the book, join my Discord: https://discord.gg/Y2WVFNhFx2

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