
Deeper With Her

Chapter 36: Deeper With Her

"..." Gray did not comment on this, as well.

"You did! You left me with a hickey just now!" 

"How about I give you another, huh?" He threatened her.

"What?" Taking her by surprise again, Gray suddenly dove into her neck again and sucked again. He gave her another hickey. 

"Ahn!" Making her moan like hell as he did this to her. 

"That's not fair! You're coming at me so fast! I can't resist! Ahn!" She then proceeded to moan some more as he continued kissing and sucking the skin of her neck. Consuming her. 

"I told you not to leave any hickeys on me! We're still not official-official, as I told you earlier! It's already enough that I have to keep my angel identity a secret—we have to keep another secret from everyone! The fact that I am dating such a young boy isn't something that the locals here are going to be happy about if they ever find out about it! These hickeys are definitely not going to help! I told you not to do it and yet you did anyway… What's wrong with you?" 

"What's wrong with me? You're my first one, Ravana. You're the one who took my virginity. I am addicted to you now. I can't resist touching you and kissing you all over. Is it that bad? Besides, since then, we've been having sex pretty much everyday. That means you must be enjoying this just as much as I am," he sensually confronted her. Never leaving her any chance to prove him that he was wrong. He was right and he knew it. After finishing sucking on her neck, the young man began groping her tits for the first time since they penetrated so deep into the woods. He caressed them for her.

 "Um! You like grabbing my breasts a lot! Do you?"  

"I can't stop myself from doing so," he confirmed to her. 

"I've been wet for you all day long, Gray. Do you know that? I was almost worried I wouldn't be able to hold on until we could do it, me and you," opening her legs even wider than it was the case before, she was surprised when Gray suddenly fingered her with the first two fingers of his right hand. His finger became instantly wet as soon as he penetrated her. Pleasuring her as much as he could. 

"Ahn! You're fingering me! It feels so good! You've played with me before, but you're going much deeper now! You're teasing me, too! You're barely touching my clitoris, but you're occasionally massaging it, only to tease me! And… It works! I'm about to… Yes! I'm coming!" As soon as she noticed it, the angelic woman turned wetter than ever as she creamed all over the place! She squirted! 

"I came so hard… Thank you… Now. I need your cock…" Not too long after coming, she found her way to his member again and had it rub all over her face. "It's so large…" She erotically murmured as she stared at it for the longest time… "Honestly… I wish all the other boys in Point Pleasure could see right now and that we didn't have to hide in the woods like this. I wish all of them could see us, right now! If only they could see your big member! They'd be so impressed!" She paused from speaking to lick his cock all over. Cleaning it up one last time before they could truly make love. 

"It's so big I can't even believe it fits inside of me!" 


"But it does!" She announced as she brought his veiny cock inside of her as her youthful partner was still between her legs. She held him tight as they banged in the woods. Her moaning from earlier was absolutely nothing compared to what was coming out of her mouth now. Her body was trembling as she received his cock. 

"Ahn! Admit it! You couldn't wait to have sex with me again, Gray? Huh? I can never get enough of your penis, Gray!"

"..." Gray never commented. He simply kept his mouth shut as he fucked her without missing a single beat. Never stopping.

"Do you feel how tight I am all around your penis? Huh? It feels like the more we make love with one another, the more I'm becoming aroused… And the more my vagina is getting tighter around the base of your member. That must be because my vagina is becoming more comfortable in the presence of your penis! My vagina enjoys it more and more!" The bountiful and angelic woman couldn't stop moaning during the entire time she attempted to explain all of this to him. She climbed on another level of angelic, erotic realm. 

"I know what's happening! Your pussy is in love with my dick! That's it! That's why your pussy is molding itself after the size of my dick! There are no other explanations!" He mentioned it to her.

"... You… I was never like this before… You've turned me into this sex-needing woman… It's all because of you, Gray…"

"..." The young man became silent again. He continued banging the woman of his life as fast and as hard as he possibly could. Never allowing her a second to rest before the next cock-thrust. 

"The first time we did it: It was a total discovery for me. Now, it feels so right that it feels like we have done this together forever. Now, with my pussy perfectly shaped to the size of your penis, it truly feels like it has always been like this to begin with!" Ravana explained to him as she soon grabbed the man's arms and held on to them. As hard as she possibly could. "As I can see… You even found my uterus, haven't you?" She asked him as she felt his big member penetrating deeper than ever inside of her body. With her long and erotic tongue sticking out of her mouth, she knew for a fact that her man was soon about to cum—strictly based on where the head of his member was now located inside of her. "I deeply love you, Gray! I've been turned into your angel! I'm yours to keep forever! I know you're about to cum, Gray!" She moaned and yelled out.

The next split-second: Gray suddenly ejaculated inside of the busty angel.

"You came inside of me! You didn't even try to pull out! Your semen! So much semen inside of me! I'm coming, as well! I'm coming again!      

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter or will! Please leave comments to keep me motivated to write and post more!

CamilleJuteaucreators' thoughts