
Who Do You Care For Raze?

Raze had gathered all the information he needed from Amir, and with it, there was one thing that needed to be sorted so the deal between them was complete.

Currently, Raze was drawing the magic circle in a sandstone area, inside one of the houses. It was so the markings wouldn't be blown away.

Everyone was inside waiting for him because they needed him to get home, and that included Amir himself as well.

Just as he was finishing it up, Raze wanted to say a few more words.

"Remember part of the deal," Raze said. "I'm sending you back and out of this place, and you promise to do what you can to protect them."

"I'll do as you say and stay out of the Academy until I'm confident enough that I can take on the principal."

Amir continued to watch Raze draw his magic circle, and so did the others, but even after observing, they couldn't make any sense of what he drew or did.
