
The Biggest Mistake

Cronker specialized in assassination techniques, focusing on taking out an opponent quickly and silently. He had been with the Crimson Crane group the longest and was by Alba's side before anyone else in the group.

There were rumors that the Crimson Crane had managed to grow larger because of him. The hardest jobs requested of wanderers were assassinations. This was because it would either involve them angering one of the other factions or the kingdoms and empires across the land.

If a person completed such a job, no one was to know who had actually done it. This was why it was simply rumors that Cronker was part of the mass growth of the Crimson Crane.

But then begged the question: Nearly every faction and even clans had groups of people specializing in assassinations or spying techniques, so why did the Crimson Crane have such a person? Maybe the rumors were true after all.