
Alter Make A Move

Once again, news was spreading throughout the world of Pagna. Lately, it seemed like a common occurrence.

So much was happening in Pagna that the citizens were starting to get worried, as well as the warriors themselves.

Big changes were occurring, which wasn't good for the kingdoms and empires that relied on the clans for balance.

They, too, were keeping a careful eye. This time, though, the news wasn't broken by anyone special—it was word of mouth instead.

In one of the smaller cities in the Demonic Faction, a warrior was walking down the main street.

He spotted a shop that sold clay pots. Walking forward, the warrior swept his hand, moving the cloth from the entrance, and entered.

"I'm here for Clay," the warrior said.

An old gentleman behind the counter pointed to an open door.

The warrior quickly entered and could see a table with a man sitting opposite.