
(Updated Correct Chapter) Stranger Danger

Thanks to a lot of persuasion from Sabrina, Raze had decided to rest up that day rather than head outside for the night in an endless search. 

She didn't know quite what Raze was doing, only that he was trying to find evidence of what had happened at the academy. 

She saw him set off for the day bright and early and waited a bit before doing her own task; right after that, she decided to leave herself. 

Closing the door behind her, she saw the paint on the door, and with a wave of her hand, the paint started to disintegrate and fall away. 

It was easier for her to clean, but no matter how much she cleaned the paint, it would only return.

Quickly, though, she took the elevator downstairs and headed off into the bustling city center. Unlike Raze, she could walk freely, without the staring eyes and the pointing.