
Dark lands: A tale of the seven shards

Their world was always grey – or so she thought until she saw him. For Natalia, Dark lands were always filled with grey, white, and black. But when she met with Black, a strange entity that was more shadow than human, her view of the whole world shattered. With Pacificia's help, she learns about the time before Dark Lands. The time Astrea was filled with color, a time when The seven shards glowed. But such a time was ten years ago. Ten years ago he came: Plague. He corrupted the shards and shattered them, robbing Astrea of color. But now, Natalia had experienced a glimpse of that world. A world were red represented love, a world where green represented tranquility – for Black has the ability to shed color to the world. But Natalia wasn't ready for what is about to come, for Plague has his eyes on her village, and his minions, the blight men are on their way. Natalia will have no choice but to go on a journey – a journey that will take her through Astrea, and the dangers that it has in wait for her.

TheLastOne95 · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

The smith

The rhythmic clamor of metal was even audible from outside. The workshop was located by the side of the dirt road, but it was still well hidden among the trees.

"Don't know how many times I've told to cut those trees so that the cart can go through," Cartern said climbing down. The irony was that even his house was hidden among trees.

"Oye, girl. Help me carry these there," he said as he tied his horse to a tree.

Her back ached from sitting too long, so she stretched her arms out. She kept the book in the cart, but Pacificia made her carry it. Natalia felt she had some spite on her for stealing, or if she was simply messing with her. Either way, she now regretted taking that thing.

When she reached the door, she saw the steep slope that was behind the smithy. The others came behind her. "Vardevaar," Cartern knocked on the door.

Black swirls rose above the roof, and Natalia's neck hurt when she looked at them. Beside the shed, there was a rope where boiled leather was hung and its smell hurt her nose. "Who is it?" came out a shout, along with the sound of air blowing into the oven.

"It's Cartern," he shouted back pressing his face close to the door.

The sound of metal beating stopped for a moment, and Natalia heard movement inside. "It's about time," she heard him mutter as Vardevaar opened the door.

He was a tall man, and his head almost touched the top of the door. His face and hands were covered with black gunk. His hands didn't have hair probably from working the oven, but his face and chest made up for that. His top was naked, with ash and dust hanging over his chest hair. He had a large forehead, but he didn't look old, unlike her two companions. Maybe that was because of the man's bulky arms.

Cartern had hidden Black from Vardevaar's view. "Have you got the ore and coal?" Vardevaar asked. His voice was like his job, it was like metal.

"It's right here," he said pointing to the boxes by his feet.

Vardevaar started to step out to pick up the boxes, but Cartern stopped him. "One moment before you take that, and promise not to freak out," Cartern advised.

Vardevaar frowned. "I work with the resistance, Cartern. Few things will freak me out."

"Well, I promise that this is one of those things," he said and pointed him to Black.

Black was shorter than Vandevaar, but he still put the smith on guard. "Is that a monster from Plague?" his cheek tightened.

"You can relax" Cartern assured. "He is not a monster – well, he is not an enemy at least."

Cartern walked near Black, and as his shadowy air kissed Cartern's tunic, it started to change. From the hem to the center, it changed from black to red, and along with it, Vandevaar's eyes widened. "After all these years," he cusped his beard. "Has the answer finally revealed itself?"

"That's not all," Pacificia intervened. "I've seen him change the blight men back to human."

Vandevaar's eyes fell on her. "How did you fight those things?" he was judging her by her age.

"I have passed my days," Pacificia shook her head. "But I'm still a Wildcaller."

"A Wildcaller," Vandevaar said. "You brought rather peculiar guests to my place, Cartern. And what is a Wildcaller doing in Rubrea?"

"It's a long story," Pacificia dodged the question. "Are we all going to stand here, or are you not gentleman enough to give this old lady a seat."

"Oh," Vandevaar nodded. "Get inside. Though it's a bit of a mess."

It was not a bit of a mess, it was like an avalanche of soot, iron, leather, wax, and dust, with copious amounts of heat added to it. But even among all that, near the oven, beside the anvil, she saw a blade that was placed in perfect balance.

"Is she special," Vandevaar whispered to Cartern as they walked in. He was speaking of Natalia.

"Just an orphan I guess," Cartern replied taking care that Natalia couldn't hear him. "I don't know why the old woman takes her with her though."

Vandevaar nodded. "So what are you all here for?" he asked the group.

"For what purpose does anyone come to a smith?" Pacificia smiled.

"What she meant is," Cartern stepped in. "That they need weapons, and a horse for the journey."

Vandevaar's face tightened. "I can provide weapons and armor. But horses and carts, that is another case. I have only one with me now."

"We only need one," Pacificia said.

"Well, that's the thing. The resistance has also asked for it. As a matter of fact, they should stop by today."

"What has the resistance done all these years," Pacificia was frustrated.

"No," Cartern touched her shoulder. "This could work in our favor. You cannot do this alone. You need help."

"If I wanted help from the resistance, I would've gone there already," she shouted.

"Gone there already?" Vandevaar's eyes widened. "Does that mean that you are with the resistance?"

"Was," Pacificia corrected him. "Past tense."

"Well then," Vandevaar crossed his arms. "That makes it all the more easier."

"You don't seem to understand smith," Pacificia said. "They don't care about its members. If something were to happen, they would drop you too like old baggage."

"If it helps the cause," Vandevaar was determined. "So be it."

Cartern stepped between the two. "We can discuss all that later. For the time being, can you ready them with weapons and armor? Let me have a good talk with her, Vandevaar."

Vandevaar nodded and walked away to the shelves. Natalia looked at him, wondering how the man knew where everything was. And Black, he was just like how he looked; silent and invisible like a shadow.

"You need to calm down," Cartern told Paciificia. "You came for his help, not the other way around."

"That may be so," she was angry. "But still, I don't want to beg to the resistance."

"You say as if the resistance are the bad guys. But they are the only people fighting against these monsters."

"How?" Pacificia argued. "By hiding In their fortress?"

"And what were you doing?" Cartern knew the woman for long enough. "Running away?"

Paciificia had no words to counter him. "If the resistance gets hold of Black, I won't be able to fight."

"Well, maybe you don't have to. If everything goes well, who cares?"

But still, Pacificia wanted to fight. This was her only chance of redemption, this was the only way she could look at their souls after she died.

"Hey," Vandevaar shouted. "You said about weapons and armor, don't you need to hide this guy's face?" he was speaking of Black.

He was right. Till now, they were lucky that people didn't see him, but luck will only take them so long. They will travel to more populous places, and having a walking shadow along was no joke. They needed to cover him.