
Dark Katana and Light Sword Assassin

Kil Whitlock, a 15 years old boy and a student at Clenmark highschool. He has Three friends; George, Napoleon, and Miggy. They shared a family like bond and faced every challenges that comes to their way. Everything has changed when the monsters from another dimension came and invaded their world. Many Students and Teachers are dead and didn't make it Alive. A tragedy that is not only a coincidence but on purpose. Kil and his friends will faced more difficulties in their lives as they go deeper and Kill all the monsters. Monsters that can be killed. But Kil and his friends will be able survived?

Ian_Kun · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 5: Permission

As Kil walked away, Aika approached Emma and looked at the cake she had mentioned.

Emma smiled, seemingly teasing, "With what he said, it's like he just confessed. PFFTT HAHAHAHA!"

"Stop it, Emma. Just choose already," Aika replied.

Meanwhile, Kil continued walking along the street, and the sky gradually darkened. He scratched his head and sighed, "Where was I supposed to go again? Oh, right, I'm going to the Principal's house," Kil thought to himself, scratching his head. "What was I even saying earlier? HAYYYYYY!" Kil shook his head in embarrassment.

"I still need to buy a gift for the Principal. I wonder what she likes. Oh, right, she loves steak. I should buy her one," Kil took out his wallet and realized that there was only a small amount left. "Oh no! I don't have any money left, and this is just enough for that old woman's steak."

Kil continued walking until he reached a popular steak market, where the wealthy often bought their steaks.

After making his purchase, Kil walked out of the market, scratching his head and feeling a bit teary-eyed. "What is this? I'm broke now. How am I going to survive?" Kil held his nearly empty wallet, feeling hopeless.

He continued walking, thinking it was around 7 p.m. As he walked along the sidewalk, a woman suddenly ran past him, obviously late to get home.

As the woman turned, they accidentally collided with each other, causing both of them to fall down due to the impact.

"Ouch, that hurts," the woman said, who seemed to be a year younger than Kil.

"If you just watched where you were going," Kil replied, realizing that he had let go of the steak he had bought, which was now lying on the ground.

Kil's eyes widened, and he screamed loudly, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Kil's voice grew faint, as if he had lost all hope.

He lamented over the spilled steak and picked it up. "My five dollars, wasted!" Kil cried out.

As he looked at the woman, a broken cellphone suddenly appeared in front of his face, coming dangerously close.

"Are you the one to blame for this? Look at my cellphone, it's broken," the woman said, pulling back her cellphone as Kil saw her face. "Do you know that all my files for finals are in here?"

Kil stood up with a serious expression, bringing his face closer to the woman's. "Hey, what do I care about your cellphone? Do you know that the money I used to buy that steak was all I had left? And then you're going to tell me that I wasn't looking where I was going?" Kil said, his voice serious.

"Are you saying it's my fault?" The woman slapped Kil hard.

Due to the force of the slap, Kil was momentarily stunned, and he looked at the woman with a serious expression as if he didn't care, despite her being a woman.

Kil clenched his right fist and prepared to punch the woman, but she swiftly redirected his fist elsewhere. Another strong slap landed on Kil's face, leaving him momentarily stunned. However, when he tried to punch again, the woman deflected his attack.

Kil stepped back, looking at the woman. "It's fine if you deflected one hit, but you've done it twice now," Kil said.

"From what I see, it seems like you have too much confidence, but it won't work," the woman replied. "Alright, pay for my cellphone, and I'll be on my way."

"You have the nerve to ask me to pay when you were the one not looking where you were going," Kil retorted.

The woman approached again, her expression serious."You're just a burden" The girl said.

Kil, still on guard, but the woman slapped him again very fast that Kil didn't dodge it even if he still on guard.

The woman turned and ran away quickly.

"That shameless woman, calling me a burden. Women, really," Kil muttered to himself, rubbing his cheek where he had been slapped. He continued walking and arrived at the Principal's house, pressing the doorbell.

"Wait, I'mon my way," Kil heard a familiar voice of a woman as the gate opened, and he came face to face with the woman he had collided with before.

Both of them widened their eyes and stood still for a moment, their faces turning serious.

"Did you follow me?" the woman asked.

"Looks like you're the one following me," Kil replied.

"You're so arrogant, but you're nothing special."

"Come on. I let you off earlier because you're a girl, and it seems like you're younger than me."

"Ohhh, really? You seemed serious earlier, but it meant nothing. You have nothing to say."

Suddenly, the principal came out of the house. "Who rang the doorbell?" the Principal asked.

"It's an arrogant guy who's challenging a girl to a fight, in short. He's a gay," the woman said, seemingly teasing.

"What did you say?" Kil asked, clenching his fist.

"That's enough, Kil. Come inside," the Principal approached Kil and held his arm, leading him into the house. "Forgive my granddaughter, she's just not good at getting along with boys," the Principal whispered.

"What do you mean? Wait, do you know that guy, Grandma?" the woman asked.

"Yes, he's Kil Whitlock from my school," the Principal replied. "Wait, do you two know each other?" the Principal asked.

"No," they both answered and turned away from each other.

"Alright, please come inside and have your dinner here," the Principal said, and they all entered.

"Take a seat at the table, and I'll prepare the meal."

They both sat down almost simultaneously. They glanced at each other, then quickly averted their gazes, seemingly feeling awkward in each other's presence.

Kil rested his right palm on his cheek, while the woman rested her left palm on hers.

"Hey," the woman spoke, "pay for my phone."

Kil faced her and replied, "You've got some nerve, girl. You're the one who bumped into me."

The woman stood up and slammed both palms on the table. "You're the one with the audacity. You're in my house, don't act so arrogant."

"What do I care if it's your house? Did I say I was going to eat here? Pay for the steak I spilled," Kil retorted.

"Oh, you're crazy. You're so arrogant. Come on, let's settle this," the woman challenged.

"That's enough, Charlotte," the Principal intervened, placing their food on the table and serving them rice.

They both sat down while exchanging glances and continued to eat in silence. The Principal joined them and started eating as well. "By the way, how did you two meet?" the Principal asked.

They both stood up abruptly and answered in unison, "We don't know each other!" pointing at each other.

"Alright, please sit down," the Principal said. They sat down while still giving each other hostile looks, even as they took bites of their rice together.

A minute passed, and their expressions remained sour. In a sudden motion, Kil forcefully extended his right palm, raising both of his feet and using his left foot to attempt a kick towards Charlotte, but she quickly ducked to avoid it.

Kil retracted his leg and returned to his posture. "Are you really insulting me?"

"Why? Are you insulted?" Charlotte replied. "You're no match for me, even after all many years."

"Come on, let's just fight," Kil replied.

Charlotte stood up, turned around, and started walking. "Make sure that room is ready, Grandma, for us to settle this."

"Sure, and let that girl find out where she should be wearing uniform instead of here in the house," Kil said, his voice filled with insults.

Charlotte paused, turned back, and approached Kil. She grabbed his shirt and lifted him up. "And what about you? Aren't you still in uniform?"

"At least this isn't my house. What about you? Lazy even when you're at home? Where is your brain?" Kil retorted.

Charlotte let go of Kil and walked straight to the room she mentioned, where she would gather her strength.

"Follow me, There, to the room, and let's see who really lacks intelligence," she said.

"Fine," Kil responded.

After a short while, the room that Charlotte mentioned was ready, and Kil approached the door that led to that room.

Kil opened the door and saw the spacious room, clearly prepared for training purposes.

Charlotte was already prepared to fight Kil, stretching her body, while Kil walked slowly, observing the entire room.

"Can you stop staring around like that..." Charlotte pointed her left hand at Kil and flexed her four fingers. "Come on, let's get this arrogance over with."

Kil paused, his face turning serious again, and he glared at Charlotte.

Kil removed his tie and unbuttoned his long sleeve shirt. The only thing left on him was his undershirt.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow, realizing that Kil had an ordinary physique. He wasn't too thin or overly muscular.

Kil walked towards in front of Charlotte. "Just make sure you can handle me, and I assure you that you'll eat your words from earlier," Charlotte said.

Kil simply smiled and suddenly kicked at Charlotte's face, but she dodged it. Taking advantage of the moment, Charlotte threw a punch towards Kil's face, but he blocked it with his right hand.

Kil planted his right foot on the ground and swiftly spun, attempting another kick, but Charlotte evaded it.

In that moment, Kil received a lightning-fast counterattack from Charlotte. A left punch landed on Kil's face.

Kil was momentarily stunned by the force of Charlotte's punch, causing him to take a step back. Suddenly, Charlotte was once again in front of him.

Charlotte's fist was already cocked back, and she threw another punch towards Kil's stomach, catching him off guard. Kil was momentarily immobilized, but after a few moments, he regained his composure and executed a backflip to evade the attack.

Kil then leaped into the air, gathering momentum, and threw a punch towards Charlotte, but she managed to block it with one hand.

Kil crouched down and aimed a kick towards Charlotte's leg to destabilize her, but she countered by performing a backflip, taking Kil along in her flip, and slammed him onto the ground.

Kil found himself lying on the ground, and as he opened his eyes, he saw Charlotte's foot above him, ready to stomp down. Kil quickly rolled away just in time, avoiding the attack.

He swiftly got back on his feet and launched another attack. Kil threw punch after punch, but Charlotte skillfully evaded each one.

Kil continued to punch, and Charlotte blocked his strikes with her hand, their arms locked in a struggle. Kil grabbed Charlotte's arm and lifted it, attempting to overpower her. As Kil was about to slam Charlotte down, she swiftly changed her position in mid-air, using both her feet to lock Kil in place.

With all his strength, Kil managed to break free and threw another punch, but Charlotte dodged it once again and countered with a swift kick, successfully evading Kil's attacks.

Another kick was coming towards Charlotte from the opposite direction, and she realized that she couldn't avoid or block it due to its incredible speed.

As the kick from Kil was about to land on Charlotte's face, Kil swiftly change his feet direction in Charlotte's over head, Kil's kick didn't hit Charlotte.

With Kil's kick hitting the ground, he gently swept Charlotte's feet, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground. However, Kil caught her before she hit the floor.

Kil held onto Charlotte's back as they locked eyes once again. Kil positioned his fingers against Charlotte's neck and said, "Checkmate."

"W-What?" Charlotte could only utter a single word. She stared at Kil's face, her cheeks turning red. "HHAAAAA! Don't touch me!" Charlotte pushed Kil, causing her to fall.

Kil approached the Principal and asked who won, "Hey, Grandma, who won?"

The Principal's veins popped on her head upon being called Grandma. "Come here so I can hit you," she said.

"Iiiyyyy!" Kil quickly ran behind Charlotte, seeking help. "Help, I've never seen the Principal this angry before."

"Uuhhhmmm! Can you not touch me!" Charlotte pushed Kil again and walked towards the Principal. "It's obvious that I won. You didn't even land a hit."

"Yes, that's right, Charlotte. You're the winner," the Principal said.

Kil stood up and returned to the living room. Charlotte also grabbed a medical kit and began bandaging Kil's wound.

"Hey, don't get any ideas. I'm just treating you because Grandma told me to," Charlotte said as she tended to Kil's injury.

Kil gazed at Charlotte and remarked, "You're even more beautiful up close."

Charlotte's eyes widened, and she punched Kil again. "You better treat yourself," her cheeks turning red once more.

"Oh, by the way, why did you come here?" the Principal asked.

"I just wanted to ask if I'll get expelled if I get into another fight at school," Kil asked.

"Maybe, but it depends on the reason why you would engage in a fight. Let me ask you, what would be your reason?" the Principal inquired.

Kil smiled and replied, "The reason? I just want to ask for permission to beat the hell out of that damn Ken."