
Out of Time

I stood, paralysed as I heard her screams echoing inside my head.

D-Do something! Don't just stand there!

I tried moving every muscle in my body to run to them, but not a single one complied with my brain's order. My body only shook in fear remembering what I have seen... the blood... those weapons... all those people.

Her face is triggering my memories...

"Help!" Shin's desperate voice kept shouting, snapping me back.

"F-Fay!" My voice cracked as I broke free of my own head, running full speed towards her, praying that nothing is wrong.

Her face was filled with horror and fear, her eyes widened, her body's shaking.

"It... hurts. M-Master... I... I NEED Master!" Fay grabbed my cloak, her hand's shaking, her trembling stare told me everything... she needs that bastard. How? How'd he do this? Why now? Why ever? What the hell did he do to her?

"H-Her master?! Who's her master? Was it that Grail guy?!" Shin looked at me, terrified. Although he didn't want to admit it... he's concerned about her. He didn't want to think of the woman in front of him as Fay, but she still had Fay's face... I bet he couldn't help it.

Hell, I don't blame him. She's still Fay to me... I know she doesn't remember it, but I don't care. I have to make up for being a coward that day...

We need to go back... to the capital. I don't like the idea of going to Grail, but we'd have to go back to Misa anyways, plus, for Fay... I'm willing to go to hell to make up for what I've done.

"Yeah... Grail is at the capital... I'll go tell Alfie. Fay made it to the finals, but she's in no place to fight. I'd be the winner by default... so I'll go get the reward and we can head for the capital immediately after."

I tried walking away, but Fay wouldn't let go of her grip.

"D-Don't go... you can't leave... not again," She whispered.

I-If she doesn't remember... why did she say again? No! Now's not the time to be like this... I don't have time to question everything! Fay's hurting... and if that douche is the only one who can cure her... then so be it.

"I'll come back okay? I always do, right?" I used a soft voice, surprising Shin while I took off my cloak so Fay could hold onto it.

Walking away, I glanced back at Shin, "Take care of Fay," I ran to find Alfie, as fast as I could through the halls. Dashing as my mind is frantically trying to come up with every possible scenario that could happen, I passed a boy with fox ears, making me stop.

"Hello, Foxy," I grudgingly spat out.

"My name is Iphi-"

"No word from any language I know can describe how little I care,"

I'm only fluent in English, but still! I at least know enough Latin to use it as my spell names.

"I know it's low... but can I please get a share of your rewar-"

"No point keeping the act. I've already heard what Alfie said to you."

"But I wasn't-"

"I don't have time for you," I stared at him, annoyed... I might have said I was disappointed at myself... but a part of me is still mad at him.

"I didn't have a choice okay?! You don't know what it's like to be a slave! You humans could never understand the torture!" He broke...

Don't call me... something that I can't be any more.

"Don't call me a... a human!" My black wings spread out, surrounding my entire body. I hate it... I hate everything about this body I never asked for!

Just at the sight of my wings, he stumbled back... pleading for me to not kill him. These soft black feathery wings are granted to those who have fallen from grace. It's pretty... but with it... you are marked as a demon.

It usually doesn't come out... even when my emotions are out of control... maybe... certain emotions activate it. Nonetheless, I'll figure it out later.

Such a pain... last time it took forever for these wings to go away.

"Forge," I covered it with a thin layer of iron.

It's gonna be heavy... I'll act like its a cosplay for now.

"If you speak even a word about this... I will find you," I spoke with certainty and a piercing glare. I sighed and ran away...

Don't get distracted! Just keep running! Gotta find Alfie!

Where is sh-

Why am I even looking for her? I only met her a few days ago. Hell, why don't I just leave her here? She's got a good life... I'd only drag her down...

"I don't want my first friend in centuries to get hurt alright?" Her words came into my mind. Friend huh? If Hiroto left without a word... I'd be sad as hell... damn... fine! I'll at least tell her!

I turned into the shadows and pulled down my mask. Exiting the stadium, I hoped to not be noticed.

Please please please... don't notice me senpais!

No one seemed to care about my existence... good. I continued to search for Alfie.

My breathing started to become rapid as my legs started to feel the strain. I rushed out to the crowded town. My eyes wandered, trying to find her silver hair among the people. Come on, come on, come on!

Where could she be?

I jumped up to see the crowd from above. Silver hair's rare... I'm sure I won't miss it if she's here, but... I can't seem to find any silver-haired people. Could she be at home already?

"The finals will begin in a few minutes!"

If I show up and Fay doesn't... I should win by default. I'll find Alfie right after I get the reward then...

I leapt into the arena, nailing my superhero landing.

"The iron maiden has arrived!"

The announcer's voice is starting to be annoying...

We waiting for a minute...

A few minutes more...

Fay's suffering...

"She's not coming! She's sick! Just let me win! We're already at the same party!" I said, rushing the process as I tapped my foot continuously on the ground.

I get the security behind it, but I really don't have the time...

While I was starting to grow impatient, I looked around the spectators... no, Alfie. Although... golden guy's watching... he seems to know Alfie enough for her to call him Tae... maybe he'd know.

I hopped up in front of him, "So! I can't find Alfie and I need to talk to her. Do you know where she is?"

A little blunt, but like I care. Suddenly I realized that he had a crystal in his hand that started to glow, holding the crystal out he gestured for me to touch it.

Well, what's the worst this guy can do? I tapped it without hesitation.

"That was reckless, this could've been cursed,"

"But it isn't. I can tell,"

I can't tell... but making myself seem smarter than I am is lying 101.

"You are correct... no one can hear our conversation as long as this crystal glows. I'm honestly surprised she stayed here this long in the first place. Today's the official start of winter. Every year she'd go off into the forest near the border, alone, on this exact day. I've followed her before but kept a distance so her privacy is her own. I've never actually seen where she went, but I do have a map of where I think the location is,"

"Followed?" I raised an eyebrow. Well, he seems a lot more friendly than usual.

"I assure you it was out of pure concern," Golden dude seems flustered... am I witnessing a ship coming to life?! Well, it wouldn't last... sorry dude, but she doesn't seem... interested.

Anyways! I should get to the point.

"So... how will I find her?"

"From my guess, she heads to an abandoned structure deep inside the forest. I've explored the area before and that's the only thing that's not trees." He shrugged, handing me an opened map while pointing at where he believed the structure is.


I glared at him and took the map.

"Thanks," I smiled as the crystal's light fade.

"W-What did you guys talk about?" A plain-looking person asked.

"Shut up dude, come back when you're not a disposable character," I didn't make eye contact with him... usually I'd be nicer... just don't feel like it right now.

I jumped up to the announcer's stone stable.

"She's not here. I'll take the money now," I held my hand out, waiting as my expression became more frustrated.

Scared, the announcer complied and gave me the bag of coins. Well, there's not enough security for the money... oh well. I couldn't care less!

"Thanks," I exited the arena to the storeroom.

Looking at Shin holding the trembling Fay... I threw the bag of coins at him, "Go! I'll catch up. Let me go tell Alfie first. Meet you at the entrance of the sewers... I can catch up,"

I calmed my breathing and sprinted full speed towards the direction golden guy pointed. Damn these iron wings are a pain! Through the shadows, through the trees, through the moonlight. Suddenly, I felt a familiar strong energy radiating from the direction I was running to.

A... portal? It feels like a portal... but drained of life... its magic isn't strong enough to transport anyone...

I rushed towards the direction. Alfie... is she alright?

The more I thought of something bad happening, the faster I ran. I was tired, but my concern I felt overwhelmed the strain.

Finally! I reached the ancient stone structure. An old ruin covered by moss and ivy with a centre holding a broken portal, its magic remained but spread around the area instead of being in one spot.

"W-Who's there?" Alfie's voice led my eyes to her. A flower laid next to a drawing of someone. It was too far from me... I couldn't quite see, even in the moonlight.

She turned to look at me, tears continued to roll down her face as she tried to stop crying.

Longest chapter yet! Haha

Sorry, it's late! I didn't think the chapter would be so long.

An0nymouscreators' thoughts