

My vision, blurred. My plus, erratic. As soon as I realized what was going on, my face looked horrified, my eyes filled with fear. I desperately used all my strength to grasp on to Hiroto's body.

"NO! I told you that you won't die... y-you can't die... not yet... I'm not ready" My voice screech in pain, my eyes were red and I wouldn't let go of Hiroto's body, how can I? The was the only thing I lived for.

"Y-Your the only... the only one, t-the only thing I was fighting for" I whispered while almost being out of breath.

"Don't go!!!" I used the very last drop of energy I had left to scream. I... can't...

I collapsed out of exhaustion and blood lost right then and there. I wish I had soul flame... I wanna forget everything. I want to forget you...

Hiroto... heh... you got rid of the torture chamber I'd see every time I fell unconscious. Now I just see you... out of my reach. No matter how fast I run I can't reach you. Why can't you let me go instead? That's it! You didn't leave, did you! You're still here. You're always here for me. You're the only one who'll never leave!

"This is the part that the person gets so stressed that from her carefree self she became a cool, calm and sometimes cruel girl." Right? I muttered to myself as the darkness surrounding me became a room with rough grey stone bricks and a transmutation circle under me, but somehow it was raining inside...

I blinked again to find me looking at myself, the Amber that stabbed herself for some stupid reason.

"I've killed so much... I killed Jullie... I killed Ein.. so why? Why can't I kill you too?" Past Amber said. It... it was because I didn't see it myself. It was because I never care about Ein or Jullie. It was because they didn't matter to me, but Hiroto would never leave me anyways.

"Amber" A voice called out, it was faint, I didn't even hear it at first but it kept repeating and getting louder. Until... I woke up.

It was Damon calling out my voice.

"Amber thank god you're alright. Can you walk?" Damon asked

Damon... it could've been anyone else, but it's Damon. Wait...

"HIROTO IS HE ALRIGHT?!" There's no way he's d-dead. This world is filled with m-magic and plot armour there should be a resurrection spell or something.

"He's..." Damon clenched his fist "Dead" Damon said, it was clear he was fighting back his tears

"You're lying stop joking around," I said with a genuine smile.

"I'm sorry" Damon's voice was filled with guilt and sorrow as he held Amber as tight as he could.

"Why are you sorry? I don't understand... Hiroto's right behind you" I made Damon glance at Hiroto. He was standing right behind Damon looking the same as he always did. Grinning about how I totally passed out.

Damon looked to where Hiroto was and his eyes flooded with tears as he looked at my blank face. Why is Damon looking at me like that...

"You totally passed out. Did you really think plot armour can't save me?" Hiroto said with a smile he always had.

"Of course not. There's no way the old friend character would die so easily" I replied. Damon looked at me with contempt, but I have no idea why. Did something happen to Rex? Meh... I couldn't care less.

"I should go back to doing my job then" I smiled at both Hiroto and Damon

I have FINALLY finished the first real chapter in a while. I've deleted the AU and I hope that's alright. The AU was just a way for me to experiment with my plot points, but this is the real deal now

An0nymouscreators' thoughts