
Dark Isekai

Another classroom teleported into another world with a bored protagonist, who's a little self-aware that he's in some kind of cliche story. View the world in Hiroto's eyes, a 16-year-old who's a big fan of anime, manga and videogames. Slowly Hiroto will see the world in a darker light. Cover Credit: Arion's card from Rage of Bahamut

An0nymous · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs


(This chapter's going to be shorter than normal, after this, I'll take a short break and I'll come back with volume 2!)

After the incident, we all come to call "the room where it happened" because only the ones in the room knew what happened and that day changed fate itself... well actually I just wanted to make a hamilton reference.

Did I mention I got turn into a demon? Oh yeah, I didn't. I turned into a demon. Apparently, you just need a high ranking demon to cast a spell on you... well technically the real way to do this is to either be born by demons or to feel so much rage/stress that you become a demon

What Damon, Misa, Em and I am is an artificial demon, less powerful than the pure ones

Amber is a pure demon, apparently, she got captured by some noble demon who tortured her until the king Rex stepped in. She was in so much stress so became a pure demon... I wish I could've helped...

I also became one of the power 9s. That includes Amber, Damon, Misa, me, Amelia, Evelyn, Lucas, Pierce and Novem

Em thought she'd want to stay in the shadows so she became a normal citizen of the demon realm

Amelia's the nicest in the group she basically just takes care of the support and protection spells, everyone likes her

Evelyn's... shady. She always... up to something. That's the most I would say about her

Lucas and Novem are just trying way too hard to please the king Rex

Pierce is just the I am loyal forever one

"Lord Ignis, his majesty called you," one of the knights said

I walked to the throne room

"You've called me your highness?"

"Yes, I did... we're going to form an alliance with the vampires"

"Aren't we already the vampire's ally?"

"No, we worked together just to defeat the heroes. That's an arrangement we had centuries ago"

"I see... then what did you call me for?"

"I'd like to assassinate the king of Leon, we'd have the bigger hand in the negotiation if we get rid of the king of the country that is the main supporter of the heroes. We'd show how powerful our race really is"

Then a knight walked in

"Right... my king, I shall proceed to the plan"

I walked out