
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 12- The Final Match.

Opening the door to the infirmary she saw Hako and Shoyo sitting up on their bed, looking off in the distance she saw Mia, walking towards her she saw Fuyu's rapped in bandages on her head and her arms. Her black Hoodie was folded up and she was wearing a blue hospital gown, seeing a breathing respirator on her a feeling of guilt came across her. Mia patted her shoulder and told her not to worry and that she will be fine. Biting her tongue, she didn't say anything but just nodded her head.

A couple of minutes passed by then all four of them heard the names of the two names of those monsters. As the two walked towards the middle they stared eye to eye.

"To have a fair and great fight lets tell each other how out abilities work." Kotsu started to jump up and down and stretched his arms and legs.

"Tch fine. You go first."

"As time passes and the more, I get worked up the stronger and faster I get."

"Let's just say I can control my flames in any way."


Simultaneously the two clashed their legs with each other creating a shockwave that even the audience could feel almost blowing them back. Then the two-fist collided with each other multiple times, using his flames he shot it right at Kotsu's face, ducking his head the ball of flames went right passed him.

Quickly recovering he threw a kick at Hisuku only for it to be blocked by his own foot, swiping his foot to the side Hisuku went for Kotsu's knees, folding his knee he blocked his kick. Without wasting another second Kotsu threw his body close to the ground and started to attack from bellow. Dodging left and right it was almost impossible for Hisuku to keep up with the dozens of barrages from below.

He started to become faster and faster, grabbing his neck with his foot Kotsu pulled him close to the ground, using his hands as leverage as he used his other foot to land a clean kick right on Hisuku's face.

Stumbling backward he already saw Kotsu right in his eyes , three swift and quick consecutive hits landed on his head. Keeping up the pace Kotsu threw another kick heading to Hisuku's back, a sudden wall of fire came between them, retracting his leg he saw the flames go down.

Licking his blood from his lips Hisuku gave a sinister grin, dashing towards him Kotsu unleashed a deadly barrage of attacks at him, with little effort Hisuku dodged and blocked all of them without breaking a sweat. Finally seeing a window, he took his chance and struck Kotsu right on his cheek and followed up with a deadly blow to his stomach sending him flying.

As he landed his feet dragged across the floor, wiping the blood from his mouth he spit on the floor. The two stood still for a minute then suddenly they vanished from sight and clashed their arms in the middle of the arena.

"Interesting so those two already know how to flash step." Ragnar started.

As Kotsu became faster Hisuku was slowly able to keep up, blow after blow, hit after hit, no matter how much the two struck each other they stood their ground. Punching one another on the cheek they jumped back, a sudden spiral of flames caged Hisuku, reading his fist Kotsu punched the air making the flames around Hisuku blow away. Stunned and surprised that his cage of flames easily broke apart he looked to where Kotsu was to only see that he was gone.

"Flashing fist!" A voice from behind him yelled out.

Kotsu fist glowed an azure blue, then a hundred punches landed on Hikusu's body in a single second. The air behind him seemed to have an effect as it suddenly blew around him, his body was launched in the air and as it landed on the ground it skipped and bounced, as he stopped, he quickly picked himself off the ground and stood up. Dusting himself off a small green flare came from the top of his head, an irritated expression came over him as the flames around him started to grow, but a sudden change was in those flames, instead of it being a dark red it was a light lime green.

His red tips and eyes changed to the same green as his flames. A feeling of bloodlust came over him for a second, but it disappeared along with his green changes reverting back to red.

The red rings made from his flames started to form around his body again, "Lets get this bullshit over with."

"So, going all out then huh? Ok let's do this!!"

An enormous burst of scorching flames surrounded Hisuku almost covering his entire body, the sheer amount of flames he produced could possibly burn down the entire castle down. The very ground underneath him started to melt as his fire grew higher.

As Kotsu planted his foot the ground underneath him shattered again and just like last time pieces of the ground rose in the air. But a bright blue flare came underneath him and started to swirl around him, opening his eyes the cross in the middle of it started to glow. In a single second with incredible speed, they bolted at each other.



As soon as the two got in each other's face and right before they could collide, they were suddenly stopping in their tracks. Not each one of them could move a single muscle, nothing was attached to them or holding them down to the ground, they were just frozen. Both of the stored-up power that was in them disappeared, Hisuku's flames gone, Kotsu's power in his fist vanished. The two suddenly regain the ability to move and fell to the ground.

"You two are a damn handful, if you had actually hit each other you would've killed everyone here. Think before you act you dumbasses." A voice of a male came from the side.

He had white hair almost like Hisuku's to the point where it almost covers his eyes, bright shining yellow eyes that glared at the both of them. An unbuttoned white with yellow outlines coat, the yellow on his coat almost looked like wires as it led up to his slightly popped up collar.

Wearing black fingerless gloves, he had a small yellow pocket watch in his right hand, having a dark grey shirt underneath his white coat leading down to his black pants and grey sneakers. Putting the pocket watch around his neck he wore it like a necklace.

"Is-is that?" Tokume started to studder to herself while staring at the screen in disbelief.

"Yeah, it is…Rokan one of the six Myth Killers."

"Who?" Shoyo questioned the two of them.

"You really don't know anything do you?"

"Nope not at all."

"Well to give you a short summary Rokan is one of the top Myth Killers and his powers is something about time," Tokume started to explain as she was still in shock, "there's not much we know since he doesn't really talk about his powers but there are a lot of theories to it."

"Tch. This was a waste of my time." Hisuku started to walk away to the nearby tunnel.

"Hey where are you going! Our fight isn't over!"

"Yes, it is. Hey white hair I resign from this match." Hisuku didn't care if it was one of the six, he told him and walked away.

"God damn brat. Fine, the winner of this Kotsu!" Rokan shouted out into the crowd.

As Cheering and yelling filled the air Hisuku disappeared into the darkness. Then a familiar voice called at him, "How was it?"

"Next time you want someone to collect data for you don't come to me Alicia." Hisuku messed with his left eye taking out a small lens and handed it to her.

Carefully grabbing it she put it into a small case and stashed it in her pocket, "Thank you and how are you feeling right now you did take a lot of hits from him."

"Since when did you start caring." Hisuku walked past her ignoring her question and sadden eyes.

Looking at the battle Tokume was almost glad she lost her match, so she didn't have to go up against that. The day was almost gone, and night was calling out, an announcement over the intercoms said that the results will take a couple of days to be decided.

Walking over towards Fuyu's still unconscious body she left a note for her saying that if she ever needed something text or call her. Exiting out of the castle Hako and Tokume waved to Shoyo as he went to another direction.

"A lot happened today." Tokume started talking as they walked home.

"Yeah, way too much happened today." Hako replied.

"Well let's just go rest up we don't know what is coming for us next!"

"We can rest when we eat, I'll cook some fish I defrosted earlier today."

Tokume jumped in the air from excitement as Hako just smiled.

The ceremony was now over.

Chapter 14- End

(I need sleep).