
Dark bounty hunter.-DanMachi FF

In a world full of gods and powerful beings. One god, he was particularly disliked. The gods feared and hated him. Because he was more powerful and brutal than them. That god was Hades. The strongest of the big three to be deceived. And lowered to the rulership of hell, which he never left until a certain point, when a certain woman was strong enough. That she had managed to emerge from the River Styx. And wander through the underground dawn alone ... A few years later, a boy was born from their relationship. This boy, as might be expected, was a demigod.Dante

Kriuswer · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
10 Chs

Son of Hell

It cannot be denied that Dante was proud of himself. Even though the fight was purely strategic and only, fighting with the ogre, it was quite exhausting. Just awakening your divinity, by tasting death, in the world above. It gave him a fair amount of complacency.

Because now he can develop his divinity, and thanks to the skill "The Shroud of Hiding". Which was created with the participation of the essence of the divinity of Hades, who has enormous power. Which makes even if some "goddess" checks his status. This is instead of "Dark Lord". She will see dark magic, which is a fairly rare skill. That a human, a dark elf, an orc, and a few others can possess. Because if they saw the name "Dark Lord", they might have guessed its true nature. By exploring the energy deeper, not that Dante would let them.

Now Dante's task is to return to the village. Well, maybe he will collect the Ogre bones first and search the "houses" for loot.

After a while, Dante is done looting. And honestly, he found nothing of interest. Aside from the bones of the goblins and the ogre, Dante found things belonging to dead women. Which monsters threw into one tent. In that garbage, he found 100 Valis and one Fire Protection Ring. It wasn't worth much because of the stone within a ring. It was rated "E", and gave 10% protection against fire.

Dante put it on his finger because 10% is always something to help him. And if there is such a need or if he finds or buys a better one, he will sell it.

Now Dante I am walking towards the village, it is not a small long way to it.

So Dante, wanting to explore a slightly larger area, took a roundabout road towards the state road that passes nearby. And to get to the village, he will have to cross the bridge.

This was what the map had told him.

And so after fifteen minutes, Dante reached an exceptionally long stone bridge.

The bridge was quite large and can be easily compared to the city walls.

The bridge has a stone fence, along the edges about one and a half meters high, and every few meters there is ... a balcony ... a vantage point. Simply put, an extra place where people can stop the carriage. To fix it and not to inhibit traffic. If there was any such thing. Because the road is empty.

Dante goes over the bridge and looks at the map he says.

(Dante)-Okay, I have to cross the bridge. And then west. Okey...

Dante's monologue was interrupted because behind the corner ... from a parking space. Dante heard the voice of a person who had clearly evil intentions.

(Bad Guy)-Stop!!

(Dante)-Listen!!-He said smiling rather oddly. Ominously.

Suddenly, a group of five bandits, who had quite good equipment, appeared in front of Dante. Maybe not so much good as better than the goblins. For example, the person who arrested Dante was wearing leather armor with metal elements. You can see that it was quite damaged, but still good. The others had only leather armor, but they weren't too bad either.

However, moments after Dante said one of the thugs he had not seen before. He walked over to him from behind and immobilized him, locking his hands quite tightly. The person who incapacitated him was probably Assassin or something similar class.

Strangely, Dante did not struggle but was looking at the person in half steel armor. Which was clearly their leader.

(leader)-We are a local bandit unit. Known as "Murderous Cut".

(leader/Jerry)-They are the two Grout brothers. Our swordsmen. Behind them is Victor, our main firepower. Our medic, Hans, is standing next to me. And behind you is Clint, our killer. And I am their leader. And my name is "bloody" Jerry.

He said first pointing to nearly identical men with a black beard and two one-handed swords.

Victor stood the farthest away from Dante and was clearly a magician. Judging by the coat and black wooden cane. Victor looked quite young with short black hair and blue eyes. And he had a cut mark scar across the center of his face.

He couldn't see Clint exactly, because he had a mask and a hood ... And he was standing behind him. he only saw that he had slightly white, unkempt short hair.

Their Leader was quite tall, approximately thirty-five years old. Short stubble, short unkempt black hair. And his face was covered with numerous scars.

(Dante)-Good morning. Nice to meet you.-He said, trying not to laugh.

(Dante)-You see, I'm in a hurry, and I have a few more animals and monsters to hunt. So if I can...

He said and tried to walk, though the killer freed his hands. He wouldn't let him go because he held the knife to his back.

(Jerry)-Shut up!! And focus.!!!


(Jerry)-You see, we're dumbfounded. Since we lost one of ours. He was the only hunter on the team.

(Hans)-He was my only friend.

Jerry walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder. And he said.

(Jerry)-Calmly. We now have a new friend.

,, This is some comedy. Hahaha..."-think Dante

(Dante)-You know it's strange ... or at least quite annoying.

(Jerry)-Shut up. And listen to your leader.

(Dante)-What if I say .... fuck off?

(Jerry)-Then we'll kill you.

(Dante)-That's why I'm glad I stopped myself.

A few hours later.

Dante hides with the bandits, waiting for the victim. While the leader takes out the old telescope and looks for the victims.

(Dante)-But it's boring. We'll be waiting here all day.

(Jerry)-Patience. My friend.-He said to Dante. Which one is sitting, leaning against the wall, next to him.


(Dante)-Hey..Hey ... someone's coming.

He said when he saw the person who had just climbed the bridge. This person was dressed quite modestly. It was the hunter who set out to hunt from the village next door ... Not the village where Anna, Ronan, and Natasha live.

As soon as he said that, something happened. What Dante did not expect.

(jerry)-Ready, prepare to attack !!

Dante ignores them and tries to do it on his own.

(Dante)-halo!!! You need help...

However, he fails to finish the sentence because Jerry interrupts him. Hitting the frame.

(Jerry)-What are you doing??!!

(Dante)-We have grilled meat !!

(Jerry)-You fool. You betrayed our position.

At Jerry's words, the hunter realizes what is going on and runs away.

(Dante)-Eyyy....You scared him.

(Jerry)-Not at all.

(Dante)-Old. How many people have you robbed this week?

As soon as he asked about it. There was a long awkward silence.

(Dante)-You see You are hopeless bandits. People's insight are not being shot. They are tempted by their promises of friendship...

(Jerry)-You're so good, why...

(Dante)-Shut up, someone's coming.

(Dante)-Let me talk this time.

Another unconscious one,, random" walks over the bridge until Dante leans out and speaks.

(Dante)-Hey man, do you need something?

(Dante)-I have grilled meat.

Ten minutes later.

Dante and Jerry are standing over the body of some traveler. Who now has many sword wounds in his flesh.

(Dante)-You have to admit that my methods are better.


As soon as Jerry finishes speaking, Dante walks wordlessly towards the other end of the bridge, not the one he came from.

(Jerry)-Hey!! Where are you going?

(Dante)-I quit. I end.-he said, tracing his finger over the end of the bridge.

(Jerry)-Clint. Stop him!


Dante then turns to face Jerry face to face. And he smiles like a demon ... sadistically.

(Dante)-You knew your friends love grilled meat a lot.

(Dante)-Did you know that?

(Dante)-You knew, Hans always wanted to eat grilled meat.

(Dante)-Little grilled meat, for his kids.- He said while showing Jerry the bloody drawing of the Hans family. Hans always kept with him.

(Jerry)-What have you done !!

Dante continues smiling and continues on.

(Dante)-You knew, Clint always wanted to eat grilled meat.

(Dante)-Did you know that?

(Dante)-You knew, Two Grout brothers always wanted to eat grilled meat.

(Dante)-Did you know that?

(Dante)-You knew, Victor always wanted to eat grilled meat.

(Dante)-Did you know that?

(Dante)-I have to tell you something, man.

Then Dante brings his face close to Jerry's, so close. That they are only a few centimeters apart. And then he speaks in a sinister, even demonic voice.

(Dante)-I stabbed them to death.

(Dante)-When you looting this innocent man's body.

(Dante)-Whom you killed.

Jerry's almost crying, and Dante doesn't stop anyway.

(Dante)-What kind of feeling is it?

As soon as he says it. Jerry drops to his knees and begins to cry.

He slowly turns her head and sees the bloody parts of her body sticking out as she forms it. Which stick out behind the wall.

And then Dante walks away slowly, leaving him behind. And when he was already several meters away from him. He turns to see Jerry screaming at him in hatred.

(Jerry)-*cry* You will pay for what you did!! *cry*

(Jerry)-You Pay!!!

Dante turns with a devilish expression on his face.

And as he was about to leave the bridge, he hears Jerry screaming.

(Jerry)-Who the fuck are you?

Dante turns around and his eyes turn black. all.

(Dante)-God of death, bitch.-He said and fired an arrow. Which hit between Jerry's eyes.

I wanted to show the nature of growing up in Hell. Between the demons. And I could overdo it. So sorry, how waht?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts